Application of Ethnoveterinary Practices and Veterinary homeopathy/ Veterinary Ayurveda in treatment of mastitis in Dairy Animals


Application of Ethnoveterinary Practices and Veterinary homeopathy/ Veterinary Ayurveda in treatment of mastitis in Dairy Animals

Dr Dharam Prakash Shrivastava

SMS (Veterinary Science) KVK PG College Ghazipur( Inservice PhD candidate from NDUAT Ayodhya)


Ethno veterinary practices concern to animal healthcare is as old as the domestication of various livestock species. They comprise belief, knowledge, practices and skills pertaining to healthcare and management of livestock. Ethenoveterinary practices use in treatment of various livestock diseases, due to low cost of manufacturing as well as zero report of resistance in antimicrobial. Mastitis is inflammatory condition of breast it causes huge economic loss to the farmer, it may be acute sub acute and chronic. Plant based products and other veterinary homeopathic medicines are serve as a new foundation for alternative mastitis treatment. Several homeopathic drug and its combination such as Bryonia and Urtica Urens, Belladonna, Sulphur, Phytolacca, Carbo Vegetabilis and Silicea with herbal extract prepration such as aloe vera, Kelp etc and other  ayurvedic treatment use for treatment of various stages of mastitis.

Key Words:Ethenoveterinary, Aloe vera, Kelp, Mastitis, Kelp


Now a days antibiotic resistant is a worldwide problem in mastitis as well as in other infection. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an innovative approach towards the emergence of drug-resistant in bacterial infection of mastitis and other infection in current scenario. Ethno veterinary practices concern to animal healthcare is as old as the domestication of various livestock species. They comprise belief, knowledge, practices and skills pertaining to healthcare and livestock management. Its a best practice due to low investment cost and no side effect. Mastitis is inflammatory condition of breast it causes huge economic loss to the farmer in form of productivity as well as market value of animal. Mastitis may be acute, sub-acute and chronic type. Its infection occurs either through injury in teat followed by secondary bacterial infection or through teat canal. As its treatment causes huge economic loss to the farmer so plant based products and other Veterinary homeopathic medicines are serve as a new foundation for alternative mastitis treatment. This is due to low cost of manufacturing as well as zero report of resistance in antimicrobial (Pasca et al., 2017). Recently, many research efforts have been conducted to study the alternative treatment to treat mastitis. Natural products have successfully played  central role in the discovery of drugs of numerous scopes including veterinary medicine. Natural product either develop synthetically or semi-synthetic process or develop naturally and originated in nature. It comes from plant, animal and as well as microbes’ sources. Biological activities of the natural product play as an important tool in discovery of new drug. Natural products are promising therapeutics in treating mastitis and other infection. The development of therapeutic agents from natural products has been chosen in consideration as many multiple factors are discovered. Other than its potential biological activities, inexpensive cost and simple preparation also contribute to the factors of development natural products as alternative approach in curing mastitis (Melander et al., 2020). Discovery of many previous studies of the effectiveness of wide range of natural products have pointed out as a promising role to prevent bacteria resistance in the future (Harjanti et al., 2019). It is also considered as beneficial, safe, low cost material, and shows no harmful  effect in humans and animals health.


Treatment Of Mastitis Without Antibiotics

Treatment of mastitis is a challenging process because several etiological factor involve in it, it can be treated either by using veterinary homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment or through naturopathy, but in naturopathy its treatment is depend on the stage of mastitis, include clay therapy and oxygen therapy.

Veterinary Homeopathy

It was started by Samuel Hahnemann based on the ‘like cures like’ doctrine with the claim that a substance causing disease symptoms in sick people could cure sick people with similar symptoms. The same concept of diagnosis and treatment applied in animals.

Prevention Of Mastitis In Dairy Cows by using Homeopathic drug

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment not prevent on only single animal but it’s a herd prevention. Normally, nosodes (fragments of pathogenic cells) are administered to boost immunity of animals.

The veterinary conducts research on the bacteria causing mastitis in the dairy cows and established the right nosode for the specific herd. The nosode are administered to the herd as per scientific guidelines. In most cases 30 dilutions will be most effective.


