Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine


Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Deep Narayan Singh*1, Dr. Mamta1, Dr. Ajay Kumar1, Dr. Manisha Tyagi2 , Dr. Yajuvendra Singh1and Dr. Rajneesh Sirohi1

Department of Livestock Production Management

College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbadry,

U.P. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura-281001

* Corresponding Author

1Assistant Professor, Department of LPM, CVSc & AH, DUVASU, Mathura

2 PG Scholar, Department of LPM      




Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded by Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician had introduced homeopathy both into human and veterinary fields. It is based on the principle that “like cures like”. In practice, this means a medicine capable of producing certain effects when taken by a healthy living being is capable of curing any kind of illness that displays similar effects without any side defects.  Homeopathy has been successfully used in many countries like India, England, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, U.S.A., Netherlands have been successfully using homeopathy in veterinary practice for prevention as well of treatment of diseases.


The history of Homeopathy is distinctly very ancient and famous. The term homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering or disease (Vithoulkas, 1998). Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that treats a disease with heavily diluted preparations created from substances that would ordinarily cause effects similar to the disease’s symptoms (Hahnemann, 1849). Hahnemann is known as a father of Homeopathy. Dr John Honigberger was the first person who brought homeopathy in India in 1829-30. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1938 has approved the homeopathic remedies as a Drug in 1950. Christopher Day (1984) wrote a book on ‘Homoeopathic Treatment of Small Animals’ and he treated many animals with homeopathy. Homeopathy is one of the important systems of medicine very useful in animal husbandry as certain advantages over allopathic like it has no side effects, no residue in milk or meat, relatively cheap and eco-friendly. It has certain disadvantages like there is lack of professional expertise to assist the farmer.

The International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (IAVH) was formed in 1986 in Luxembourg.  Department of AYUSH, Government of India and Veterinary Council of India has taken keen interest for establishment of Homeopathy division. Today homeopathy occupies a unique place in the world of therapeutics in human as well as veterinary field. Brilliant cures affected by harmless remedies have drawn many veterinarians as well as farmers in fold. More and more Veterinarian’s are taking keen interest in Homeopathy therapy but due to lack of knowledge, guideline and availability of homeopathy medicines at grass root level act as a speed breaker for development of homeopathy in India.


Silent features of Homeopathic drugs:-

In global scenario we have to compete with other countries, so cost and quality animal production is a need of time. So homeopathy will help in better way as it gives “Saving to the producer and safety to consumers”. Homeopathic medicine is so small in dose that it produces its effect similar to Nano-pharmacology. The major differences in the Homeopathy and Allopathic are: Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole; in which drug has relationship with disease; individual therapy for individual patient; application of single medicine at a time with minimum dose etc., while allopathic treats the disease, not the patient as a whole, no fixed relationship between drug and disease; specific medicine for specific disease; application of massive doses of different medicines and mixtures, etc. (Das., 2002). Looking to better prospects of homeopathy in veterinary and dairy husbandry one must come up with a good extension strategy for better adoption and diffusion of the advantages of this system for betterment of animals and farmers too. More and more awareness training, diploma courses to extend this knowledge to grass root level is the urgent need of time. There should be a continuous communication and interactions between homeopath and veterinary council of India to have to have a organized strategy to develop this science by means of extension education and knowledge up gradation of applied homeopathy in veterinary science.

Homeopathy has been successfully used in many states of India such as Gujarat, Maharastra,W.B, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, A.P. and Tamilnadu. In many countries like England, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, U.S.A., Netherlands have been successfully using homeopathy in veterinary practice for prevention as well of treatment of diseases. At Indian veterinary research institute Izzatnagar Varshney et al. (2004) has done research on clinical management of babesiosis in dogs with homeopathic Crotalus horridus 200C and Evaluation of Homeopathic medicine in the clinical management of Udder disease of Riverine Buffaloes and got good results.

Why Homeopathy in Veterinary practice:

  1. Dose of drug is very small, few globules or drops are easy for administration.
  2. No addiction in animals as compare to human, thus it gives to (alcohol, tea, coffee etc,) so its gives extraordinary results.
  3. This therapy never clash with other drugs hence can easily used with other system of medicines successfully.
  4. It has no negative side effect on body but has a positive effect on body.
  5. It is very much cost effective medicine.
  6. No have any drug residue in animal product which fetch higher price of animal products in world market.
  7. It can be very well used as preventive medicine and feed supplements (infectious diseases and metabolic disorders).
  8. Many surgical conditions (warts, hematoma, fistula, sinuses, and chronic abscess) can be very well cured.
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  • It requires skill, study, time and commitment.
  • Limited data and research on applied veterinary homeopathy.
  • High profile of awareness towards history, signs and symptoms.
  • Animals and birds have short life span, hence limited observations and history.


