All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition for Dr.CM Singh Excellence Award 2022 to be Presented on Indian Veterinary Doctor’s Day ie on 30th November 2022

The Pashudhan Praharee, Centre of Excellence for Veterinary Sciences & Livestock Entrepreneurs,International Board of e-Veterinary Medicine (IBeVM) & LITD are going to conduct an all India popular article /essay writing competition in the field of veterinary & Animal husbandry practices for the field veterinarians & veterinary Scholars/ University Academia /KVK celebrate the :INDIAN VETERINARY DOCTOR’S DAY-30th NOVEMBER 2022



Dr C.M. Singh: Doyen of Indian Veterinary Profession

Dr C.M. Singh, was born in a remote village in Distt. Jaunpur (UP) on 30th November, 1922. He obtained BVSc degree from Bihar Veterinary College, Patna and MS, PhD from MSU, East Lansing, USA. Dr C.M. Singh wasan eminent Veterinary Pathologist and Microbiologist and has made outstanding contributions in animal diseases mainly listeriosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, bovine lymphosarcoma and slow viral respiratory diseases. He was an excellent teacher and researcher. Later, when he joined as Dean at Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar and as Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP he proved himself as an able administrator and distinguished veterinary educationist. His vision and thoughtful plans converted post-independent IVRI of 5 Divisions into 21 Divisions of National Institute of International fame. Due to enormous extension of research infrastructure during Five Year Plans to meet the need of farmers and industry, IVRI Bangalore Campus was developed for Foot and Mouth Diseasevaccine R&D. High Security Animal Disease Laboratory at Bhopal (now NIHSAD) was aninstitution of his visionary planning, is presently engaged in diagnosis of infectious exotic diseases including bird flu. From IVRI, two research Institutes namely Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar and Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura developed separately for poultry production and goat development. His significant contribution in development of Department of Pathology and Bacteriology at Veterinary College, Mathura and IVRI as a whole is a true testimony to his dynamic stewardship. IVRI is known as Mecca for Veterinarians, owing to its uniqueness in integrating research, disease investigation, extension, technology development and teaching. After superannuating, he did not sit idly. He felt the need to reform the Veterinary Education in this country and was instrumental in creation of Veterinary Council of India and National Academy of Veterinary Sciences. He was Founder President of these two prestigious national organizations. Dr C.M. Singh had collaboration and interaction with international agencies like FAO, WHO, UNDP, SIDA, DANIDA, etc. He attended a number of international seminars and symposia on epidemiology and zoonotic diseases in different parts of the world. He guided several eminent veterinarians for their masters and doctoral programmes in the disciplines of Pathology, Bacteriology and Virology. As a person, Dr Singh was simple, honest and hardworking with no time for personal comfort and family affairs. He was a great visionary. Some people called him, “Doyen of Veterinary Profession”, while others considered him as “bhismpitamah” or “purushottam” and “preranashrot“.

During his last visit to this IVRI on 10th January, 2005, scientists of twin Institutes at Izatnagar had the opportunity to listen and meet him. He is still remembered for his talk on philosophy of life interspersed with verses of the Holy Gita. Dr Singh left his world for his heavenly abode journey on 27th July 2005 in UK after a prolonged illness. His demise was great loss to the veterinary profession of this country as well as his family. His dream to establish Indian Council of Veterinary Research is still not fulfilled. It will be best homage to him if we can achieve this objective for betterment of veterinary profession. Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust was established with his directive and blessings in 1999 with objectives of advancement of veterinary science and welfare of livestock, farmers and veterinarians of this country.

Dr C.M. Singh (1922-2005) former Director of Indian Veterinary Research Institute,Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP, needs no introduction to old generation veterinarians of India. He was more of an institution than an individual. People-like him take birth in this world only once in a century. He was a true karmyogi, a dreamer and a man of action, always talked of “optimism in hopelessness” which he adapted as a principle of his life. He was the “God Father of Indian Veterinary Profession”. He started his glorious research and teaching career from Veterinary College, Mathura in 1960s and became doyen of Veterinary Profession of this country who shaped veterinary research and education of India. He had great interest in zoonotic diseases and always encouraged researches on veterinary public health significance viz. animal rabies, brucellosis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, leptospirosis etc. Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, is working on his principles for the cause of veterinary profession which is serving poor farmers. The 30th November, 2022 is Birth Centenary Day of late Dr Singh. To mark this historic occasion, the Indian Veterinarians are celebrating Dr C.M. Singh Birth Centenary Year from 30th November 2021 to 30th November, 2022. Dr C.M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Programme has begun from DUVASU, Mathura and will conclude at ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP. We are glad to inform that on 30th November, 2022 in collaboration with ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP; Trust is organizing One Day National Symposium on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during Platinum Jubilee Years of Indian Independence (1947-2021). Trust feels great honour to invite to participate in Dr C.M. Singh Birth Centenary cum National Symposium in Advances of Veterinary Sciences during Seventy-five Years of Indian Independence” on 30th November, 2022 at IVRI, Izatnagar, UP.