When mastitis strikes, you need to go beyond the nosodes. Here, a number of homeopathic remedies will be combined to combat the mastitis bacteria. Some of the combinations that have proved to be effective for mammary gland infection include: Bryonia and Urtica Urens, Belladonna; Sulphur, Phytolacca, Carbo Vegetabilis and Silicea.

Specific Treatment

Specific homeopathic treatment is recommended for symptoms such as edema type, lumpy milk among others. Specific treatment was popular with MacLeod and France’s Quiquandon.

 Table-1: Remedies By Macleod

Homeopathic Remedy Symptoms Dose
Aconitum 6x Acute mastitis infections. Cases that develop rapidly with exposure to cold dry wind. Relieves anxiety and tension. 6 (1 in every 30 minutes)
Arnica Montana 30c Mastitis resulting from teat and udder injuries. Presence of blood in secretions. 9 (3 every day)


Apis Mellifica 6 c Edema around the udder. Swollen mammary vein. First calving. 4 (1 in every 3 hours)
Belladonna Acute postpartum mastitis. Red and hot udder. Severe pain. Hot animal body. Quick and strong pulse. 4 ( 1 in every hour)
Bryonia Alba 30 c Swollen hard udder. Mild pain when pressed. Increased lying duration. Chronic cases with fibroids. 4 (1 in every 4 hours)-Acute

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8 (2 times a week for 1 month)-Chronic

Belia Perennis 6 c Deep udder injuries. Blood in secretion. 12 (3 doses per day for 4 days)
Hepar Sulhuris 6 x Sumer mastitis. Aids in udder cleaning. 4 (1 in every 3 hours)
Ipeca 30 c Internal bleeding. Pink or bloody milk. 9 (3 per day for 3 days)
Phytolacca 30 c Chronic and clinical mastitis. Sour coagulated milk. Clots at mid lactation. 9 ( 3 per day for 3 days)
Silicea 200 c Summer mastitis. Purulent abscess 8 (2 a week for 4 weeks)
S.S.C 30 c Clinical and subclinical mastitis. Big lumps and yellowish milk. 9 (3 per day for 3 days)
Urtica Ulens 6x Edema forms plaques in clinical cases. 4 ( 1 every hour)




Table-2: Homeopathic treatment by Quiquandon for cow mastitis

Remedies Symptoms
Belladonna Hot and red mammary gland. Painful to touch. Prostrate animal. High fever.
Bryonia Acute mastitis. Hot pale and hard gland. Immobility. Relief under high pressure.
Plambum Iodanum 5 CH +Conium Maculatum Chronic mastitis. Marker glandular indurations. Mild pain to the touch. Hypertrophy and atrophy.
Phytolacca and Conium Hard nodes or quarters. Retro mammary ganglia. Painful when touched. Cracking teats.
Belladonna 5CH + Lachesis 5 CH Tissue infiltration. Violet mammary gland. Prostrate animal.
Carbolicum acidum 5 CH +Lachesis 5 CH Gangrenous mastitis
Silicea Pus secretion
Vipera Reddi Acute inflammation. Edema presence. Gangrenous tendency. Cold quarter. Swollen veins. Severe pain when touched. Quick pulse and weak heart.

Ayurvedic treatment of mastitis

This is the use of plant-derived remedies in the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is a science based medical practice that has proved to be reliable in the treatment of mastitis.


Using Aloe vera

  1. Take 100 gms of Aloe vera, 2 spoonfull turmeric powder, One or half lemon and two tea spoonful castor oil mix the all constituent make a paste apply over the udder upto 2 to 3 times in a day. It prevent further spread of mastitis and also act as antinflammatory.
  2. 250 gm Aloe vera, 50 gm turmeric powder, 15 gm chuna, one or half lemon mix 150 to 200 ml water apply 5-8 times in a day and give one lemon orally upto three days. If blood comes from milk then use gud and curry leaves paste orally to prevent it. Resulscomes with in 5 to 7 days.

Juliette De Bairacli-Levy Method  herbs such as wood sage, garlic and teucrium scorodonia are used. The wood sage is very effective on mammary gland treatment.

