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A growing number of farmers are turning entrepreneurs and earning big bucks from something they offered free to friends and relatives – a healthy and relaxing weekend to unwind in lush green farms, drive a tractor, ride a bullock cart, milk a cow and pluck fresh fruit from orchards.
Farm tourism, once a small niche, is expanding rapidly and getting a big push from the tourism ministry. Tour operators, including some who were farmers to begin with, are aggressively pushing farm tourism in India and abroad.
We have heard of coastal tourism, heritage, adventure and even heli-tourism. Now, the upcoming tourism policy will also include agritourism, which is gradually becoming a hit among children, urban families and even the corporate world.
In the last two years, many agricultural farms have come up in and around the city. Many schools have been organising trips to such places where children are made to understand rural life by spending time with farm animals like cattle, horses, birds and even reptiles. Some also do dairy farming and agriculture. Similarly, many urban families are taking their children to day-long tours to such agro-tourism farms where families get to spend quality time together. Many corporate firms have also started to turn towards this, instead of resorts, where at economical rates, team building and de-stressing activities can be done.
The tourism department and companies have realised this has a lot of potential and are now working to regulate it and bring into the upcoming tourism policy.
Agriculture is considered to be the backbone of the Indian economy. Around 85 percent of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture and allied activities and almost 26 percent of India’s GDP comes from agriculture. 90 million farmers are dwelling in 0.625 million villages producing more than 20 Metric Tonnes (MT) of food grains feeding the country. More than a profession or a business, agriculture is deeply rooted in the Indian culture. Farmers are now enthusiastic to try newer methods away from the typified and orthodox patterns to build relations with the consumers directly and earn extra. Hence, adding on to the agricultural income with some touristic activities is bringing in new hopes and better lives. Serious efforts are now being made in this direction and Agri-Tourism is one such activity that fits the bill. Agri-tourism as a concept is not very new although its reach is limited to only some places. Agri-tourism with its baby steps and the talisman of research can definitely bring changes in the life of farmers and consumers shall also reap the benefits of it.
The concept is considered as a supplementary to the primary source of income and caters to a niche market due to its exclusivity. The idea has a novelty attached to it in terms of nostalgia as well as village visits for consumers. A plethora of diversified activities amalgamated with scientific methods of cropping are paving a way for a mechanized and secure future. The plate is full with offerings like dairy practices, bird watching, wine trails, hay making and local handicrafts to woo the consumers with the simplicity of villagers hooked to it in the background. Promotion of Agri-Tourism involves some more important stakeholders namely Ministry of Agriculture and line departments at state and central governments and farmers. Promotion of Agri-Tourism needs conceptual convergence with Rural Tourism, Eco-Tourism, Health Tourism, Adventure Tourism and culinary adventures. Research is one of the key factors for development in any discipline as it helps students and practitioners to get involved in their areas of interest and search for all possible solutions for the benefit of local issues and communities.
Agri Tourism will serve this purpose. Agri Tourism is the latest concept in the Indian Tourism industry. It gives an opportunity to experience real enchanting and authentic contact with real life. Promotion of Agri-tourism needs conceptual convergence with rural tourism, health tourism and adventure tourism.
Tourism is termed as an instrument for employment generation, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development. The world tourism organization has estimated that the tourism industry is growing at a rate of 4 per cent a year. Whereas the Indian tourism industry is growing at 10.1 per cent which is 2.5 times more than the world rate. The tourism sector is one of the major foreign exchange earners for the country. Agri-tourism is one such form of tourism which has recently emerged in Maharashtra. It is a field with the potential to develop.
Certainly, as a newly developing field, it has its own share of challenges and management issues to face. The issues like a guest-host relationship, sustainability, economic feasibility are important for any new tourism development at a destination. It is more so in the case of Agri-tourism as it has a direct impact on the host culture and rural community as a whole.
Agri-tourism industry in India has a lot of potentials to develop rural India. This report gives an overall perception of agritourism, its opportunities, challenges and the role of Extension & Advisory services in promoting agritourism in India.
World Tourism Organization (1998) defines agri-tourism as “ involves accommodation being offered in the farmhouse or in a separate guesthouse, providing meals and organizing guests’ activities in the observation and participation in the farming operations.”
Definition of Agri Tourism:
Agri tourism or agro tourism, as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch. Agri tourism has different definitions in different parts of the world and sometimes refers specifically to farm stays as in Italy. Elsewhere, agri tourism includes a wide variety of activities, including buying produce direct from a farm stand, navigating a corn maze, slopping hogs, picking fruit, feeding animals or staying at a bed and breakfast on a farm.
Agri tourism is a form of niche tourism that is considered a growth industry in many parts of the world today, including India, Australia, Canada, the United States, and the Philippines. Other terms associated with agri tourism are “agritainment,” “value added products,” “farm direct marketing” and “sustainable agriculture.”