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Criteria for sellection:Through self nomination

T&C:*Veterinarian must be registered with VCI/ State VCI.

*Field veterinarian & Academia with extraordinary track records


Shalihotra was considered to be the founder of veterinarian science in Indian tradition.In an age when horses were crucial for wars, transport and to display courtly wealth, it was Shalihotra who created what appears to be the very first horse care manual. Equestrian veterinary medicine attained a glorified status in ancient India. Equine veterinarians of the day began to be known as ‘Shalihotriya’, so widespread was his influence and teachings. Salihotra is described as the Father of the veterinary science. Caraka and Susruta also establishes the same kind of medical science in the veterinary branch. It’s treatise is known as Hayayurveda or Turangama-sastra or the science of horses. Thus we learn that elementary knowledge of veterinary science formed a part of general medical education. The humane spirit of Ayurveda was not enough by providing a niche for veterinary science in the vast structure of the healing lore. Veterinary science produced specialists and their treatises in its field.

Shalihotra, was born in the area of Sravasati, in Uttar Pradesh. He was born to Hayagosha. He compiled scriptures about care and management of  Horses in his book named ‘Shalihotra Samhita – Encyclopedia of Sahalishotra’.

Samhita consists of anatomy, physiology, surgery, diseases and cures composed in different 12,000 shlokas (verses) in Sanskrit, which was later translated in Persian,  Arabic, Tibetan and English languages. His work elaborated different body structures of horse species and identified the structural difference of teeth which can help  in determining the age of the Horse. He also wrote Asva-prashnsa and Asva-lakshana, respectively.

The foundation of veterinary science in India can be attributed to Shalihotra, a 3rd Century BCE expert on animal rearing and healthcare. He is known for composing the Shalihotra Samhita, which was based on Ayurveda and extensively documented the treatment of diseases using medicinal plants. This knowledge was believed to have been revealed to Shalihotra by Lord Brahma himself. The principal subject matter of the Shalihotra Samhita is the care and management of horses. The treatise consists of 12,000 verses and has been translated into Persian, Arabic, Tibetan and English. It describes equine and elephant anatomy and physiology, with a laundry-list of diseases and preventive measures. It also details the body structure, elaborates on breeds and contains notes on the auspicious signs to watch for while buying a horse. Though Shalihotra has composed other treatises on the care of horses, the Samhita is the earliest known work on veterinary science in India.

Subsequent veterinary works were largely based on the Shalihotra Samhita, which future authors either revised or built upon. Soon after, veterinarians came to be known as salihotriya. The welfare of animals was considered important and it was the duty of veterinary doctors to prevent infections in animals, which might spread to human society. According to the Arthasastra by Kautilya, veterinarians were also posted on battlefields to tend to injured animals. During peace time, these doctors had to ensure that only healthy animals were sent to the markets to prevent the breakout of infections and diseases. It is believed that King Ashoka set up the first veterinary hospital in India. He set aside lands for the cultivation of herbal medicines for men and animals alike. Medicines were administered in the form of powders, decoctions and ointments. Although herbal plants were the main ingredients in medicines, animal-derived substances and minerals were also used.

Just as Shalihotra is considered the expert on horses, Muni Palkapya is considered the authority on elephants in India. He too explored the anatomy, physiology, diseases and management of elephants. His treatise came to be known as the Hastya-Ayurveda or Gaja-Ayurveda and was dedicated to Lord Ganesha. He dealt with topics such as elephant medicine and surgery, and prescribed methods for the preparation of medicines and treatment for various elephantine diseases.

Several treatments and medicines mentioned by Shalihotra are still used to date, such as for digestive disorders, sprains and sores in cattle, sheep, horses and other domesticated species. It is clear from Shalihotra Samhita that the since ancient times people of the subcontinent had extensive knowledge of veterinary care, sophisticated enough to carry out surgeries even. Modern research on how we may enrich and uplift the lives of all creatures around us owes a debt of gratitude to these early practitioners of animal science.



