Achievements of Canine Welfare Society, Bikaner


Achievements of Canine Welfare Society, Bikaner

20th October 1995 to 31st March 2020

  1. Fifty thousand two hundred thirty eight pet owners were educated for health care and management of pet dogs.
  2. Two thousand eight hundred seventy three pet owners were registered under Rabies Control Programme and vaccination token were issued to the owners.
  3. Rabies vaccination and awareness camp was organized in different places of Bikaner district since 1995 up to 2009 in which 639 dogs were vaccinated.
  4. Free Rabies vaccination and awareness camps were organized on World Zoonosis Day in Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine CVAS, Bikaner Since 2004 in which 817 dogs were vaccinated.
  5. Under Rabies control programme overall 14,105 pet owner & students were educated for prevention & post exposure immunization against rabies.
  6. World Rabies Day were organized in the Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine & a film show was organized regarding prevention and post exposure treatment of rabies in dogs & human beings since 2009. Gathering 903 persons including dog owners, UG & PG students and teachers were present at the time of film show. Educational exhibits also displayed and pamphlets were distributed among students, pet owners and public at large.
  7. Under animal welfare programme 80 animal health camps were organized and 9452 cattle & 344 dogs were treated as per need.
  8. Eight thousand seven hundred ninety eight stray animals were brought to canine welfare society and treated as per their requirement.
  9. Under mange control programme 32 cattle & 882 stray dog were treated.
  10. Under Animal Birth Control programme (ABC Progamme) of stray dogs 1557 dogs were sterilized.
  11. Under famine relief programme 765 cattle were treated.
  12. Nineteen dog shows with joint collaboration with Veterinary College, Bikaner were organized till date in the campus.
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Secretary, Canine Welfare Society

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