Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice


Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice

Dr Sanjay Kumar Bharti1, Dr Vijay Kumar2, Isha Shreyasi3 and Rup Narayan4

Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna- 800014

“I have long been on ardent believer in the science of homeopathy, and I feel that it has gotten now hold in India that even in the land of its origin. It is not merely on collection”.
– Rabindra Nath Tagore.


Homeopathy is a philosophy of medicine that has its roots in eighteenth century Germany, and subsequently spread to Europe, India, Australia, South America, the United States, and Canada.

The founder of modern homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, speculated that a homeopathic medicine has a temporary acute effect on the body. As the body rouses to neutralize this effect, similar symptoms from any other cause are likewise neutralized or eliminated. Homeopathic treatment thus involves matching as many symptoms as possible in a patient to the known effects of a remedy.

The underlying basis of homeopathy is the principle that ‘like cures like’, or that a substance that is capable, in toxic doses, of producing a set of symptoms is also capable, in much lower doses, of curing the same set of symptoms regardless of their perceived cause.

Keywords- Homeopathy, Veterinary, Farmer, Disease and Treatment

It is a system of complementary medicine in which ailments are treated by minute doses of natural substances that in larger amount would produce symptom of the ailment. The principle behind the science of homeopathy is “ similia similibus curentur” meaning let like be cure like. This statement pertains to the notion that the symptoms of a disease in one patient may aid the pathway for the cure of another patient harbouring the some disease. He does not suppress the symptom, rather it permanently eliminates the disease process from root, thus permanent cure is possible. Another point worth highlighting is the method of treatment employed by the branch. Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, in which drug has relationship of single medicine at a time with minimum disease.

   Dr Sanjay Kumar Bharti, Head Deaprtment of Veterinary Anatomy, –

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Dr Vijay Kumar2 M.V.Sc. Reseach Scholar, Deaprtment of Veterinary Anatomy

Isha Shreyasi3 and Rup Narayan4  B.V.Sc. & A.H. Students, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University Patna-800014


Some aspects of homeopathy, such as homeopathic first aid for self-limiting conditions, can be readily taught to lay people. Because of the potential for harm if critical illness or chronic disease is assessed incorrectly, it is absolutely necessary to have veterinary training as well as training in homeopathic theory and practice in order to properly treat animal patients. Both the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association consider veterinary homeopathy to be the practice of veterinary medicine and, as such, licensed veterinarians in those countries can only legally practice it. As veterinary homeopathy gains acceptance, there are an increasing number of veterinarians in private practice who possess the necessary training and experience. Referrals are available, but not necessary. Both acute and chronic diseases are amenable to treatment with homeopathy.


The underlying basis of homeopathy is the principle that ‘like cures like’, or that a substance that is capable, in toxic doses, of producing a set of symptoms is also capable, in much lower doses, of curing the same set of symptoms regardless of their perceived cause.

In the latter years of the nineteenth century, homeopathy began to decline in popularity with the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Homeopathy has been undergoing resurgence since the middle of the twentieth century, and has become popular again as a form of veterinary medicine in the past twenty to thirty years as animal owners and veterinarians alike explore it as a way beyond the limitations of conventional medicine. Formal training courses are offered to veterinarians and lead to certification status for successful veterinarians.

Kowalski (1989) evaluated homeopathy treatment in veterinary literature and finds that homeopathy had certain effects. Veterinary homeopathy aims to enable production with lower use of chemicals, reduced cost production and provided area of greater autonomy and income to local farmers.

A wide area of problems are being addressed by homeopathy due to which more and more farmer and pet owners are siding faith this choice of treatments. It is effectively employed for disease and pest control article significantly including towards  the goal of sustainable  development  In the intensive poultry farming, They are of homeopathy reduce the mortality of oven 50%.

e.g.  Major distressing problem of mastitis, a type of infectious condition of udder, which redirects milk flow, can be cured in a shorten span of time than antibiotics and without affecting hormones.

Homeopathy is one of the important systems of medicine very useful in animal husbandry as certain advantages over allopathic like it has no side effects, no residue in milk or meat, relatively cheap and eco-friendly. Another studies complication is infertility, which is lonely caused by misuse of hormone injections. This problem to a large extent can be remediated through homeopathy. Dose of drug is very small, few globules or drops are easy for administration. This therapy never clashes with other drugs; hence it can be easy used with other systems of medicine in a synergic manner.

Surgical conditions such as sinuses chronic abscess can easily be morphed into painless treatment. In global scenario, India has to compete with another countries, so cost and quality production is the need of an hour.