Criteria for sellection:Through self nomination

T&C:*Veterinarian must be registered with VCI/ State VCI.

*Field veterinarian & Academia with extraordinary track records


Sushruta: The father of surgery

Sushruta is the father of surgery. If the history of science is traced back to its origin, it probably starts from an unmarked era of ancient time. Although the science of medicine and surgery has advanced by leaps and bounds today, many techniques practiced today have still been derived from the practices of the ancient Indian scholars.

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Sushruta has described surgery under eight heads: Chedya (excision), Lekhya (scarification), Vedhya (puncturing), Esya (exploration), Ahrya (extraction), Vsraya (evacuation), and Sivya (suturing).

All the basic principles of surgery such as planning precision, hemostasis, and perfection find important places in Sushruta’s writings on the subject. He has described various reconstructive procedures for different types of defects.

His works are compiled as Sushrutaa Samhita. He describes 60 types of upkarma for treatment of wound, 120 surgical instruments and 300 surgical procedures, and classification of human surgeries in eight categories.

To Sushruta, health was not only a state of physical well-being but also mental, brought about and preserved by the maintenance of balanced humors, good nutrition, proper elimination of wastes, and a pleasant contented state of body and mind.

For successful surgery, Sushruta induced anesthesia using intoxicants such as wine and henbane (Cannabis indica).

He treated numerous cases of Nasa Sandhan (rhinoplasty), Oshtha Sandhan (lobuloplasty), Karna Sandhan (otoplasty). Even today, rhinoplasty described by Shushruta in 600 BC is referred to as the Indian flap and he is known as the originator of plastic surgery.

He described six varieties of accidental injuries encompassing all parts of the body. They are described below:

  • Chinna – Complete severance of a part or whole of a limb
  • Bhinna – Deep injury to some hollow region by a long piercing object
  • Viddha Prana – Puncturing a structure without a hollow
  • Kshata – Uneven injuries with signs of both Chinna and Bhinna, i.e., laceration
  • Pichchita – Crushed injury due to a fall or blow
  • Ghrsta – Superficial abrasion of the skin.

Besides trauma involving general surgery, Sushruta gives an in-depth account and a description of the treatment of 12 varieties of fracture and six types of dislocation. This continues to spellbind orthopedic surgeons even today. He mentions the principles of traction, manipulation, apposition, stabilization, and postoperative physiotherapy.

He also prescribed measures to induce growth of lost hair and removal of unwanted hair. He implored surgeons to achieve perfect healing which is characterized by the absence of any elevation, induration, swelling mass, and the return of normal coloring.

Plastic surgery and dental surgery were practiced in India even in ancient times. Students were properly trained on models. New students were expected to study for at least 6 years before starting their training. Before beginning the training, the students were required to take a solemn oath. He taught his surgical skills to his students on various experimental models. Incision on vegetables such as watermelon and cucumber, probing on worm-eaten woods, preceding present-day workshop by more than 2000 years are some instances of his experimental teachings. He was one of the first people in human history to suggest that a student of surgery should learn about human body and its organ by dissecting a dead body.

Sushrutaa Samhita remained preserved for many centuries exclusively in the Sanskrit language. In the eight century AD, Sushrutaa Samhita was translated into Arabic as “Kitab Shah Shun al –Hindi” and “Kitab – I – Susurud.” The first European translation of Sushrutaa Samhita was published by Hessler in Latin and in German by Muller in the early 19th century; the complete English literature was done by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna in the three volumes in 1907 at Calcutta.

Sushruta was also known as a medical authority in Tibetan literature.

Sushruta considered surgery the first and foremost branch of medicine and stated that surgery has the superior advantage of producing instantaneous effects by means of surgical instruments and appliances and hence is the highest in value of all the medical tantras. It is the eternal source of infinite piety, imports fame, and opens the gates of heaven to its votaries. It prolongs the duration of human existence on earth and helps human in successfully completing their missions and wearing a decent competence in life.


Following are the criteria and details about the competition.

Term and Condition:

Languages: English and Hindi.






1.गाय पालन

2.मुर्गी पालन

3.बकरी पालन

4.सूकर पालन

5.पशुधन में समेकित प्रणाली

6.जैविक पशुपालन

Last date for receiving entries: 20th November, 2022


  1. There is NO ENTRY FEE for participation.
  2. The Competition is open to Indian Veterinarians /Vet Scholars only.
  3. Must be registered with either Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council.
    Or student of a VCI recognize veterinary college
  4. No Competitor may win more than one prize.


