J.Jayalakshmi,(BVT15029) final year,

Veterinary college and Research Institute, Tirunelveli,

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University(Tanuvas) (9025237162).


To increase the farmers income through livestock sector in real terms require restructuring livestock process and policy interventions.In India livestock sector plays an important role in the economic condition of farmers.About 70% of livestock is controlled by the landless small and marginal farmers. The concept of doubling the farmers income by 2022 was given by honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji on February 29 2016 in Bareilly, Uttar pradesh.Contribution of livestock and poultry sectors to national economy in terms of GDP is 4.1% and 0.9% respectively. To enhance the farmers income, there are three fundamental ways, Increasing gross income, reducing cost, stabilizing the income. Increasing income by improving production, integrated under diversified forming, better market price utilization and special policy measures are needed. Meat and meat products are themain livestock products exported. To promote the farmers welfare by increasing production, adoption of new technology is needed. Farming is very risky due to many factors like unpredictability of weather, globalization, shrinking water table and natural calamities. Doubling real income of farmers indirectly influences food security and nutritional status of the nation. It is possibleonly through proper implementation of appropriate strategies.


Livestock farmers income, policy interventions, landless and marginal farmers, doubling farmers income,three fundamental ways,NSSO’ survey, growth rate , veterinarian’s role, encouraging young people, extension works, awareness, integrated and diversified farming, value added products, better breeding policies, government schemes, upward push of minimum support price.


To increase the farmers income through livestock sector in real terms requires restructuring livestock process and policy interventions. In India livestock sector plays an important role to improve economic condition of farmers. About 70% of livestock is controlled by landless small and marginal farmers. This contribute about 16% of their income more so in states like Gujarat (24.4%),Haryana(24.2%) and Punjab (20%).The Agri-sector engages about 57% of total working population and 73% rural labour force. NSSO’ situation survey 2002-03 to 2012-13 are only source of data on farmers income. According to survey the average per capita rise of income is about 13.7% and to achieve the target there is a required rise of 15% which is a slight variation but the real income of farmers calculated on the basis of GDP deflator shows a growth of only 5.2% percent ,if consumer price index for agriculture labours are concerned, the growth rate still fall to 3.5% with this growth rate the doubling of farmers income will take 20 years so to achieve the target as soon as possible there is a need for much greater effort and focused attention.

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Current population of livestock and their products and their value of importance in Indian economy

Need for raising the Income

To promote farmers welfare by increasing production, adopting the new technologies is essential. Farming is very risky due to unpredictability of weather.Increasing cost of production, globalization, shrinking water table, repeated crop failure, natural calamities and other financial hurdles lead to farmer suicide. Young people are less interested due to lack of credit and negative perception towards farming.Toovercome all these hindrances and to eradicate poverty and ensuring food security and for the prevention of famine in future, improving the economic condition and enhancing the livelihood of small farmers, doubling the livestock farmers income is so much needed one.

Hurdles for the target

  • Improving the productivity in a huge population of low producing animalis a major challenge. Average milk yield of Indian cattle(1172 kg) is 50% of the global average.
  • Deficit of dryfodder, concentrates and green folder is 10%, 33% and 35%. Frequent outbreak of diseases likeFMD,BQ,Swine fever on the vaccination failure, lack of availability of vet supportand technical manpower, insufficient livestock coverage (only 5% of the farm households in India) lack of access to organized markets and meagreprofits distract farmers from investing into improved technologies under quality input.

Recommendations to achieve the target

1.Crossbreeding, upgrading, selective breedingare the most effective way for improving productivity.

  1. Increasefunding, subsidy and bank loan.Central government contributes 10% of total investment.
  2. NDP should be implemented as a national project.
  3. Fodder productioncan be increased by raising fodder crop as catch crop between the main cropping seasons.
  4. Building dairy cooperative networks like AMUL,URMUL etc., besides handling liquid milk along with the value added products formation fetches higher price.
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6.By product utilization inedible offal and animal waste from meat plant has large potential to be used as a valuable protein or materials for support.

  1. Compulsory livestock insurance provided by the public sector. Stategovernment organise camps like krishimela in KVK to provide information to farmers helping providing loan with the low interest to farmers.

8.Promotingcontract farming on poultry creates mutual benefit.

  1. Woman livestock producing training as majority of livestock production is managed by women labours.
  2. Implementing Agri-business hubs, ICT based agricultural extension brings incredible opportunities.

11.Promoting breeding services like training and regulation of AI technicians.

12.Popularising Kisan credit scheme, Women self help groups.

13.Multipurpose usage In integrated farming ( In NAVSARI,GUJARAT, reported to utilize the wallowing pond made for buffaloes for freshwater agriculture and fish yield).

  1. Fixedminimum support price for livestock product. Farmer is mainly concerned with profit he gets from particular commodity.Upward push in price create a good interest in farming activities.15.Make aware of the existing schemes to illiterate people (Livestock Health and Disease Control Scheme by DADF, Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme assisted through NABARD for financial activities , Feed and Fodder development scheme,RashtriyaGokulMission for development and conservation of indigenous breeds).Role of veterinarian
    Veterinarians play the significant role in doubling the farmers income by guiding livestock farmers regarding animal husbandry practices such as feeding house and health management, prevention of disease, provide information regarding timely vaccination, give information about livestock policy schemes, teach farmers about the benefit of diversification and value addition of milk and milk by-products.Conclusion

    Doublingreal income of farmers is a formidable task but can be possible only through proper implementation of appropriate strategies.Thus it is concluded that genetic improvement of poor yielding livestock, upward push in MSP, creating awareness about opportunities available for commercialization and diversification, facilities, markets, insurance and government policies must be created among the farmers. Strengthening extension services and repetition of AMUL cooperative model,Namakkal model for poultry production,increasing backyard poultry farming are the key ways to double farmers income. Farmer is not a labour or poor among the poorest, he is the ANNADATA in real sense. Agriculturer (Farmer) needed to transform into entrepreneur to double the income adopting innovative approach and technology. Doubling the farmers income not only enhances the livelihood of farmers, it provides food security, eradicate poverty and better nutritional status of the people and makes our country self-reliant in many ways.Rather than giving a fish teach them how to fish is the best gratitude we can show to those who work in acres not in hours .


    • Annual Report (2017-2018) Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries: 4-87
    • Doubling of Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry by 2022DeepikaTekam, Nikita SonawaneAdhitiBhanotra and Manish Sawantin International journal of current microbiology and applied sciences.
    • Kumari B (2017). Importance of livestock sector in doubling of farmer’s income by 2022. Indian journal of economics and development. Pp. 136-140.
    • ROLE OF LIVESTOCK IN DOUBLING THE FARMERS INCOME –NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE AND THE WAY FORWARD O.P. Dinani, Pramod Ku. Tyagi, Anil Kumar Giri and DukareSagarPopat. In International journal of science, technology and information.
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