The Concept of Agro-tourism: The term ‘Agro-tourism’ is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch and it has different definitions in different parts of the world, and sometimes refers specifically to farm stays, as in Italy. Elsewhere, agro-tourism includes a wide variety of activities, including buying produce direct from a farm stand, navigating a corn maze, slopping hogs, picking fruit, feeding animals, or staying at a bed and breakfast on a farm. Moreover, agro-tourism is a form of niche tourism that is considered a growth industry in many parts of the world. Here it is noteworthy that agro-tourism is possible where agriculture and tourism meet to provide us with an amazing educational experience whether it may be a tour of a farm, a festival or a fair in rural areas. In such type of tourism activity, farmers turn their farmland into a tourist destination which attracts a large number of commercial activities. Today agro-tourism is becoming very popular business activity at the global level and even in almost every state of India. It is a leisurely activity that helps a tourist to understand the rural life of a particular area.
Agro-tourism in India:
The idea of agro-tourism makes tourists live life like a villager, right from milking the cow, ploughing the field, bathing in a well, to climb a tree and plucking fruits from trees. Therefore, it is a new concept in Indian tourism sector which normally occurs on farms which gives an opportunity to experience the real enchanting rural life with the taste of local food including the familiar with the various farming tasks during the visit on a farm. India is a agriculturalist country and since 2004 Agro-tourism is operational, which started in Baramati Agri Tourism Center under the guidance of Pandurang Taware who received the National Tourism Award from the President Of India, for the most innovative Tourism Product. Agri-Tourism Development Corporation in India is pioneer in the development and marketing of agro-tourism concept in India which has 218 affiliated farmers and operates agro-tourism centers in their respective villages in the state of Maharashtra in 2014.
Scope of Agri Tourism in India:
Agri Tourism is to experience the real rural life, taste the local genuine food and get familiar with the various farming tasks. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian Economy. Around 75% of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on Agriculture and almost 26 percent of India’s GDP comes from Agriculture. 90 million farmers are dwelling in 6.25 lack villages producing food grains for feeding the country. More than a profession or a business, agriculture is India’s culture. Hence, adding additional income generating activities to existing agriculture would certainly increase contribution of agriculture in the national GDP. Serious efforts need to be made in this direction and Agri-Tourism is one such activity.
Tourism is termed as an instrument for employment generation, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development. During 1999-2000, direct employment created by tourism was 15.5 million. Besides, tourism also promotes national integration, international understanding and supports local handicrafts and cultural activities. During 2000, the number of foreign tourists that visited India was 26.41 lacks.
India’s share in world tour market is just 0.38 percent. With this meager share, foreign exchange earned is Rs.14, 475 crores. Turnover in domestic tourism is much more than this. To promote domestic tourism, thrust areas identified by Government of India are development of infrastructure, product development and diversification, development of eco-adventure sports, cultural presentations, providing inexpensive accommodation, streamlining facilitation procedures at airports, human resource development, creating awareness and public participation and facilitation of private sector participation.
In this process, important stakeholders are State and Central Department of Tourism, Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Tourism Development Corporations, Foreign Embassies, Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Tourists, Transport Operators Association, Indian Convention Promotion Bureau and Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).
SCOPE OF AGRI-TOURISM (Source- Research Gate)
- An inexpensive gateway –The cost of food, accommodation, recreation and travel is least in Agri-Tourism. This widens the tourist base. The concept of Agri-Tourism takes to travel and tourism to the larger population, widening the scope of tourism due to its cost-effectiveness.
- Curiosity about the farming industry and lifestyle –The urban population having roots in villages always have had the curiosity to learn about sources of food, plants, animals, raw materials like wood, handicrafts, languages, culture, tradition, dresses and rural lifestyle. Agri-tourism revolves around farmers, villages and agriculture has the capacity to satisfy the curiosity of this segment of the population.
- Strong demand for wholesome family-oriented recreational activities –Villages provide recreational opportunities to all age groups i.e. children young, middle and old age, male, female, in total to the whole family at a cheaper cost. Rural games, festivals, food, dress and nature provides a variety of entertainment to the entire family.
- Health consciousness of urban population and finding solace with nature-friendly means – Modern lifestyle has made life stressful and average life span has come down. Hence, people are in constant search of pro-nature means to make life more peaceful. Ayurveda which is a pro-nature medical approach has roots in villages. Indigenous medical knowledge of villagers is respected.
- The desire for peace and tranquillity –Modern life is a product of diversified thinking and diversified activities. Every individual attempts to work more, in different directions to earn more money to enjoy modern comforts. Hence, peace is always out of his system. Tourism is a means for searching for a peaceful location. Peace and tranquillity are inbuilt in Agri-Tourism as it is away from urban areas and close to nature.
