Ajjanagi Bhimappa

Senior Veterinary Officer,

Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Veterinary Hospital, Satti,

Tq: Athani, Dist: Belagavi, Karnataka-591240


Corresponding Author: Dr Ajjanagi Bhimappa, Email: phone: 9964763458


Homeopathy has emerged as an effective complementary and alternative medicine in veterinary practice. Its development, importance in organic farming and disease management, types of homeopathic therapies, advantages of homeopathy has been discussed. Summary findings of some of the researches conducted on homeopathic combination remedies at research institutes have also been given to appraise the research developments in homeopathic medicine. It appears that homeopathy will find place in holistic management of diseases in human and veterinary practice in times to come. Homeopathic treatment of disease is an essential element of organic farming and practitioners report good results when treating conditions such as mastitis, vaginal prolapsed, stomatitis, bloat etc in large and small ruminants. However, it is not only vets who use homeopathic medicine in the farming community. Since 2001 an organization called HAWL (Homeopathy at Wellie Level) has trained almost 300 farmers in the basics of homeopathy. This has allowed farmers to incorporate a limited amount of homeopathic prescribing into their day-to-day health management strategies. Further research looking at the homeopathic treatment of animals is therefore essential for informing this growing area of homeopathic practice.

Key words: Homeopathy, Veterinary practice, ruminants, musths and cannibalism


The Veterinary Science has much developed in preventing diseases and treatment aspect. The veterinary educational institutions have created many veterinarians in livestock development programmes. The present system of medical treatment in veterinary science is solely on allopathic principles. Modern medicine has a key role in the control and eradication of many infections, acute toxicities and diseases. The increasing cost of allopathic medicines and the development of antibiotic resistance compels the vets to use an alternative treatment of animals. Homoeopathy can be considered as one of the alternative which can be applied in veterinary practice. Even though homoeopathic medicines are sweet in taste (due to trituration in sugar) and a little bit alcoholic smell (in dilution with alcohol), they are readily accepted by animals. It can be prepared easily and the administration is not so much difficult. Minute doses can also be applied to large animals like elephants. The action of drugs on animals cannot be proved because it has been practiced in man. The established proving of drugs in man can be taken in to account for animals also. Since the anatomy, physiology and disease of animals differ from species to species a veterinary homoeopathy should know the anatomy and physiopathology of diseases of animals for adopting effective treatment. Sometime different systems of treatment have to be adopted in treating animals. Once the favorable clinical response is noticed after allopathic treatment one can switch over to homoeopathy. A detailed internal and external examination of the animal is needed for the selection of a correct remedy. A skilled veterinarian can assess the stage of pregnancy, status of the foetus (dead, alive or mummified), the condition of the ovaries and other disease conditions like urinany calculi, pyometra, uterine torsion and rupture. Homoeopathy alone may not be helpful in treating all disease conditions in animals. But it can bring about wonderful cures even in certain cases of failures with allopathic medicines.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice

Regarding the administration of drugs, tinctures are generally mixed in water, one drop to five drops per dose and drenched or it could be mixed with small quantity of rice gruel and allowed to drink. In the case of calves, dogs, elephants and goats the tinctures are mixed with dextrose (glucose power) and are smeared over the tongue. The sugar globules impregnated with medicines are given to dogs, goats and horses. Intramuscular or subcutaneous injections of      0.5 ml of tincture mixed with double the quantity of distilled water can also be used to reduce the frequent repetition of medicines. Some of the cases which can be treated with homoeopathic medicines are enlisted below.



This is a common condition in ruminants which can be cured by the administration of Thuja occidentalis 0.5ml of Thuja occidentalis 30 diluted in 0.5ml of distilled water subcutaneously given alleviates the disease. This has to be repeated on alternate days. However, Causticum 30 is superior to thuja in curing the warts. It is to be administered orally 3 doses a day for first 14 days and 2 doses of causticum 200 daily for subsequent fortnight. In chronic cases causticum IM may be required for a complete cure.


Not only eczema but almost all superficial skin infections can be treated by the administration of sulphur 30 three doses per day for 15 days along with Bacillinum 30 once in a week.

