Animal welfare: The Need of the hour-Embracing Compassion and Responsibility


Animal welfare: The Need of the hour-Embracing Compassion and Responsibility

Shivika Gupta, Ankit Kumar, Pooja, Ronak kadyan, Tarun Kumar, Neelesh Sindhu

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana, 125004

 Abstract: In an era marked by increasing awareness and empathy towards all living beings, the issue of animal welfare has become more pertinent than ever. The concepts of compassion and responsibility towards animals are now central to discussions on ethical behaviour and moral obligations. Animal welfare refers to the moral treatment and care of animals, acknowledging their inherent value and the right to a life free from cruelty and suffering. Five animal freedoms are crucial for fostering animal welfare and providing for animals in a responsible manner. India has made significant progress in implementing animal welfare regulations to shield animals from abuse and exploitation, however, there are still number of areas that need improvement for better animal welfare.

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Keywords: Animal welfare, freedom, compassion, abuse


India has a rich history of reverence and compassion towards animals, stemming from its cultural and religious beliefs. Animals hold a sacred place in Hinduism, where many deities are associated with animal forms. The concept of “ahimsa” (non-violence) has been central to Indian philosophy, emphasizing compassion towards all living beings. So, it is painful to note how that rich legacy is tarnished from time to time by acts of physical violence, emotional abuse, and life-threatening neglect, particularly in our cities but also farms. As compassionate and responsible individuals, it is high time, we recognize the significance of animal welfare and make it a top priority in our daily lives.

Concept of Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is the relationship between humans and animals, as well as the duty that the animals under their care are treated humanely. The animal is said to be in a good state of health where it is healthy, comfortable, well fed, able to express its natural character and not suffering from adverse conditions i.e., fear, pain and distress. Good animal welfare requires management of animals; disease prevention and veterinary treatment when animals are sick; animal care; balanced nutrition; appropriate shelter; humane handling of each animal and humane slaughter.  Proper animal welfare is a human duty and responsibility that includes all aspects of animal comfort and their safety.

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Five Freedoms Concept

The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare is a set of principles that were first articulated in the Brambell Report of 1965. These freedoms serve as a guiding framework to assess and ensure the well-being of animals under human care. They have since become widely recognized and are used as a foundation for animal welfare standards and practices. The Five Freedoms are as follows:

  1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst – by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
  2. Freedom from Discomfort – by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
  3. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease – by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour – by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
  5. Freedom from Fear and Distress – by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.

By adhering to these principles, we can create a world where animals are treated with dignity and respect, and their well-being is prioritized.

Promoting Animal Welfare:

  1. Responsible Pet Ownership: For companion animals like dogs, cats, and other domesticated species, responsible pet ownership is of utmost importance. This includes providing them with proper nutrition, regular veterinary care, a safe environment, and love and attention.
  2. Farm Animal Welfare: The industrialization of agriculture has led to concerns about the welfare of farm animals. Implementing humane farming practices that allow animals to engage in natural behaviors and minimize stress and suffering is essential.
  3. Wildlife Conservation: Protecting and preserving natural habitats are crucial to maintaining the well-being of wildlife. Conservation efforts help to prevent the endangerment and extinction of various animal species.
  4. Zoos and Aquariums: Zoological facilities play a significant role in education, research, and species conservation. It is essential for these institutions to prioritize the welfare of animals in captivity; providing them with environments that meet their physical and psychological needs.
  5. Ending Animal Cruelty: Addressing animal cruelty is a collective responsibility. Governments, organizations, and individuals must collaborate to enforce laws against animal abuse and provide support to rescue and rehabilitate abused animals.
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Improvement Opportunities

India has made considerable strides in enacting animal welfare laws to protect animals from cruelty and exploitation. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960, is the primary legislation addressing animal welfare in the country. The act prohibits causing unnecessary pain or suffering to animals and lays down guidelines for their proper treatment.

While India has made progress, several areas still require attention for improved animal welfare:

hile India has made progress, several areas still require attention for improved animal Strengthening Law Enforcement: Despite the existence of animal welfare laws, enforcement remains a challenge in many regions. Authorities need to ensure strict implementation of existing laws and impose severe penalties for violators to act as a deterrent against cruelty and mistreatment of animals.

  1. Addressing Stray Animal Welfare: India has a large population of stray animals, such as dogs, cows, and cats. These animals often face neglect, abuse, and starvation. Implementing effective sterilization and vaccination programs, along with establishing shelters, would significantly improve the welfare of these animals and reduce the incidence of zoonotic diseases.
  2. Promoting Humane Education: Educating the public, especially the younger generation, about the importance of animal welfare and empathy towards animals can foster a more compassionate society. Integrating animal welfare education into school curricula can help instill values of kindness and respect towards animals from an early age.
  3. Expanding Wildlife Conservation Efforts: India is home to diverse and endangered wildlife species. Protecting them requires a collective effort to combat poaching, habitat destruction, and human-wildlife conflicts. Strengthening conservation measures and implementing sustainable practices are crucial steps towards preserving India’s unique biodiversity.
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Animal welfare is a shared responsibility that affects us all. As we strive to create a more compassionate world, we must acknowledge that animals deserve our care and protection. India, with its deep-rooted cultural values regarding animals, has the potential to lead the way in setting exemplary standards of animal welfare. By supporting animal welfare initiatives and advocating for stronger laws and practices, we not only enhance the lives of animals but also foster a kinder, more empathetic society. Incorporating compassion and responsibility into our daily lives is not just an option but a necessity in ensuring the well-being of animals across the globe. From the pets we share our homes with to the wildlife that thrives in their natural habitats, every living being deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. By embracing animal welfare as the need of the hour, we pave the way for a more compassionate, sustainable, and harmonious world, where humans and animals can coexist in harmony.


  1. Bhatt, J., Joshi, A., Bhat, A. R., Yadav, S. Animal welfare and its role in human life. Krishi Jagran Magazines
  2. Khillare, R and Kaushal, M. 2021.Animal welfare and its importance. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2021 Vol. 22.
  3. Hewson, C.J., 2003. What is animal welfare? Common definitions and their practical consequences. Can. Vet. J. 44:496-499.


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