Need and Importance of Agro-tourism in India:
It is said that agro-tourism is a better way to know about the traditional agricultural farming activities which brings us very close to mother-nature and it is also very essential thing for a sustainable living on this planet. Today, Indian cities are facing the problem of overcrowd and environment pollution. Now, it has become an assumed fact that agro-tourism can give us a relief from the hectic life of urban areas. That is why; agro-tourism, eco-tourism and rural tourism are emerging as key sectors of tourism business in India. Most of the studies have proved the due importance and need of agro tourism on the following basis: · Agro-tourism is a sustainable form of tourism business. · It provides an additional source of income for the farmers. · It gives prestige to rural life and creates new jobs at local levels. · It gives an opportunity to urban tourists to escape from hectic life of the city. · It enhances the quality of life for local residence. · It gives the tourists glimpse of village ambience, local cuisine, culture and art. · It expects the active involvement from the tourist, rather than a passive spectator, so a bond between guest-host is strengthened. · It is eco friendly which is very essential in the present environmental scenario. · It makes tourists familiar with the rural life and roots of early civilization. · It has a vast scope in the present scenario of tourism business in India. · It is less expensive gateway of tourism and the cost of accommodation, food, travel and recreation is very less in Agro-Tourism when compared to any other type of tourism. · It widens the tourist base by widening the scope of tourism due to its cost effectiveness. · It has a strong demand in the contemporary world scenario. · It provides all opportunities to all age groups i.e. children, young, middle and old age, female, male, in total to the entire family at a cheaper cost. · It makes tourists familiar with rural games, traditional dresses, festivals and food. · It brings tourists close to the nature and provides variety of entertainment to them. · It is a source of knowledge to get information about plants, animals, raw materials like handicrafts, woods, rural lifestyle and their languages, culture, tradition. · Agro-Tourism which generally revolves around farmers, villages and agriculture has the potential to satisfy the curiosity of this segment of population. · It is a way for tourists to look towards agro-tourism as a means for searching peace and tranquility. · It brings tourists very close to nature and crops, birds, animals, mountains, water bodies, villages provide totally different atmosphere to urban population in which they can forget their busy and hectic urban life. · It provides tourists an opportunity to visit villages and spend time with family. · It creates awareness about rural life and knowledge about agriculture science among urban children and it can effectively be used as educational and training tool to train urban tourists. · It provides variety of recreation to urbanites through festivals and handicrafts.
What is Agri Tourism?
Agri tourism is where agriculture and tourism meet to provide us with an amazing educational experience, whether it is a tour of a farm or ranch, a festival or cheese-making class. Farmers turn their farm lands into a destination and open their doors to the public in order to teach more about what they do.
Agri tourism is becoming an increasingly popular industry globally and even in almost every state in India. Agri tourism offers a unique experience from picking our own fresh fruit at an orchard, to trying your hand at calf roping, to a hay ride at a pumpkin farm. There are tons of unique activities waiting to be explored.
Agri tourism is leisurely activities in the rural areas that help a person understand and appreciate the land and the people who live on it. In recent years, travel has become much more than just ticking through the mandatory list of local museums and sites. Travelers want to slow down when they discover a new destination. They want to meet locals in their natural environments and become more involved with the land they are visiting.
With this in mind, agri tourism was born. At its most basic level, agri tourism is a style of travel that takes place on a farm or ranch and usually offers the opportunity to help with on-site farming or ranching tasks during the visit. It entails a meaningful visit with a producer of land-based products and services.
Agri Tourism is however not all about staying in a village and relishing the food, this is an opportunity to be close to where the 75% of Indians live. One of the best things about staying on a farm is that guests can contribute to the place through their involvement. The idea is to make tourists live life like a villager, right from milking the cow, ploughing the field, bathing in a well to climbing a tree and plucking fruits.
Agri tourism is the latest concept in the Indian tourism industry, which normally occurs on farms. It gives you the opportunity to experience the real enchanting and authentic contact with the rural life, taste the local genuine food and get familiar with the various farming tasks during the visit. It provides people the welcome escape from the daily hectic life in the peaceful rural environment. It gives the chance to relax and revitalize in the in the pure natural environment, surrounded by magnificent setting. See the real India and have the experience of the lifetime on the farm stay holidays.
Why Agri Tourism?
Mother Nature is open door school without brick walls! If observed carefully one can learn something or the other, moreover India is Agriculturist’s Country, it is expected that we should know the information related to agriculture.
Today urban children’s world has became limited in the closed door school, classes, cartoon programs on the television, video games, chocolates, soft drinks, spicy fast food, computer, internet and so on, they see mother nature only on television screen.
Now it has become very necessary that children know the traditional way of agricultural farming activities and other businesses dependant on agriculture. Here children come very close to Mother Nature and learn many new things in life for a sustainable living.
Why is Agri Tourism important?