How The Method Works

  • Confine affected animals in airy quarters
  • Keep animal fast for two days provide only fresh drinking water.
  • Ensure that the animal doesn’t feed on bedding material and prevent lying down on cold cement.
  • Administer a single dose of wood sage tea every fasting morning. The tea is prepared by mixing two handfuls of the finely cut herbs, two teaspoons honey and one and a half litre of water.
  • Administer 1 dose of senna-based laxative every fasting night. Prepare this by soaking 20 senna cloves in cold water (half litre) for 6 hours. Add ground ginger (1 teaspoon).
  • After fasting, administer a mixture of warm water (1/2 ltr), milk (2ltr) and molasses (10 tablespoons). Provide wood sage (finely cut) mixed with molasses and bran.
  • At mid-day and evening of the third day, administer a mixture of garlic cloves (6-8) grated in water (1ltr).
  • In the following days, provide softened sweet hay (2/3 gallons) mixed with bran (1kg) and molasses (10tablespoons).
  • Provide two handfuls of Greanium robertianum, raspberry leaves or Artemisia atrotanum.
  • If the treatment is successful, the cow’s temperature will return to normal and it can be left to graze normally.


Aloe is popular for its medicinal value. When it comes to mastitis treatment in dairy cows, aloe is used in udder treatment. It’s mainly used when the udder has injuries leading to staphylococcal mastitis. The aloe is applied in its raw form and it works magic.

For effective treatment for mastitis, you will also need to inject the affected quarter with aloe syrup. It is recommended that you use 20-60 cc of aloe in its juice form at least once every day. It’s important to note that the teat needs to be sterilized before injecting the aloe. The aloe in its natural form brings all the filth that may aggravate the situation in absence of sterilization. It has anti-inflammatory properties, work as coagulant.


Kelp is one of the few plants whose success in treatment for mastitis has scientific backing. Its rather preventive than curative making it even better. It not only contains a high amount of minerals but also has an effect on a wide range of bacteria.

Mastitis Ointment Biodynamic

The kelp ointment is made from marigold flowers and lard. Here is the step by step guide on how to prepare the kelp ointment.

  • In your double boiler, melt 2 kilograms of lard
  • Add dried marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis) – Two handfuls heat upto thirty minutes
  • Filter using cheesecloth.
  • Pour in containers and cool.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is also used in animals. In dairy cows, its mainly used in treatment of mastitis. Known as ‘the cure for all diseases’, oxygen therapy is very essential in treatment of mastitis.

Glyoxilide is found in solid form and is provided in 5 cc ampoules doses. This dose is injected into the dairy cow’s shoulder or neck muscles using a hypodermic needle. A single dose/treatment is enough to treat mastitis.

After injection, Glyoxilide provokes reactions in cows that will be seen in 21 day cycles and fade with time. The treatment will be effective for 1-2 years.

Clay Therapy

Clay is known to have therapeutic properties. Due to its high absorbency, it has become popular in dressing cows infected with mastitis. For effective mastitis in cows’ treatment, the clay is mixed with olive oil or water. Olive oil proves to be the best option as it gives the mixture an elastic consistency.

When using olive oil, make a point of mixing the oil thoroughly. On the other hand, water needs no mixing. Leave it to sip slowly into the soil. Cover with a cloth and set in the sun. In either process, use a wooden spoon and a non-reactive container.

To increase the therapeutic effect, add 2-3 drops of thyme or pine oil in every two litres of the mixture. The mixture can then be applied gently on the teats and udder.


This traditional formulation is very effective in the cure of mastitis. Ethenoveterinary medicine based natural products and veterinary homeopathy and veterinary ayurvedic medicines  is an effective alternative to synthetic chemicals in treating mastitis in cattle.





Harjanti D, Ciptaningtyas R. and Wahyono F. (2019). Phytochemical properties and antibacterial activity of Ageratum conyzoidesPiper betleMuntinga calabura and Curcuma domestica against mastitis bacteria isolates. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 247:012049.


Melander R, Basak A, and Melander. (2020). Natural products as inspiration for the development of bacterial antibiofilm agents. Natural Product Reports.

Pașca C, Mărghitaș L, Dezmirean D, Bobiș O, Bonta V, and Chirilă F. (2017). Medicinal Plants Based Products Tested on Pathogens Isolated from Mastitis Milk. Molecules. 22(9):1473.


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