Animal Welfare During Pandemic


Animal Welfare During Pandemic

DIG ( Dr) Sudhakar Natarajan
Vet Cadre , ITBP

The most vulnerable strata of our society during any disaster are our animals, stray or domesticated. During the present lockdown 2.0 , to break the transmission cycle of Corona virus amongst humans , animals suffer the most.

This is because stray animals like dogs, bovines and birds live off offals generated during human activity. Due to closure of restaurants, the street corner momo-walah, golgappe walah, parathe wala, fruit stalls and the roadside tea stalls, community animals like dogs and the cows/bulls are facing a crisis of food security.

The dustbins and urban garbage dumps are empty of edible scraps that used to be recycled by these animals. Now these animals find a sudden freedom to roam on the desolate roads without any danger of being run over by traffic, but this has come at the cost of hunger and starvation.

It is heartening to note that in Delhi and Bangalore, passes are being issued to volunteers who come out to feed these community animals. An appeal goes out through this article that more needs to be done in this regard. It is hoped that more cities adopt the practice of issuing passes to animal feeders. Every housing society must place water in earthen troughs so that our community animals are well hydrated.

PM Modi has advised us that we must show “karuna” during Corona. As a society we must stand up and ensure the welfare of our stray animals.

It is reiterated that pet dogs and cats do not transmit the virus to humans. The virus is transmitted by infected humans to our dogs and cats. But reverse transmission is not reported. The tigers who got corona from infected zookeeper are fine. No animal to human virulent spread has been reported.
It is guessed that Covid 19 may have originated from bats from wet markets in China but now it is no longer zoonotic. Also the virus elicits in a very mild form in dogs and cats. The Covid 19 is purely a human to human pandemic. A heartfelt request is made to all pet parents not to abandon their darling dogs and cats. These are challenging times. Keep your dog mentally active by playing stimulating games. Hide kibbles in many places and let your dog seek and find. There are feed- balls that can keep your dog busy for a long time. You can also improvise a feed-ball by cutting appropriate sized holes in a mineral water bottle. I can understand the pain of dog parents. Many dogs are conditioned to defecate and urinate only during their outdoor walk. Many pet parents have started getting up at 0300 and 0400 hrs to walk their dogs. There is no other option for pet parents living in small flats in housing societies. It is also learnt that many RWAs have risen to the occasion and have made designated potty areas, that is later flame -gunned.
If you run out of dog feed, do not panic. Give home cooked food. Simply crack open eggs, mix veggies and a few spoons of any oil and boil it in water, and feed it to your dog when cooled. Occasional treats of paneer and curds can keep your dog fit as a fiddle. You can surely manage this for 21 days.
Your pet animals are your family. They shared your joys and sorrows. Can you ever think of abandoning your buddy. No, your heart will never allow it. You will be answerable to your maker, on how you treated the most vulnerable during the crisis.


It has been reported that many animal shelters housing bovines, working animals like ponies, mules and horses are finding it difficult in procuring fodder due to the lockdown. Our Indian society is soaked in the milk of human kindness and it is certain that arrangements are being made on a war footing to ensure that these mute animals do not go hungry.

The true character of a country is exhibited during crisis.
And India is full of “Karuna”.
We are made of sterner stuff. We shall overcome, by carrying the burden of welfare of the most vulnerable, even at the cost of coming out of our comfort zone.

Unseen they suffer,
Unheard they cry,
In agony they linger,
In silence they die,
Is is nothing to you,
All ye who pass by.

Yes, this nation will care for her animals.
We will fight Corona with kindness.

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