  • The winner will be decided on the basis of merits by a team of distinguished jury guided by Prof. Dr.Nagendra Sharma, Former VC, SKUAT, & .Dr.K.Ravvi Kumar, Former Director, CPDO (NR)
  • The result of the best Articles will be published on 25th November 2022.

Date of Commencement of Article writing competition & Nomination Process:

The enteries are acceped from 20th October 2022 to 20th November 2022

*The right to decision is reserved with us.The decision of the admin will be final and The Pashudhan Praharee will NOT enter into any correspondence about the results.However, we assure that the competition will be fair and transparent.
*.The prize for the winners will be of 6 categories:


*1.) 20 Best Field veterinarians
2) 30 Best Veterinary students persuing (a) BVSc &AH (b).MVSc (c.)PhD .

3) 20 Best KVK Scientists

4.) 20 Best Vet. University Academicians.

5.)20 Best Homeopathic/Ayurveda Veterinarians.


*There will be total of 130 prizes, 20 in each category for the entries except no2, where it is 30.

*All the submitted entries selected for competition will be published in our Pashudhan Praharee website.

*A list of prize-winners will be uploaded on the website

*The sellected Received articles would be compiled & will be published in a book form bearing ISBN No.

*The ALL INDIA ARTICLE WRITING COMPETITION FOR DR.C.M.SINGH EXCELLENCE AWARD 2022 will be only for Veterinary students as mentioned in category no2.

*The winners for other Vet category (1,3,4,5,& 6) will be decided from the Biodata Profile and success story of the vet to be judged by our Jury Pannel.


The following procedure be followed for sending the entries for category no 2:

  1. Article can be sent through e-mail at
  2. Article must be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal or Kruti Dev 010 fonts in Hindi. Photos related to the article, if any, be sent in jpg image.Source of photos must be mentioned by writting credit to–
  3. Scanned copy/copies of registration certificate of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
    In case of UG Scholar ,He/She would send the scanned copy of his/her College ID proof.
  4. Each entry must be either an article written in English or Hindi by the competitor.
  5. In case of submission of translated version of copyrighted article in English or Hindi before submitting the article, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
  6. Each article and photographs must be the unaided work of the author or translator and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
  7. In case of any copyrighted photograph, before submitting the photograph, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
  8. The submitted article/essay should be plagiarism free.If it has been found that the competitor has copied in full or part an article of another author and submitted as an entry to the Pashudhan praharee, the competitor will be responsible for any legal action arising thereof.
  9. Entries will be judged by its merit as decided by our jury.
  10. Name and Designation of the contributor can be added to the text of the article.
  11. Receipt of an entry will be acknowledged by e-mail after the receipt.
  12. The worldwide copyright of each article submitted will remain with the author, but Pashudhan Praharee shall have the unrestricted right to publish the article with photographs to website, or to use it.
  13. The right to cancel the competition in case of less than 50 entries in each Sub category of Category no2. received will be with us.
    All competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) Writing Competition 2022”at the time of submission.
  14. Article written by single author will only be entertained.In case of article with more than one author ,the name of the first author will be considered as competitor .
  15. Article must contain Heading, Abstracts,Key words(minimum5),References.

All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2022 for category no2

Entry Form

Name (in block capitals): ………………………………..………………………… Gender (Male/Female):………….
Address (in block capitals): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…
Mobile: …………………..………… E-mail: ………………………………………………………….……………………….…………
Designation/Profession/Occupation: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Educational Qualification and College name: ………………………………………………………………………………..
A)Veterinary students. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
VCI or any Indian State Veterinary Council Registration No: …………………………………………………….…..
Language of the Article (English/Hindi): ………………………………………………………………………………….…….
Declaration: I have read and I accept all the conditions of the competition and wish to enter the following Article for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2022”.


Please read carefully and enter the required information. I am resident in India/ a non-resident Indian and I attach:

  1. Article typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal or Kruti Dev 010 fonts in Hindi.
  2. Scanned copy of registration certificate of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council.
    In case of Veterinary student perusing BVSc &AH/MVSc/PhD, attach the scanned copy of college I card.
  3. Scanned copy of any other permission:

I declare that the article and photographs entered for the competition is/are unaided works of my own and I am eligible to enter this competition.

Signed ……………………………………………….. Date ………………………….
NB-For any queries, write to us
Pashudhan Praharee is a media platform dedicated to animal husbandry sector in India.
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