By DIG (Dr.) Sudhakar Natarajan, ITBP

China petrified of Mishmi Blood Oath

Amik Matai Ringya Jawmallo !!!

These will be the last words any Chinese PLA soldier hears, as his breath ebbs away after being trapped in the dark jungles by an unseen adversary.

This sends a chill down the Chinese spines, since the dawn of time. Since the beginning of civilisation the fiercely proud Arunachal Tribes have been subjugated by none. The Huns never dared to enter the swamp jungles and hills, where one can’t see two feet ahead, where is some areas raindrops are caught by the thick foliage before they hit the ground and even sunlight fails pierce the razor sharp bamboo grass.

The tribal war cry still curdles the blood of the Chinese. Historically they were petrified to set foot into this military Waterloo, but in 1911 the Chinese Army did try to enter northern Mishmi Jungles in Arunachal, but they died even before they came in contact with the Tribal warriors. The deadly booby traps made by the Tribes, impaled them through their hearts , spleens , liver and intestines, before they could even know what was happening. Only one Chinese soldier returned back, completely spooked, to narrate fate of the patrol party.

From that day onwards, this is so singed into their consciousness that even during the 1962 conflict, the Chinese Army avoided these tribal areas before reaching the plains of Assam, and finally had to go back.

The brave Tribes are known to fight any intruder till the bloody end. They know the language of love, care and mutual respect. Now they fully stand as proud Indians behind our National flag.


During the all powerful sacred Tribal Council, headed by the GB ( gaon burrha), the Tribes are very angry when the news trickled down on how the PLA has behaved in a distant Ladakh. A united oath taken in 2018, was again reiterated in presence of Mishmi Gods, that no Chinese boots would be allowed to enter this green paradise.

The brave Mishmi tribal elders have been so touched by the affection and care exhibited by the ITBP ( Indo Tibetan Border Police) that they have given a signed “blood oath “, the highest Tribal Honour given to anyone, that they will stand by ITBP during war and will not cede a single inch of their ancestral land to any foreign invader.

This tribal blood oath was signed on behalf of the Mishmi Council, that represents the Mishmi tribes of the strategically placed Lohit Valley, in presence of their Gods.

This blood oath was received by to DIG Sudhakar Natarajan, on behalf of DG ITBP, in April 2018 in response to the compassionate veterinary outreach programme launched for the care of all animals of the tribes by ATS Lohitpur ITBP.

It does not get any bigger than this. The support of these brave Indian tribes are a strategic asset, as they are living in these areas since the sun existed, they know their way through the dense jungles, can survive anywhere and they can track anyone in their own terrain.

And the Chinese can not operate in these tropical jungles with their mechanised infantry. They cannot roll out their artillery guns in these jungles. Simply because there are no tracks. Their observation post can’t see beyond two feet in these dense foliage. This is ten times as bad as what was faced in the jungles of Vietnam by the US Army. The Chinese Army will have to send boots on the ground. And these boots will not know which way to step. Once the Chinese soldier enters the tribal jungles, he becomes a hapless victim, not the attacker. These jungles belong to the genetic code of the tribes of Arunachal. They have an advantage in knowing the routes and can track any enemy for ITBP. They are our strategic assets. The technology of the PLA war machine is useless in the Mishmi Jungles. Chinese satellite can’t see through forest cover. Chinese fighter planes with their precision guided weapons will not know where to hit, in the fear of killing own troops. Tanks ruled out.

READ MORE :  Strengthening Veterinary Resilience

China is afraid. Very afraid of the blood oath.

Their blood congeals on learning that ITBP will have their tribal brothers and sisters. supporting them, during any eventuality.

Yes, our Arunachal tribes will synergistically assist our Forces during both war, peace and NWNP ( no war no peace ).

It is said that tribal blood oath have no expiry , and will last till the last Mishmi walk on this sacred land

Amik Matai Ringya Jawmallo !!!

About the author :

DIG Sudhakar Natarajan is a serving veteran veterinarian of ITBP, a border guarding Force, who has put in three decades of service in all theatres of operations of the Force.
He is a masters in Vet Surgery from Pantnagar.


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