Warts in cow                                                   Mastitis in cow


Cross breeding programme has increased the production potentials as well as the incidence of mastitis in cows. The allopathic treatment in mastitis causes severe financial strain to the dairy farmers. It has been observed that mastitis is most common in “Hydrogenoid constitutions” and treatment in this line is found to be successful and prevent recurrance. In the initial stages drugs like Belladonna, Bryonia, Phytolacca and Meresal is effective followed by Heparsulph, streptococcin and staphylococcin. Drugs like Hydrastics, Tuberculinum, Thuja and Biochemic like Natrum sulph can be used in controlling the relapse.

Prepartum Prolapse:

This is common gynecological problem occurring, in certain pluriparous cows and buffaloes with   high milk yield. The pre-partum prolapse in gravid uterus may be due to

  • Excessive secretion of oestrogen, causing relaxation of sacro-sciatic ligament and increased tonicity of uterus
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. Pregnant cattle when standing the prolapsed parts disappear and when recumbent reappear
  • Infection of genitalia and consequent irritation
  • Irritation of vagina due to sun, wind and dung.

Vaginal prolapse in a cow                           Pre-partum prolapse in a goat


  1. Sepia 12 or 30: B.I.D for one week, till the symptoms subside.
  2. Sepia 200: one dose orally and follow Calc. phos 6x + Calc. flor 6x + Calc.

carb 30.  5 pills of above combination B.I.D daily, till prolapse disappears

 Post partum prolapse:

  • Podophylum 200 + Sepia 200: Either alone or in combination 3 times a day, till relief
  • Helonias Q: 5 drops, in a cup of water, every 30 mts, till relief either alone are along with treatment 2 can be treated with sepia 30, 3 doses daily for a week and with sepia 200 for the next week. In case of severe straining while urinating, cantharis 30, 3 doses per day can be given.

Milk fever or parturient paresis:

It is a  metabolic disease occurring, most commonly  about  the time of  parturition in  cows,  and is  characterized  by, hypocalcaemia,  general muscular weakness,  circulatory  collapse & depression of   consciousness.

Homeopathic Combination:

  1. Urticaria urens Q
  2. Calcaria carb          30
  3. Calc. Flour                         30
  4. Calc. Phos 30
  5. Silicea                     30
  6. Ricinus communis 30
  7. Pulsatilla                 30
  8. Natrum mur            30
  9. Asafoetida                         30


Dose: 3ml made up to 100 ml vimeral 5 ml B.I.D 10 days



Downers cow syndrome: 

Treatment:     1.   Rhustox                             30

Plumbum                           30                    1st day Q.I.D

Mag. Phos                         30


  1. Bryonia                              30

Nux vomica                        30                    2nd day Q.I.D

Plumbum                            30


Ketosis is impaired metabolism of carbohydrates and volatile fatty acids characterized by

ketonemia, Ketonuria, Hypoglycemia and low hepatic glycogen concentration. Seen in

heavy  milkers, in post calving  period.


Provide rich carbohydrate diet and I/V 25 % dextrose saline

  1. a) For wasting form (digestive)

I    1.  Urtica Urens     30

  1. Alfaalfa                  30                    B.I.D. / 10 days
  2. 5 Phos                    30
  3. Lecithin                  30

II   Lycopodium 1 M when dung is evacuated in dry balls with mucous coated.

Dose:  once a day for 5- 7 days

  1. b) For Nervous Form:


  1. Cuprum met                       6
  2. Ignatia amara                     6
  3. Belladonna                                     6 aa 2 ml in 60 ml of Vimerol
  4. Stramonium                        3          5 ml B.I.D 6 days.
  5. Chamomilla                        3
  6. Theridion                            6


Honey bee poisoning:

Apismel at hourly interval can cure the condition within a few days. Anorexia in vicious cow: at farrowing period can be treated with 4 doses of Nux vomica 30 diluted in equal quantity of water.


Certain dogs, cats, rabbits eats their young ones can be corrected by giving Ferrum phos 6x during pregnancy.