As commercialism and mass production become the standards by which we live, agri tourism has given people who work in the agricultural and horticultural sectors a chance to share their work with the masses. Some agri tourism experiences allow guests to buy food products grown on the farm or hand-crafted products made by the farmers’ families; purchasing these goods helps provide farmers who rely on their land with another source of income.
Home and consumer education has given way to technology courses in middle and high schools and many children grow up without ever really knowing what the countryside is or what it’s like to interact with live farm animals. Agri tourism, therefore gives parents the opportunity to introduce their children to something other than the city life.
Agri Tourism Farms:
Agri tourism is a style of vacation that normally takes place on a farm, either domestically or abroad. Many people are growing more interested in how their food is produced or how the population of a foreign country produces food.
Agri tourism farms in India offer tours to allow a person to view the growing, harvesting and processing of locally grown foods, such as corn, coconuts, sugar cane and pineapple. Often the farmers provide a home-stay opportunity and general education on the workings of the farm.
Children who visit the farms often have not seen a live duck or Rabbit and have not picked an apple right off the tree. This form of expanded agri tourism has given birth to what are often called entertainment farms. These farms cater to the pick-your-own crowd, offering not only regular farm products, but also food, mazes, open-pen animals, train rides, picnic facilities and pick-your-own produce.
Agri Tourism Benefits:
The potential benefits of agri tourism development extend to farmers, rural communities, and tourism operators.
Benefits for Farmers: For farmers agri tourism is a potential way of:
Ø expanding farm operations;
Ø using farm based products in new and innovative ways;
Ø improving farm revenue streams;
Ø developing new consumer market niches;
Ø increasing awareness of local agricultural products;
Ø increasing appreciation of the importance of maintaining agricultural land;
Ø channeling additional on-farm revenues directly to family members;
Ø improving farm living conditions, working areas & farm recreation opportunities;
Ø developing managerial skill and entrepreneurial spirit; and
Ø Increasing the long term sustainability for farm businesses.
Benefits for Communities: From a community perspective, agri tourism can be a vehicle for:
Ø generating additional revenue for local businesses and services from tourists;
Ø upgrading / revitalizing community facilities for residents and visitors;
Ø increasing protection of rural landscapes and natural environments for tourists and residents;
Ø helping preserve and revitalize local traditions, art and craft;
Ø promoting inter-regional, inter-cultural communication and understanding;
Ø increasing awareness of agricultural issues and values among the public;
Ø promoting the on-going use of local agricultural products and services;
Ø helping to diversify & strengthen rural economy via job & income creation; and
Ø Providing a more energetic business environment for attracting other businesses and small industries.
Benefits for Tourism Operators: From a tourism industry view point, agri tourism can be a means of:
Ø diversifying the mix of tourism products and services available to visitors;
Ø increasing tourism flows into attractive rural regions;
Ø increasing season length during traditionally off-peak business periods;
Ø uniquely positioning rural regions in key tourism markets; and
Ø Bringing more non-local currency to local businesses.
Agri Tourism Information:
Agri tourism travel information includes listings of local convention and visitors bureaus for helping people to plan their Agro tourism vacation. Agri tourism blends entertainment, education and tourism together to provide a fun, exciting and memorable get-away for school trips and family outings. Agriculture and tourism together present unique opportunities for farmers to diversify and expand their operations.
Information Resources:
An effective Agri tourism Resource Centre provides leadership in the development and distribution needed to support the development of competitive agri tourism products and services. This information should relate to specific planning, development and management issues deemed to be particularly important to key stakeholders. An important role of the Centre(s) should be to actively work with its partners to establish these priorities. Research suggests that such information needs relate to several recurring themes.
These include:
Ø understanding agri tourist markets and their behaviors
Ø assessing agri tourism’s fit with current farming operations
Ø improving farm revenue streams;
Ø dealing with government policies;
Ø addressing financial considerations;
Ø establishing effective marketing programs;
Ø developing customer friendly service programs;
Ø creating responsive risk management programs;
Ø establishing credible product and service quality standards;
Ø building strategic partnerships; and
Ø Managing niche agri tourism product development opportunities.
Priority Needs in Agri Tourism:
From the survey, it has been able to determine the top five priority needs of those currently engaged in agric tourism. They include:
Ø Need help in marketing and promoting their business (25%)
Ø Need expansion capital (25%)
Ø Need help finding qualified employees (21%)
Ø Insurance issues (19%)
Ø Difficulty obtaining financing (17%)
Ø Less than 2% felt competition was a problem.
Scope for Agri Tourism:
Agri Tourism has great scope in the present context for the following reasons both in India and abroad:
An inexpensive gateway:
The cost of food, accommodation, recreation and travel is minimum in Agri-Tourism. This widens the tourist base. Present concept of travel and tourism is limited to urban and rich class which constitute only small portion of the population. However, the concept of Agri-tourism takes travel and tourism to the larger population, widening the scope of tourism due to its cost effectiveness.
