Tropical Animal Genetics(TAG) is a reproductive technology company that provides superior genetic gains in breeding programs to enhance productivity thereby ensuring sustainable and profitable
production of animal protein.

From a country of acute milk shortage to becoming the world’s leading milk producer, India has transformed tremendously when it comes to production of milk. We also take pride in having the largest bovine population in the world and over the years, Government has taken considerable initiatives to counter the emerging challenges in Bovine breeding systems such as – growing population, climate change and expanding urbanization. To provide a helping hand to the Government initiatives, Tropical Animal Genetics (TAG) has taken up the responsibility to revolutionize the dairy industry through its biotechnological innovations.

TAG was established in 2014, with the purpose to utilise Science and Innovation to increase productivity through superior genetics, help farmers broaden their avenues of income, and provide the world with a sustainable cost effective protein future, attained through conventional methods. A feather in its hat comes in the form of, it being the first Indian company to use In Vitro Fertilization – Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) technology on an industrial scale in cattle. A unique proposition solution that ensures superior genetics and higher milk yield.The Motto of this company is to:





Here is the excerpts of the Interview between the Editor In Chief of Pashudhan Praharee & Dr Pravin Kini, Founder & Managing Director, Tropical Animal Genetics.(NB-Here ,PP has been denoted for Pashudhan Praharee)

PP-Dr.Pravin, as we know that the biggest challenge of India’s Dairy farmer’s is to cope up with the repeat breeding problem in the Dairy cattle. How TAG can accept this challenge to solve the problem?

Dr.Pravin-TAG is uniquely centred to tackle this problem with our product Gaubryo (Embryo derived pregnancies) for cattle that are unable to become pregnant naturally or through Artificial Insemination.

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PP-The number of heads of dairy cattle in India is the largest in the world, we are also number one in terms of total milk production but our place is far behind in terms of per dairy cattle head milk production. How TAG can think to solve this problem?


Dr.Pravin-IVF embryos can allow for selection of best pedigree animals and assure genetics which can almost double milk yield for future animals. This ensures doubling productivity and income for farmers without doubling number of animals. Lower cattle population is better for the environment and can solve stray cattle issue in India.

Embryo technology brings to bear huge benefits, which include the following:

  • Cattle that has been designed for each class of farmer based on his ability to provide inputs and the climatic condition. This will optimize his animal to provide him the maximum profits.
  • Embryo has the scope to develop new traits in the animal such as resistance to various diseases, which in turn reduces the need to vaccinate, and other production traits such as persistent lactation.

PP-How is your innovative technology would be helpful in doubling farmer’s income by 2022 asper the mandate of Govt of India.

Dr.Pravin-Through our different product and services offerings such as High Merit Semen Doses, door to door Artificial Insemination services, and embryos TAG aims to increase milk yield per animal. Improving milk yield per animal through affordable assured genetics will assure the farmer revenue and help double dairy farmers income through improved productivity.

PP-How can you assist state implementing agencies to help them to achieve 70% AI Success rate?

Dr.Pravin-Through our TAI model (Technology Enabled AI) which contains 4 components that are aimed to address 4 different challenges/ roadblocks in current conception rates from AI.

  • Right Place (Our artificial insemination visual aided gun GauScope. has an inbuilt camera which allows visualization of uterine cavity and helps ensure that the semen is being deposited in the uterine horns which increases the pregnancy success rates).
  • Right Time (AI should be performed when the animal is in heat within in a 24 hour window, our bovine activity recording monitor BAM helps alert the AI technician or farmer about the right time for the service).
  • Right Recording – our software will provide a single platform to record all aspects of breeding not limited to heat cycle but also vaccination and feed. Data will help optimize breeding solutions and total milk productivity.
  • Right Person – TAG certified AI technician will be able to ensure better pregnancy rates and success.
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PP-How do you help the state animal husbandry department in the capacity building of the AI workers?

Dr.Pravin-TAG is working on innovations in AI including new tools, which require training. TAG is planning on creating standardized training for AI technicians. TAG certified AI technicians will be able to ensure better pregnancy rates and success.

PP-How is your workmode operations is different from other AI service provider organization?

Dr.Pravin-Our USP is making world-class technology accessible to Indian dairy farmers at affordable prices to help improve their productivity. Through the use of science innovation and training, we assure a higher AI success rate, which reduces the time between lactations. We also use quality high merit semen to ensure quality calf with higher milk yield.

PP-Till date the use of IVF has been limited to lab or govt institution level, Does your company provide such a facility on a commercial basis to interested dairy entrepreneurs?

Dr.Pravin-TAG is the first Indian company to launch IVF embryos on an industrial scale. We provide both embryo transfer services (Gaubryo) as well as live pregnant animals (TBG Live TM) through our brandTBG Live (Tropical Bovine Genetics). Although embryo IVF technology is more expensive than AI, TAG is working on new inventions in our pipeline that can further bring down costs of embryo technology.

PP-How can you work with state Govt’s in the field of Dairy breed improvement & Milk productivity program at the Panchayat level?

Dr.Pravin-We can organize workshops that educate dairy farmers in a particular village about our technologies and provide financial linkage programs or crowd funding for farmers who are unable to afford our technology. We can also help consult farmers on which breeds are most suitable for their needs.

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PP-How is yourTAG strategy in breed improvement & milk production enhancement program would be sustainable for long run in India?

Dr.Pravin-Embryo Transfer – will help farmers refocus on breed selection, in order to select traits such as better milk productivity, better heat and disease resistance, higher feed conversion ratio. Genetically superior gains will ensure higher profitability to the dairy farmer. We can also work towards development of indigenous breeds that are better suited to Indian conditions.

Improved productivity keep cattle population in check and help in creating sustainability in the long run.

PP-What about your experience in this field & what is your present assignment going on?

Dr.Pravin-TAG is working on new research initiatives that will increase efficiency of both AI and embryos and further reduce prices. TAG is also working on setting up new commercial manufacturing facilities for embryos as well as breeder farms to convert embryos to milching cows that can be sold to dairy farmers.

TAG is working on scaling up the TAI (Technology Enabled AI) model with corporate dairies.

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