A Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Care: Ensure Your Furry Friend’s Healthy Start


A Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Care: Ensure Your Furry Friend’s Healthy Start

 Babul Rudra Paul1, Bijay Kumar Patra2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, O.U.A.T, Bhubaneswar-751003

2Director, Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, O.U.A.T, Bhubaneswar-751003


Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. However, along with the joys of puppyhood come important responsibilities, particularly in ensuring your furry friend’s health and well-being. Proper puppy feeding, deworming, and vaccination are essential components of raising a healthy and happy canine companion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of these crucial aspects to provide you with the knowledge and guidance necessary for giving your puppy the best start in life.

  • Puppy Feeding:

The foundation of a puppy’s health begins with proper nutrition. As your puppy grows, their nutritional needs shift. Choosing the right food and feeding regimen is crucial for supporting healthy growth and development. 

  • Understanding Nutritional Needs:

The nutritional requirements of puppies differ from those of adult dogs. We’ll discuss the essential nutrients necessary for optimal puppy growth, including protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Energy: Puppies necessitate ample energy (calories) to sustain their growing bodies and heightened activity levels.

Protein: Puppies who have recently transitioned from nursing typically demand higher protein content in their diet, which gradually decreases with age.

Fat: Fat is indispensable for the growth of puppies due to its calorie density, provision of essential fatty acids, and facilitation of vital vitamin absorption.

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Carbohydrates: Until reaching adulthood, carbohydrates should constitute approximately 20% of the food’s dry matter to enhance a puppy’s metabolism and overall well-being.

Calcium and phosphorus: Growing puppies require elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus to support the development of their bones. However, large- and giant-breed puppies necessitate controlled calcium intake to prevent excessive growth rates.

Copper: Copper is essential in a puppy’s diet to avert copper deficiency, which manifests as hair pigment loss, toe hyperextension, splayed toes, and anemia.

Digestibility: Puppies have immature digestive systems, necessitating highly digestible food to mitigate gastrointestinal discomfort. Formulas tailored for puppies prioritize digestibility by incorporating energy-rich nutrients like protein and fat.

– Amino acids:

  • Arginine:As puppies cannot synthesize arginine independently, it’s deemed essential and is supplemented in puppy-formulated dog foods.
  • Phenylalanine and tyrosine:These amino acids are vital for growth, mandating a minimum content of 1% in the diet of growing puppies.
  • Selecting the Right Puppy Food:

With numerous options available, selecting the best food for your puppy can be overwhelming. We’ll provide guidance on deciphering pet food labels, choosing between dry kibble, canned, or raw diets, and considering special dietary needs.

  • Feeding Schedule and Portion Control:

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule and appropriate portion sizes is vital for maintaining your puppy’s health and preventing obesity. We’ll offer practical advice on establishing a feeding routine and adjusting portion sizes as your puppy grows.

  • Deworming Your Puppy:

Parasitic infestations are common among puppies and can lead to various health issues if left untreated. Deworming is a critical preventive measure to protect your puppy from internal parasites.


Understanding Internal Parasites:

We’ll discuss common types of internal parasites that affect puppies, including roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Understanding the life cycle and symptoms of these parasites is essential for effective treatment and prevention.

 Deworming Protocols:

Developing a deworming protocol tailored to your puppy’s age, lifestyle, and risk factors is crucial. Recommended deworming regimens emphasize the necessity of communicating with your veterinarian for personalized recommendations.

Preventive Measures:

Alongside deworming, implementing preventive measures such as maintaining a clean living environment, practicing good hygiene and regular fecal examinations can help minimize the risk of parasitic infections in your puppy.

  • Puppy Vaccination:

Vaccination plays a pivotal role in protecting puppies from infectious diseases that pose serious health threats. Understanding the vaccination schedule and ensuring timely administration of vaccines is paramount for building immunity.

Core Vaccines vs. Non-Core Vaccines:

Core vaccines are essential for all puppies regardless of lifestyle, and non-core vaccines, which are recommended based on individual risk factors such as geographic location and exposure to specific pathogens.

Vaccination Schedule:

The recommended immunization plan for pups includes initial vaccinations, booster doses, and periodic revaccination to ensure immunity throughout their lifetimes. 

  • Conclusion:

Raising a healthy puppy needs patience, care, and sound decision-making, especially when it comes to feeding, deworming, and vaccination. Understanding your puppy’s nutritional needs, executing a deworming program, and adhering to a vaccination schedule advised by your veterinarian can ensure that your furry pet lives a long and healthy life free of preventable ailments. Remember that you are responsible for your puppy’s health, so make informed decisions and prioritize their well-being at all times.

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