Curiosity about the farming industry and life style:
The urban population basically which has roots in villages always has curiosity about sources of food, plants, animals, raw materials like wood, handicrafts, languages, culture, tradition, dresses and lifestyle. Agri-tourism which revolves around the farmers, villages and agriculture has the capacity to satisfy the curiosity of this segment of population. Agri-tourism provides scope for re-discoursing the rural life which is rich in diversity.
Strong demand for wholesome family oriented recreational activities:
Villages provide recreational opportunities to all age groups i.e. children, young, middle and old age, male and female, in total to the whole family at cheaper cost. Rural games, festivals, food, dress and the nature provides variety of entertainment to the whole family.
Health consciousness of urban population and finding solace with nature friendly means:
Modern lifestyle has made the life stressful and average life span has come down. Hence, people are in constant search of pro-nature ways and means to make life more peaceful. Ayerveda which is pro-nature medical approach has roots in villages. Indigenous medical knowledge of villagers is respected. Organic foods are in greater demand in urban areas and foreign countries. In total, health conscious urban population is looking towards pro-nature villages for solutions.
Desire for peace and tranquility:
Modern life is the product of diversified thinking and diversified activities. Every individual attempts to work more, in different directions to earn more money to enjoy modern comforts. Hence, peace is always out of his system. Tourism is the means for searching peaceful location. Peace and tranquility are inbuilt in Agri-tourism as it is away from urban areas and close to nature.
Interest in natural environment:
Busy urban population is leaning towards nature because the natural environment is always away from busy life. Birds, animals, crops, mountains, water bodies, villages provide totally different atmosphere to urban population in which they can forget their busy urban life.
Disillusionment with overcrowded resorts and cities:
In resorts and cities, overcrowded peace seekers disturb each other’s peace. Hence, peace is beyond cities and resorts. Even though efforts are made to create village atmosphere in the sub urban areas through resorts, farm houses, it looks like a donkey painted with tiger colour. Artificiality is highlighted and not satisfying.
Nostalgia for their roots on the farm:
Cities are growing at the cost of villages. Villagers are migrating to cities in search of jobs and seeking comforts of modern life. Hence, yesterday’s villagers are today’s urbanites. Deep in the heart of urbanites lies the love and respect for their ancestors and villages. Hence, visit to villages satisfies their desire. This is also expressed through the heartedness of urbanites to flat culture and love for farmhouses located in the outskirts of cities. Any opportunity to visit villages and spend time with family is dream of any urbanite. But, minimum decent facilities are always problem. Agri-tourism attempts to overcome this problem.
Rural recreation:
Villages provide varieties of recreation to urbanites through festivals and handicrafts. Villagers and the farmer’s lifestyle, dress, languages, culture and traditions which always add value to the entertainment. Agriculture environment around farmers and the entire production process could create curiosity among urban taught. Places of agriculture importance like highest crop yielding farm, highest animal yielding farm, processing units, farms where innovations tried add attraction to the tourists.
Agriculture products like farm gate fresh market, processed foods, organic food could lure the urban tourists. As result of this Agri-atmosphere in the villages, there is scope to develop Agri-tourism products like Agri-shopping, culinary tourism, pick and own your tree or a plot, bed and breakfast, bullock cart riding, camel riding, boating, fishing, herbal walk, rural games and herbal health and ayurvedic tourism.
Educational value of Agri-Tourism:
Agri-tourism could create awareness about rural life and knowledge about agriculture science among urban school children. It provides a best alternative for school picnics which are urban based. It provides opportunity for hands on experience for urban college students in Agriculture. It is a means for providing training to future farmers. It would be effectively used as educational and training tool to train agriculture and line department officers. This provides unique opportunity for education through recreation where learning is fun effective and easy. Seeing believes, doing is learning and most importantly experiences are USP of Agri-tourism.
Basic Principles of Agri Tourism:
Agri Tourism should ensure that some basic principles must be followed.
Have something for visitors to see:
Animals, birds, farms and nature are the few things which Agri-tourism could offer to the tourist to see. Apart from these, culture, dress, festivals and rural games could create enough interest among forest in Agri-tourism.
Have something for visitors to do:
Participating in agricultural operations and swimming, bullock cart riding, cycling, trekking, camel riding, buffalo riding, cooking and participating in the rural games are the few activities to quote in which tourist can take part and enjoy.
Have something for visitors to buy:
Rural crafts, dress materials, farm gate fresh agriculture products, processed foods are the few items which tourist can buy as memento for remembrance.
