High production of animal products in Organic Farming by using herbal and ethanoveterinary practices of ectoparasiticide


Dr. Yash Bhargava1, Jagnoor Singh Sandhu2, Dr. Sandeep Kour3 and Ashish rathore4
1. M.V.Sc. Scholar, Division of Parasitology, Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India-181102.
2. Student of B.V.Sc & A.H, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India-181102
3. Project coordinator in division of Veterinary parasitology(Phd LPM).
4. Student of B.V.Sc & A.H, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, DUVASU, Mathura.
Corresponding author: Dr Yash Bhargava, Email: yashbhargava94@gmail.com


In animals many of the diseases occurs some are fatal and some are non-fatal. The diseases which would not cause death then they cause loss with respect to economics of the owner by reduction in production from the animals. External parasitic infestation is one of them in these diseases which cause animals in the stress condition. Many of the drugs are used as ectoparasitisides from last 40 yrs and now a days due to extensive as well as non scientific use of those drugs causes development of the resistance in the arthropods so they are not repelled or killed as much effectively as they were before and certain drugs also enters the food-chain and harm the animals as well as humans by depositing in the body, so to overcome these problems herbal medicines and ethanoveterinary practices are the safest of one as the scenario demands organic food products. We have mentioned some of them which can be easily used by the poor people as they are cost effective and easily available in the villages.

Small red flies:

These flies are very irritating. they lay eggs in fermenting fruit and vegetables, larvae emerge and feed on the matter. They can be repelled by rubbing of kerosene oil on the animal and smudge fire play an important role in the animal sheds. Fruit flies are also attracted to rotting bananas, potatoes, onions and other unrefrigerated produce purchased at the grocery store. This fact sheet will explain how infestations originate and how they can be prevented in your home or place of business. Fruit flies are common wherever food is allowed to rot and ferment. they are around 1/8 inch long. There front body part is tan and the rear is black. Fruit flies lay their eggs near the surface of fermenting foods or other moist, organic materials. the tiny larvae feed near the surface of the fermenting mass.



They don’t fly or jump, many types of ticks climb up to the tips of grasses and wait. They feed on blood to make it through, egg to larva to nymph to adult. If one of these meals contains a blood-borne pathogen (or disease-causing microbe), the tick can pass it on a new host in their next life stage.
Salty plants are feed to the animal along with it picking off and burning of ticks every morning which are found on the animals. Piercing ticks with a needle or a blade which are there on the animal. In case of camel thorny bushes are placed at the infested place so that camel will not roll on them. Pounding few leaves up to 5-6 of Mountain Aloe and mix 300ml paraffin oil and kitchen ash about 2 hand full to make a paste for applying on infested part of the animal. Use of hagar gum, guggle, myrrh can be used for topical application and through smoke treatment (by sprinkle on ignited cow dung cake) in the animal shed continuously for some days. Eletetecleit and birch leaved cat tail plant leaves can be used for smearing of paste on the affected surface on animal. 100gm of salt in 1 lit of water is used for bathing of animal. Rubbing of old engine oil on infested area animal is allowed to wallow in the shallow muddy pools. Infested animal should be quarantined and keeps away from the healthy/non infested animal. Livestock housing should be regularly cleaned and all the crevices of the shed is filled with cement and lime to make them smooth if the floor of the shed is made from bricks or if there is any crevice in the floor then spray the kerosene oil in the crevice and put on the fire and it is done with all crevices of the floor and if possible then it is done with all crevices of the walls if the shed also. All the weeds and bushes are being removed as set on fire frequently. Chickens, crows and same birds eat the ticks so they can be reared near the animal sheds. Neem tree, Maruha plant/basil plant are some of the tick repellent plants which can be grown near the animal sheds. Grazing on infested pasture land, fodder from infested pasture land, shady areas under trees and moist cool places in the shed or near the or near the shade should be avoided. Tobacco is having more powerful action against ticks and can be used for rubbing or smearing on the body surface of animal. During the time of milking ticks can be hand picked and a herbal ectoparasiticide AV/EPP/14 can be used against lice and tick infestation on buffalo and cattle.


Livestock insects:

Lighting the smudge fires or burning an old tires at the resting site of livestock animals. Corrals can be sprinkled with lime or creosote on affected area of the animal livestock pests can be controlled by burning of rangelands which are used for grazing in each season.

Tsetse fly:

With an average length of about 0.2 to 0.6 inches, tsetse fly has ability to fold its wings completely (one wing tucked below other wing) when it is resting. Yellowish brown or dark brown in color with dark markings on the thorax, it appears like large house fly. Its body has sparse, bristle-like hairs.
Dust and ointment of Dhaincha plant and tobacco is used to repel the tsetse fly. Oil of neem plant can be smered over the body surface, latex of Asthma plant or Euphorbia, in India it is also called as dando thor can also be smeared on the affected part of animals body. Common sesban also known as Jayanti and its emulsion is made for the control of tsetse fly.

Livestock flea and lice:

Normally goat lice are host specific and can attack their close relatives like sheep. There are five species of goat louse that fall into two categories based on feeding habits. The sucking lice feed by piercing the skin with tiny needle like mouthparts to take blood directly from the capillaries. The chewing lice (also known as biting lice) have large robust mouthparts designed to scrape and abrade the skin and hair
Magadi soda powder used for springle in sheds and animals can also be washed with aloe leaves suspension.

Livestock lice:

Animals can be washed with garlic suspension, eucalyptus oil or leaves along with bule gum or pest ban a herbal preparation can also be used. Camel urine, mixture of camel urine and salty soil, cow dung, paste of clay, donkeys, goats, sheeps and camel bone`s fat can be smeared or rubbed over the surface of affected animals body or infested area. Washing of affected area on animal with salty water. In case of camels they are shaved and camels urine and salty soil is rubbed on its skin is also one of the method to get rid of tsetse fly.


Nasal bots:

Bot flies occasionally target humans, dogs and cats. they are likely to cause infection in the throat or eye where they can cause severe irritation in nasal area where they can cause breathing problems
Animal should be kept away from thickets especially during rainy season. Suspension of root of dholi ringni plant (solanum incanum) is putted in nostrils and juice of its fruit can also be use instead of suspension of root, a teaspoon full of root suspension of melon (kharbooza), sheep milk into nostrils to sneeze out maggots.


They lives in water and near water bodies when animals reaches near water bodies to drink water or for bathing at that time they stick on the body of the animal in large amount and feeds on the blood they secret huridin enzyme as an anti-coagulant and on removing of the leech the blood ooses from the infested area for a long period of time.
Suspension of tobacco can be used to treat it and avoid the animals to move in leech infected areas and if the animal is infested then physically manual removal of leech is done from animals.
Banana leaves along with garlic extract seemed to have anti-ectoparasitic property on infected swines.

Skin sore of cattle- powdered dung of hyenas can be used for dusting
In case of mange/ scabies- caustic s and Indian rhubarb can be rubbed on the mange lesion, milk, vinegar, olive oil, lard, ashes, soot, sulphur, turpentine oil, crank case oil and mineral water can be administered as drenches or feeds. Motor oil and or sesame oil is smered on affected area, powdered charcoal of tooth brush tree (Hindi name meswak/kharathal/chota pilu)is mixed with a liter of ghee and applied topically on affected area.
Alpaca mange- pig fat rancid camelid grease, boiling- hot lard, rancid urine, sulphur, stove ash, shoot from earthen cook-pots, masticated coca leaf, old motor oil and battery acid (after dilution upto itching could not occur) can be used effectively.

In general ruminants:

ectoparasites- micture of ash of burnt cattle manure and water of terwi-plant can also be used.

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