Some aspects of homeopathy, such as homeopathic first aid for self-limiting conditions, can be readily taught to lay people. Because of the potential for harm if critical illness or chronic disease is assessed incorrectly, it is absolutely necessary to have veterinary training as well as training in homeopathic theory and practice in order to properly treat animal patients. Both the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association consider veterinary homeopathy to be the practice of veterinary medicine and, as such, licensed veterinarians in those countries can only legally practice it. As veterinary homeopathy gains acceptance, there are an increasing number of veterinarians in private practice who possess the necessary training and experience. Referrals are available, but not necessary. Both acute and chronic diseases are amenable to treatment with homeopathy.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice

Samuel Hahnemann later proposed that chronic diseases were also caused by the invasion of an external force, or ‘miasm’. To Hahnemann, symptoms that arose in response to this invasion represented the enduring action of this external force on the body. Some modern practitioners consider chronic disease symptoms as merely an initially constructive response to disease that has become enfeebled and ineffective over time. Chronic diseases from the homeopathic perspective include most common disease syndromes such as allergies, arthritis, skin problems, digestive disturbances, respiratory problems, musculoskeletal problems, organ disease, and cancer.

However, with the pros comes with its own specific set of cons. Without addressing the cons, the effeteness cannot be harnessed at an optimum level. Currently limited data and research on applied veterinary homeopathy is available with restricted areas of exploration, the area

somehow remains curbed as the first choice of treatment by veterinarians. Proper awareness about the history, signs and symptoms of this branch is highly required at this time. As the awareness envelops the mind of people the choice of treatment shifts significantly. Due to the short lifespan of birds and animals, research is limited. The war between homeopathy and modern medicine reach to be curtailed as their actions are synergistic in nature.

Enlisting the problems without solution in no way aids this development. Proper planning and systematic utilization of different extensive tools and technology for better adoption and diffusion the system to grass root level is required. Training of veterinarians and para-vets and farmers for proper utilization of benefit of the system is highly paramount more and more awareness training, diploma courses to extend this knowledge is the prime-need there should be continues communication between homeopathy and veterinary council of India to have a organization and knowledge upgradation of applied homeopathy in veterinary science.

Homeopathic remedies should never be administered without a proper veterinary diagnosis. Despite the popularity of telephone consultations among veterinary homeopaths, treatment using homeopathy in a critical illness should be considered to be inappropriate without adequate monitoring and follow-up evaluation by a licensed veterinarian.


 When used correctly and by a skilful veterinary practitioner, serious adverse reactions to homeopathic remedies are uncommon, but may occur. When the correct homeopathic remedy has been administered, it is common to see a mild worsening of the condition, called an ‘aggravation’.  Such aggravations should resolve within a short period of time once treatment is at least temporarily discontinued.

The remedies of homeopathic generally very affordable. However, comprehensive treatment can be very time consuming, since it involves a thorough history taking and physical examination, followed by a patient assessment, case analysis and formulation of a treatment plan, including remedy prescription.

Homeopathy is useful as an adjunct therapy to manage post-operative pain and to speed healing after injuries.   However, as a complete and well-developed system of medicine, homeopathy is effective as the sole form of treatment for most conditions, and is used that way by skilled practitioners. Under certain circumstances, it can be combined with other forms of treatment.

  Combining therapies can make it difficult to determine what is working well, or whether the different treatments are interfering or nullifying each other. Ideally, when two or more forms of treatment are given, they should be separated by one or two days or by at least several hours if a longer interval is not possible. Certified veterinary homeopaths have the knowledge and skill to understand the interactions between different forms of treatment and to interpret the patient’s response to therapy. If your pet is receiving homeopathic treatment from a practitioner other than your regular veterinarian, it is imperative that both individuals are kept updated about the ongoing treatment in order to provide coordinated care of your pet, to allow proper evaluation of treatment and to minimize any avoidable interactions or interferences.

Last but not the least, homeopathy will help in optimum, production treatment of animals provided short comings one addressed with vigor and its effectiveness is highlighted it is promising way to a newer world as it gives the saving to the producer and safety to the consumers. It is need of the time and animal health to accept Homeopathy for the cure of animal diseases, for a doctor cure is more important than the system itself hence, we have decided to introduce Homeopathic Veterinary Medicines.


  1. Arthur G.H. , Noares D.E. and Pearson H ( 1969) : Veterinary reproduction and obstetrics 6th edition, Bailliare, Thiland, Landon.
  2. Smith, K.L. : and Hogan, J.S. (1993). Veterinary Clinicas of North America: Food Animal Practice (9) 489-498.
  3. Porwal M.L, et. al. (1976): Efficacy of different medic marts on anoestrus buffaloes. Indian vet j 53(6): 435-437.
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