Entertainment in Agri Tourism:
Agri-tourism offers the tourist many joyful experiences while living in rural environment. Agri-tourist involvement in milching, harvesting competitions, tree climbing, edible adventure, bullock cart race, buffalo race in wet fields, shooting a coconut target, fishing etc. could generate enormous joy at least cost. There is enough scope to charge entry fee to farmers, providing feed and accommodation on payment basis and charging the participation of Agri-tourist during rural games would also generate income to the farmers.
There are some successful entertainment farming enterprises and techniques in Agri-tourism to learn through International experiences. Agri-tourism is a viable income generating activities in many developed counties which would provide lead to promote the same with modifications suiting to our conditions. They are:
Arts & Crafts Demonstrations, Farm Store, Exhibition of farm equipments, Roadside Stand selling fresh farm products and craft items, Processing of farm products and sale, Demonstration of Agri-activities, Sheep Shearing, Wool Processing, Fee fishing, Hunting, Farm Vacations, Bed and Breakfast, Farm Tours, Horseback Riding, Camping, Bad weather – like desert, snow fields, heavy rainfall also attract Agri-tourists, Picnic Grounds, A shady spot for visitors to rest – like a big banyan tree, Educational Tours for school children, officers and progressive farmers.
Farm Schools to teach a particular skill, Outdoor Schools which are mobile in nature teaching agriculture, Herb Walks, Workshops on interesting, emerging agriculture topics, Festivals with wide publicity and sponsorship, Cooking Demos to satisfy housewives, Pick-Your-own Pumpkin Patch, Rent –an – apple tree, Moonlight activities, Pageants, Speakers who can attract Agro-tourist narrating Agricultural experiences, Regional Themes like tribal coffee of Kerala, Andaman spices etc., Crop Art, Pizza Farm, Historical Recreations like highlighting an oldest farm etc., Log Buildings, Antique Villages, Collection of old farm Machinery, Miniature Village, Farm Theme Playground for Children, Fantasyland, Gift Shop, Antiques, Crafts, Crafts Demonstrations, Food Sales, Lunch Counter, Cold Drinks, Restaurant, Different Themes etc.
Important Factors for Agri Tourism:
There are various important factors which contribute to the success of Agri Tourism.
Majority of the cases, farmer is less educated, less exposed and innocent. For farmer, any outsider is a guest and treated whole heartedly without any commercial motive. Treating guest is pleasure for them than pain. He entertains the guest while entertaining himself in the process. He is not like an exploitative natured businessman which itself facilitate a clean tourism atmosphere.
Village, which is located far from the city lacks urban facilities, but blessed with natural resources. The investment is made by nature in the form of water bodies, fields, forest, mountains, deserts and islands. Community is more homogenous and treating a guest is part of their culture rather than a profession leading to natural environment required for urban tourist.
Rich resources in agriculture namely land; water and plants are unique from place to place bringing diversity and creating curiosity. Each field is unique which adds to the attraction of tourists. The way of cultivation and the products are great attraction to the urban population. Indigenous knowledge of rural people is a wealth, which adds to novelty and curiosity of urban population. Combination of farmer, village and agriculture create a wonderful situation which provides unlimited satisfaction to the tourists especially from urban areas.
Promotion of Agri Tourism:
In the context of solution to farmers’ problem this model shall make agriculture more viable in three steps that are training has to be provided preferably to those farmers who have small land holdings, agri tourism centers have to be developed with onsite available resources with the help of local people and artisans and finally the most important thing is to create an awareness and infrastructure of field staff to guide the farmer and help them to market, run and operate the agri tourism center.”
The full-fledged tourism marketing program has to be developed that implements effective operation methods to generate more tourists’ leads from urban cities. A regular visit by the agri tourism experts and consultants to the farmer who runs the agri tourism center for once in every 3 months for a period of 36 months helps farmer to sustain and learn from experts.
The agri tourism associations have to be formed with experts who acts as an umbrella organization called Agri Tourism Centers (ATC), which are operated by local farm entrepreneurs and employees, and promotes their products in the target markets. The initiative provides training and capacity building for farmers, local guides and communities in the areas of small enterprise establishment and tourism product development through subject specialists and experts.
Public Awareness:
People have become more interested in how their food is produced. They want to meet farmers and processors and talk with them about what goes into food production. For many people who visit farms, especially children, the visit marks the first time they see the source of their food, be it a dairy cow, an ear of corn growing in a field or a fruit they can pick right off a tree. Farmers and ranchers use this interest to develop traffic at their farm or ranch, and interest in the quality of their products, as well as awareness of their products.
While revenue and education are often primary drivers for farmers to diversify their operations and invite guests onto their property, safety isn’t always a top priority. Accidents involving tractors, wagon rides, trips, falls, and traffic occur at agri tourism operations on a regular basis.
