All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition for Dr.CM Singh Excellence Award to be Presented on Indian Veterinary Doctor’s Day ie on 30th November 2020
The Pashudhan Praharee, International Board of e-Veterinary Medicine (IBeVM) & LITD are going to conduct an all India popular article /essay writing competition in the field of veterinary & Animal husbandry practices for the field veterinarians & veterinary Scholars/ University Academia /KVK Scientists.
Following are the criteria and details about the competition.

Term and Condition:
Languages: English and Hindi.
” पशुपालकों की आमदनी कैसे बढ़ाएं“
Last date for receiving entries: 20th November, 2020
- There is NO ENTRY FEE for participation.
- The Competition is open to Indian Veterinarians /Vet Scholars only.
- Must be registered with either Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council.
Or student of a VCI recognize veterinary college - No Competitor may win more than one prize.
- The winner will be decided on the basis of merits by a team of distinguished jury guided by 1.D.Umesh Chandra Sharma- President VCI & IVA,2. Dr.Nagendra Sharma, Former VC, SKUAT, 3.Dr.K.Ravvi Kumar, Former Director, CPDO (NR) under the Chairmanship of 4.Dr. (Prof.) Rama Kumar V. Founder Secretary (Rtd) VCI . &
5.Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Yadav
Editor, Agricultural Research
President, IAVMI
Vice Chancellor, SVPAUT
Director, IVRI
Secretary, NAAS
President, NAVS,
Coordinated by 6.Dr Amitav Bhattacharyya, Asst.Prof ,DUVASU. 7.Dr.Nandini ,Asst.Prof.RVC,BAU, Ranchi,&
8.Dr Prakashkumar Rathod,
Asst. Prof.
Dept. of Veterinary and A.H Extension Education,
Veterinary College, Bidar,
Karnataka .
- 2.The result of the best Articles will be published on 25th November 2020.
3.Date of Commencement of Article writing competition & Nomination Process:
The enteries are acceped from 20th October 2020 to 20th November 2020
- The right to decision is reserved with us.The decision of the admin will be final and The Pashudhan Praharee will NOT enter into any correspondence about the results.However, we assure that the competition will be fair and transparent.
5.The prize for the winners will be of 7 categories: - 1.) For Field veterinarians
2) For Veterinary students persuing BVSc &AH/3).MVSc 4.)PhD .5)KVK Scientist 6.)University Academia.7.) Homeopathic Veterinarian. - There will be total of Seventy prizes, 10 in each category for the entries.
5) All the submitted entries selected for competition will be published in our Pashudhan Praharee website.
- A list of prize-winners will be uploaded on the website
- The sellected Received articles would be compiled & will be published in a book form bearing ISBN No.
The following procedure be followed for sending the entries:
- Article can be sent through e-mail at
- Article must be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal or Kruti Dev 010 fonts in Hindi. Photos related to the article, if any, be sent in jpg image.
- Scanned copy/copies of registration certificate of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
In case of UG Scholar ,He/She would send the scanned copy of his/her College ID proof. - Each entry must be either an article written in English or Hindi by the competitor.
- Competitors may submit maximum of 05 (five) articles.
- In case of submission of translated version of copyrighted article in English or Hindi before submitting the article, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
- Each article and photographs must be the unaided work of the author or translator and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
- In case of any copyrighted photograph, before submitting the photograph, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
- The submitted article/essay should be plagiarism free.If it has been found that the competitor has copied in full or part an article of another author and submitted as an entry to the Pashudhan praharee, the competitor will be responsible for any legal action arising thereof.
- Entries will be judged by its merit as decided by our jury.
- Name and Designation of the contributor can be added to the text of the article.
- Receipt of an entry will be acknowledged by e-mail after the receipt.
- The worldwide copyright of each article submitted will remain with the author, but Pashudhan Praharee shall have the unrestricted right to publish the article with photographs to website, or to use it.
- The right to cancel the competition in case of less than 50 entries in each category received will be with us.
All competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) Writing Competition 2020”at the time of submission. - Article written by single author will only be entertained.In case of article with more than one author ,the name of the first author will be considered as competitor .
All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2020
Entry Form
Name (in block capitals): ………………………………..………………………… Gender (Male/Female):………….
Address (in block capitals): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…
Mobile: …………………..………… E-mail: ………………………………………………………….……………………….…………
Designation/Profession/Occupation: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Educational Qualification and College name: ………………………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………Category for Nomination-
A)Field veterinarians.
B)Veterinary students. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
VCI or any Indian State Veterinary Council Registration No: …………………………………………………….…..
Language of the Article (English/Hindi): ………………………………………………………………………………….…….
Declaration: I have read and I accept all the conditions of the competition and wish to enter the following Article for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2020”.
Please read carefully and enter the required information. I am resident in India/ a non-resident Indian and I attach:
- Article typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal or Kruti Dev 010 fonts in Hindi.
- Scanned copy of registration certificate of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council.
In case of Veterinary student perusing BVSc &AH/MVSc/PhD, attach the scanned copy of college I card. - Scanned copy of any other permission:
I declare that the article and photographs entered for the competition is/are unaided works of my own and I am eligible to enter this competition.
Signed ……………………………………………….. Date ………………………….
NB-For any queries, write to us
Pashudhan Praharee is a media platform dedicated to animal husbandry sector in India.
For more details, please contact us on