Milk Agalactia:

Give Ignatia 3 doses for 5 days. Bloody milk (Rose milk): Chamomilla 30, 3 dose per day for 5 to 7 days. If it is not effective give Ipeca 30.

Nasal schistosomosis:

It is common condition in cattle which can be treated with Antimony tartarate 30, 3 doses/day for 3 weeks. Thelitis or Mammititis (Viral): It can be treated with Lachesis 30 followed by Hepar sulph IM and local application of calendula

Encephalomalacia in goats:

Can efficiently be cured by Cicuta Virosa 30, 4 doses per day for 3 days.

Rut or Musth in elephants:

Give Belladonna 200 10 drops daily of 4 does on the first day in sweet buns. Gelsemium 200 – four doses on 2nd and 3rd day. Zinc mets 200 – four dose daily X 4 days. Zinc met IM – two doses on 8th day. Sulphur 30 + silica 30 + carbo veg 30 – Three doses daily for 3 more consecutive days. By this treatment the animal could be brought back to normal behaviours.

Wounds, rhagades, fissures in elephants :

Can be treated with graphites 30, 3 doses daily for a week. In case of any mechanical injury to animals like accidents if not seriously injured can be cured with Arnica Montanna. At the initial stage treat with Arnica M 30 at hourly intervals.


Cannibalism in rabbits                                              Musth in elephants


Sl. No Disease condition Homeopathy medicine
1 Bee and insect bites. Apis
2 General pain, stiffness due to overexertion, soreness and musculoskeletal injuries. Arnica
3 GI disturbances from eating spoiled food where there is both vomiting and diarrhoea. Ars. Alb
4 Symptoms associated with frostbite, chilblains, and poisonings. Gangrene from freezing of tissues. Agaricus
5 Coryza and hay fever Allium cepa
6 For respiratory conditions like Pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough with thick white mucous, difficulty breathing, and deep cough Tart
7 For influenzas that cause a profound prostration, weakness of the neck so head cannot be held in position, and with the inability to swallow food, only water. Baptisia
8 Sudden and high fever, redness, pain, dilated pupils and panting Belladonna
9 For fear of thunderstorms and fireworks Borax
10 Can be used both internally as well as externally for skin infections or any kind of external infection. Calendula
11 Wonderful to treat abscesses anywhere on the body Hepar sulphur
12 Remedy to give for any pain due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve-rich areas Hypericum
13 For anal sac infections and chronic anal sac problems Myristica
14 For arthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections and skin itching Rhus tox
15 Remedy for labour pains without progress, profuse haemorrhage after delivery Caulophyllum

Apart from these there are even more remedies used in various conditions and they can be dispensed in the same way as in humans. Please note that medicines should not be mixed in their foods; they have to be directly put in their mouth. Homeopathy for animals gives excellent results in animal ailments especially dogs, cats and even cattle. Saving animals from the hazardous side effects of conventional medicines and giving them a healthier life, Veterinary Homeopathy is surely a great act of kindness that we can offer as homeopaths.


Thus the homoeopathic medicine can play a vital role in curing diseases. A holistic approach is to be needed to reduce the expenses of treatment. If we accept that these different systems of treatments are not antagonistic, but are mutually complimentary then an integrated approach would be a great benefit to mankind.




  1. Animals &Homeopathy Info [Internet]. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018];Available from:
  2. Emerging Role of Homeopathy in Animal Husbandry: An Overview by veterinary doctors | Homeopathy Resource by [Internet]. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018]; Available from:
  3. Ruddock E, Lade G.The pocket manual of homeopathic veterinary medicine. London: The Homeopathic Publishing Company; 1879.
  4. Veterinary Research – The Faculty of Homeopathy [Internet]. The Faculty of Homeopathy. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018]; Available from: veterinary-research
  5. Prakash S. Thakor [Internet]. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018]; Available Rush J. The handbook to veterinary homeopathy. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2007.
  6. Swayne D, Glisson J. Diseases of poultry. Ames, Iowa:Wiley-Blackwell; 2013.



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