Mechanism of action:

The exact mechanism of action of homeopathy remedies is still not understood while, as per Dr. Hahnemaan homeopathy may act dynamically to stimulate the body’s vital force through releasing some kind of energy, which stimulates body’s own defense mechanism to counteract the disease process. The basic principle of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curanter”, means Let like be cure like. It does not suppress the symptom but it can permanently extinguish the disease process from the root, thus the permanent cure is possible. It is found that the homeopathy is complimentary to modern medicine in veterinary practice and their action is synergistic in nature.

Common homeopathy Medicines for Animals:

  1. Injury/wounds- Aconite, Arnica, Hypericum, Ledum.
  2. Constipation- Bryonia, Nux vomica, Alumina.
  3. Cough and coryza- Aconite, Allium, Arsenic.
  4. Diarrohea & Vomiting-Aconite, Arsenicum, nuxvomica, Veratrum.
  5. 5.Joint pain & Arthritis- Bell, rhus tox, sepia.
  6. Skin problems-Sulphur, Arsenic.
  7. Urinary problems-Cantharis, Apis, sepia.
  8. Pregnancy-Arnica, Calcaria phos, Caulophyllum.

Homeopathic drugs for Dog:

  • Apis: For bee and insect bites.
  • Arnica: For general pain, stiffness due to overexertion, soreness and musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ArsAlb: For GI upsets from eating spoiled food where there is both vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • Agaricus: For symptoms associated with frostbite, chilblains, and poisonings. Gangrene from freezing of tissues.
  • Allium cepa: Coryza and hay fever
  • Tart: For respiratory conditions like Pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough with thick white mucous, difficulty breathing, and deep cough.
  • Baptisia: For influenzas that cause a profound prostration, weakness of the neck so head cannot be held in position, and with the inability to swallow food, only water.
  • Belladonna: Sudden and high fever, redness, pain, dilated pupils and panting.
  • Borax: For fear of thunderstorms and fireworks
  • Calendula: Can be used both internally as well as externally for skin infections or any kind of external infection.
  • Hepar sulphur: Wonderful to treat abscesses anywhere on the body
  • Hypericum: Remedy to give for any pain due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve-rich areas.
  • Myristica: For anal sac infections and chronic anal sac problems.
  • Rhus tox: For arthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections and skin itching.
  • Ruta: For any injury to tendons or ligaments and this remedy has a real affinity for the knee joint
  • Silicea: Expells foreign bodies like splinters or foxtails out of the skin.
  • LedumFor any type of puncture wound, including those from insect bites.
  • Caulophyllum: Remedy for labour pains without progress, profuse haemorrhage after delivery.
READ MORE :  Veterinary Homeopathy


Homeopathic treatment of Mastitis

  1. Use of 5 drops of Phytolacca-1000 orally in morning hours up to 15 days can be cured from mastitis.


  1. In case of fibrosis and nodules formation in secretary tissues we can use Homeopathic drugs Tetasule fibrokit gold, Tetasule Fibro, Fibro-K drops for such purposes.
  2. 2ml of Calcaria Flour-200C in 100 ml of Luke warm water is administered orally thrice a day to each animal. Silicea -200C is also administered in same dose and route keeping a time gap of half an hour between two administrations. The treatment is carried out for at least 20 days.
  3. Belladonna 30 or 200 and Urticaria urens 30, when udder is hot, painful and edematous.
  4. Conium 200, when udder is very hard with yellowish and cheesy milk
  5. Various homeopathic drugs are available in the market among which Tetasule, Masti-K drops and Mastitis drops are very effective in mastitis of cattle.


Homeopathy is a safe and effective way that can easily be integrated into a practicing clinician’s armamentarium as either first-line therapy or adjunctive treatment. Homeopathy is one of the important systems of medicine very useful in animal husbandry as certain advantages over allopathic like it has no side effects, no residue in milk or meat, relatively cheap and eco-friendly. So, as a Veterinarian, it is our duty to promote the effectiveness of homeopathic drugs for treatment of several diseases of animals as well as organizes several awareness programmes about advantages of homeopathic drugs in Veterinary as well as human treatments.,to%20treatment%20with%20homeopathic%20remedy.

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