The concept of Agri tourism is very simple, whereby the urban tourists go the farmers home; stay like a farmer, engage in farming activities, experience the bullock cart, tractor ride, fly kites, eat authentic food, wear traditional clothes, understand the local culture, enjoy the folk songs and dance, buy fresh farm produce and in turn the farmer maintains home and farm hygiene, greets new tourists, sells his farm produce at a better price, earns a livelihood all year round.
Ways to Expand Agri tourism:
Expanding tourism on your farm can help bring in extra money and get your farm marketed. With so many options to consider, it’s important to think about which type of activity would work best for your farm.
The Cornell Cooperative Extension recommends farmers to identify what type of customers they want to attract and to cater to those interests. According to their white paper, each audience farmers hope to attract will have different needs and expectations so they have to employ specific strategies to attract them.
Agri Tourism Promotional Concepts at Farm Level:
Seasonal Events:
Autumn time is a popular season for farm tourism. Popular holidays like Halloween have the ability to bring in many families with vegetable harvest, fruits picking, pumpkin picking, corn mazes, haunted houses and hay rides. With the possibility of a down season, having different events at farm level can bring in families.
Village Fairs and Festivals:
The tourists can also participate in the village seasonal harvest fair and festivals. The most famous harvest festivals are Pongal, Onam, Baishaki etc. During these festival occasions the tourists can participate and enjoy the traditional dance and music performed by the villagers.
Farmers Markets/You-Pick:
If a farmer grows a plethora of crops that can be sold, opening a small farmers’ market can help bring in extra money. Another option is to have a “pick-your-own” market where customers come in and pick their own vegetable or fruit of choice from what a farmer offers.
It’s crucial to have a plan when attracting visitors to your “you-pick” farm, especially when small children are present because they “contribute too disproportionately to damaged crops and inventory shrinkage”, according to the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. Having restrooms and enough parking is also important in the business plan.
Vacation Stays:
For customers who want a getaway, farms can offer cabins or bed-and-breakfast amenities. With bed-and-breakfast, it requires farmers to interact more with guests. While many bed-and-breakfast don’t offer many activities that gives the guests the perfect opportunities to explore the town they’re in.
The guests can be encouraged to discover the area surrounding the bed-and-breakfast, which also acts as a retreat from life outside the farm. A farmer should decide which days of the week work best for them to have guests at the bed-and-breakfast.
Along with seasonal events, tours can help bring in schools and teach children about how farms work. According to the Cornell Cooperative Extension, people who visit farms are doing so in part because they want to learn more.
Farm tours are a great source for agri tourism for children and others to learn more about farming and everything that goes into it. Having extra activities for children like story time or even the ability to milk cows is a great hands-on activity.
Petting Zoo:
A petting zoo for visitors can entertain and help the public learn about the different types of livestock on farm and they can provided with rides on different animals and also they can be offered to feed and play with birds and rabbits including pony and wagon rides.
Farm Stay:
Well you must now be bored of visiting the hill stations and staying in the first class Ac hotel room. And you might be looking for the change this time. And to offer you the holidays with the difference agri tourism is definitely a good option.
To get that very special experience of the rural ambiance and to enjoy the rural life, Indian tourism provides you the opportunity to stay right away in the farm houses along with the other villagers and experience the difference. Witness the unique lifestyle of the villagers. Learn about their age old traditions and culture, which they resume till date. Converse with them and feel how warm hearted and simple they are.
Along with them spend time playing the pleasing rural games and enjoy the interesting bull fight and wrestling matches held on various occasions in the village. On the tour to the village what attracts you the most is the colorful costumes of the villages.
Animal Rides:
Apart from all this, holidays on farms provides the complete entertainment. Ride on the bullock carts along with the villager’s into the agricultural fields. See them carrying fodder for animals into the buggies. The tourists can even take the camel ride to explore the village and the surrounding areas.
Cow Milking:
Cow milking is real exciting activity, which can’t be escaped. Practice the art of cow milking from the villagers. Feed the cows with the fodder and chapattis. See how the rural women cook food on the chulas made of mud. Taste the authentic rural cuisine and drink fresh milk of cow.
Rural Arts and Crafts:
Villages are expert in making the handicrafts; it is something which is passed on from their one generation to the other. The tourists can carry some of the items back to the home as the momentum.
Venturing into the Agricultural Farms:
Roam into the vast spreaded acres of agricultural lands along with the group of villagers who can provide you the better insight of the village. As you roam into the fields, feel the smell of the Indian soils which gives you the real flavor of India.
Enchant with the farmers working hard in the fields. Take the view of the bulls ploughing the fields. The wells, other water bodies, mountains and forests are the added attraction for the tourists.
Keep in mind the adequate time, liability issues and employees needed when drawing up your agri tourism venture. Making a business plan will help keep you on track and in return, your agri tourism business will boom.
