Abhishek Rai, President PAWSj, Jamshedpur.
& Dr.AK Jha, Secretary,JAWS.

Dr.Roushan Raj,PhD


• “Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge”.

• Every graduate entering into veterinary profession swears an oath not only to protect animal health but also welfare, to not only relieve animal suffering but to prevent it, this is what defines the goals, responsibilities of a veterinarian (RCVS, 2006; AVMA, 2010).
‘’Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

As per world organization of Animal Health (OIE), animal welfare means how an animal is coping with the condition in which it lives. An animal is in good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behavior and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear and distress. Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and veterinary treatment, appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane handling and humane slaughter/killing.
John Webster defines animal welfare by advocating three positive conditions: Living a natural life, being fit and healthy, and being happy. Animal welfare can also be expressed in terms of following five freedoms , Government of UK)to animals:

  1. Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
  2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area
  3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment
  4. Freedom to express (most) normal behavior by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind
  5. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering


  1. To monitor the implementation of PCA Act and the rules in the state
  2. To recommend sawbj for derecognise SPCAs that are nonworking or misusing their mandate
  3. To encourage the formation of animal welfare organizations in the different part of state
  4. To monitor the activities of such NGOs
  5. To conduct awareness programs or help NGOs conduct awareness programs though various media including pamphlets, TV and radio, workshops for specific issues on the direction of SAWBs
  6. To conduct training/education programs of specific target groups such as journalists, police, teachers and government officials on the direction of SAWBs
  7. To conduct training programs of people already in the animal welfare movement in order to increase their effectiveness
  8. To assist the legal wing / panel of lawyer’s that can be called to contest cases to assist NGOs with their legal cases if needed.
  9. To participate in the Animal Birth Control programs ,vaccination and sterilization programs in their area
  10. To Monitor the use of animals in experiments and take action when animals are subjected to unnecessary pain and suffering
  11. To Inspect slaughterhouses, both municipal and private, to ensure standard protocols laid down by AWBI
  12. To regulate and oversee the transport of animals to such slaughterhouses is carried out in a legal and humane manner
  13. To advise the State animal husbandry departments, with regard to problems ,solutions related to animal welfare activities in their area
  14. To prohibit the use of animals such as birds, monkeys, mongooses, snakes, bears etc for street entertainment. All such animals will be confiscated and rehabilitated.
    15 . To prohibit all blood sports such as dog fighting, cockfighting, ram fighting, snake – mongoose fighting etc.
    16 .To prohibit the introduction of air or any chemical substance by injection into milch animals.
    17 To help Govt. machinery towards the licensing and taxation of all dog and cat sellers
    18 To monitor raising, housing and selling of animals/birds for the purpose of meat. Any violations of the BSI and Prevention of Food Adulteration Act specifications will result in action taken.
    19 . To encourage the use of natural pesticides and cow dung, cow urine for purposes of fertilizer, alternative sources of energy, medicinal purposes etc.
    20 . To help Govt. official to regulate the export/import of species and advise the government on the banning of particular species
    21 .To respond to complaints about the misuse and abuse of pets by their owners
    22 .To find out innovative idea or suggestion in improvement in the design of vehicles so as to lessen the burden on draught animals
    23 . To take action in respect of any activity that concerns the amelioration of pain and suffering to animals
    24 .To encourage cow based rural economy among farmers
    25 .To encourage concept of organic farming in the state & country
    26 .To popularize the importance of our Deshi cow through the concept of A2 milk
    27 .To encourage and popularize the importance of Panchagavya among common people
    28 .To encourage and popularize the importance of GOMUTRA & its different product on scientific line
    29 .To assist officials of forest & wildlife in animal welfare activities.
    30 .To conserve & protect indigenous livestock through Livestock breeding protocols, utilization of sexed semen.
    31 .To provide vet help to Goshala,pinjarapole society, kanzi house etc and try to help them for self sustainable.
    32 .To participate in no plastic awareness programs & its menaces in stray cattle in urban areas
    33 .To promote ITK , ETHNO VETETERINARY KNOWLEDGE,use of Ayurvedic & Homeopathic medicine, Importance of cow therapy, pet therapy, aqua therapy etc
    34 .Adopting advance diagnostic technique, prosthetic leg, lever pulley jack system, ultrasonography,cs etc
    35 .Conducting kisan gosthi for awareness about GMP( Good management practices) ,SPA act, Antibiotic resistance, myth & superstitions prevalent among Livestock farmers .
    36 .Formation of animal lover/ pet lover group in the respective area.
    37 . Assisting & coordinating disaster management team in case of need
    38 ..Assisting public health services by working together in disease control & surveillance like rabies, anthrax, swine flu, bird flu
    39 .Promoting harmony in the society through pet /cow adoption


1.Froud NGOs in the name of SPCA should be banned completely
2.Provision for DEAD ANIMAL CARCASS CARRING VAN in urban areas with NAC/ MUNCIPLITY
3 Place for carcass disposal/burial with JSPCB( Jharkhand state pollution control board) norms
4.Provision for a mobile clinic van in each district

  1. DSPCA (District SPCA) should be equipped with facility like disease diagnosis, pulley jack elevator system(To lift the cattle who are unable to stand its own due to slip leg condition) , portable ultrasonography etc
    6.There should be a provision ‘’animal welfare rapid response team ‘’comprising vets, police personnel , animal lovers/ gorakshak,transport department ,ngos
    7.Provision for registration of pet owners/animal activist/livestock traders/ animal lovers, meat shops/ slaughter houses ( Registerd & Un Registered), pet shops, pet breeders, aquarium shops etc
    8.Provision for a post of veterinary doctor in the NAC( Notified area committee) , municipality
    9.Establishment of livestock check post/ naka at the state entry gate
    10.To involve corporate sector in Animal welfare activities through CSR ( Corporate social responsibility).
    Reference:On request.
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