- Dewalokam Farmstay Retreat, Karimannoor, Kerala- Dewalokam is the organic ancestral farm of a welcoming Syrian Christian family. The name means “paradise” and the property certainly is that! This faultless farmstay is conveniently located only 90 minutes drive from Kochi airport, in the spice belt of Kerala, bounded by a placid river and nature reserve. Fruit, vegetables, spices, milk, and honey are all produced there. An extensive range of activities is available for guests, including spice walks, village walks, bamboo rafting, temple visits, cow milking, and swimming.
- Vanilla County, Kottayam, Kerala- It’s located two and a half hours drive from Kochi airport, near Vagamon in the lush Western Ghat mountain range. Guests can swim in natural rock pools, go on plantation walks, go trekking, birding, visit villages and a local meditation ashram, and cruise the Kerala backwaters.
- Konyak Tea Retreat, Mon District, Nagaland- The host is the great-granddaughter of a tattooed headhunter, and she’s actively involved in researching and documenting the various tattoo patterns of her tribe. The boutique farmhouse is located in the middle of a remote, privately-owned 250-hectare tea estate. However, tea isn’t all that’s grown there. The farm also has an orange tree orchard and organic vegetable garden. Guests can pick and eat during harvesting season (mid-November to December).
- Maachli, Sindhudurg, Nagaland- The name “Maachli” means “elevated huts” in the local Malvani language. There are four architecturally designed hut-style accommodations on the property, built deep within nature among the Samant family’s coconut, betel nut, banana and spice plantation. Everything revolves around nature, and there is a sweet water stream flowing through the property. Responsible tourism is also a strong focus. Activities include village walks, cooking lessons, farming experiences, trekking.
- Enchanted Forest Farm, Gangtok, Sikkim- Thetranquil setting, deep inside the forest with a waterfall, and delightful hosts are totally worth it though! The farm is completely organic and the property is pretty much self-sufficient. There’s a fish pond, cows and goats. If you’re a music lover, you’re also in luck. The host plays the guitar and loves a good jam session. Guest accommodations consist of three rustic yet elegant standalone cottages.
Some barriers in Agro-tourism
- Language Problem: Language problem in the locality have been found to be one of the barriers in the enhancement of the tourism potential. People are found to be lacking proper fluency in Hindi, English or even local dialect, for interaction with the tourists. 2. Insufficient Financial Support: Proper financial support can enhance the tourism potential of the region, which would help the folks to preserve the local culture, traditions, heritage, art forms etc. that showcases the uniqueness of the place in the proper manner. 3. Communication Problem: There should be proper transport and communication facility i.e. better road connectivity, mobile and telephone network for better commutation and convenience of the tourists. 4. Lack of Trained tourist guide: The whole tourism concept is very indigenous in the rural areas. Though initiative attempt have been taken by the local youths, yet the professionalism is lacking. They are lacking proper training to project in the manner from tourism perspective. 5. Lack of business planning skill: Some regions have great potential as an upcoming agro tourist spot. But, in order to bring it to a greater platform, sound business planning has to be made. The region needs proper enhancement of its beauty and resources skillfully to bring itself to light.
Socio-economic impacts of Agro-tourism
- Employment to youth: Rural tourism contributes positively to the increase in employment and income levels of the youths. 2. Boost to the Handloom and Cottage industry: Traditional attires, especially of women are found to a delightful attraction for incoming tourist both domestic and outsiders. People, often found to be interested in purchasing the garments, which is helping in gearing up the production of local handloom products. 3. Preservation of natural resources: Tourism in local areas helps in preserving the rural eco system, since it forms the base to the tourism sector, also a part of the development funds are use in creating social forests and preserving existing forest. 4. Exchange of revenue: Employment avenues created by tourism demands help in earning domestic income. 5. Exposure to their religion: Tourism avenues have a given a due introduction to this almost hidden but old culture. Tourist interaction has provided the proper exposure to the world outside.
Key Strategy for Success of Agro-Tourism
Agro-Tourism is a one of the business activities. So, farmers must have commercialmindset and some marketing techniques for the success. For the better success in the agro-tourism farmers should follow the following things; · Give a wide publicity of your tourism centre by newspapers, television etc. Use all possible advertisement means. · Develop contacts with the schools, colleges, NGOs, clubs, unions, organizations etc. · Train your staff or family members for reception and hospitality of the agro tourists. · Understand about the customers wants and their expectations and serve them accordingly. · Charge optimum rent and charges for the facilities/services on the commercialbase. · Do the artificially use local resources for the entertainment / service to tourists. · Develop your website and update time to time for attract foreign tourist. · Take their feedback and comments about the service and suggestions to more development and modification. · Develop a good rapport with the tourist for future business and chain publicity · Develop different agro-tour packages of for different type of tourist and their expectations. · Maintain an address book and comments of the visited tourists for future tourismbusiness and reference. · Small farmers can develop their agro-tourism centres on the basis of cooperativesociety.
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