Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice


Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice

Neha Yadav 4th year student

Co author-Abinash satapathy

Dau shri Vasudev Chandrakar Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya anjora durg Chhattisgarh

Homeopathy started in eighteenth century in Germany and subsequently spread to Europe,India,Australia and other parts of the world. In homeopathy the ailment is treated by minute doses of natural substances (plants ,minerals).The term ‘Homeopathy’ was given by Hahnemann in 1814. Initially it developed in Bengal and then spread to all over the India. Homeopathy treatment is practiced in dogs,cats,ruminants,equine and birds. For first aid treatment in homeopathy it was performed by a lay people who have had some knowledge about the medicine which were used in that particular disease iu but, for critical or chronic diseases veterinary training as well as training in homeopathy theory and practice is very necessary. As veterinary homeopathy gained acceptance,the number of private veterinary practitioner increased.

Homeopathy treatment enabled to treat both acute and chronic conditions in animals but the success rate of the treatment of chronic conditions will depend upon the age of the animal, treatment history, diagnosis of disease etc. Homeopathy remedies should not be administered without proper diagnosis.If an incorrect treatment is made or a remedy is overdosed there is a chance of developing  sideeffect.

Is homeopathy treatment is expensive?

homeopathic remedies are very affordable although treatment is time taking process from thorough history taking physical examination followed by patient assessment case analysis formulation of treatment plan. The visits and cost will vary according to the condition of patients and disease. The time spent on case and the response of animal to treatment gives the idea to the physician how many appointments are required.The fee of treatment depend upon the skill, experience,and training of the practitioner. Uses of homeopathy in some cases like postoperative pain and speed healing of injury it work as a supplementary therapy. Whenever homeopathic drug is mix with other drugs come caution must be followed. Homeopathy is a time taking process but it cures the disease completely.Now a days farmers use homeopathy drug in farm animals in some conditions like fever, diarrhoea, difficulty during parturition, bleeding from rectum, urinary calculi . Homeopathy is also effective on mastitis and uterine prolapse which is common problem of dairy cows.  FMD a viral disease of the cloven footed animal in this disease, animal’s foot and mouth are affected.In homeopathy, for FMD, medicines are available which are effective against all strains of FMD viruses .


Allopathy vs Homeopathy

Allopathy –‘allos’ means opposite and ‘pathos’ means to suffer.                                 Allopathy medicines are used to treat the symptoms of diseases. Allopathy known as modern medicine operates on Hippocrates theory of “the four humour” blood, phlegm,black bile, yellow bile and for good health maintaining the balance of these four is very essential. Homeopathy means similar suffering, uses to treat the root cause. homeopathy not attacking germs but boost the immune system of the body to fight the cause of the disease .Beside this, it also boost the physical and physiological well being of the animal which is essential for the treatment.

Homeopathy to treat ailments

Homeopathy basically improve the body’s response to the disease. In homeopathy minimal doses in diluted form are used. homeopathy treatment is risk free and have no effect on other body parts. It’s aim is to cure the whole body not just the affected part. Homeopathic doctors use small doses of medication to strengthen the immune system which help to cure or recover the animal.

In poultry sectors

Rural poultry farming can be a source earning more income at less cost. Some indigenous chicken are resistant to disease but viral infection spreads in flock very rapidly. homeopathy medicine are cheaper and show better results in birds, several remedies are present for coccidiosis, ranikhet which is a highly contagious disease with high mortality like fowl pox,coryza,stomach worms,and the common problem of poultry farms are diarrhoea and dysentery.

READ MORE :  Common Skin Problems of Horses and their Homeopathic Treatment at a glance


Homeopathy is a safe,less expensive,easily available medication therepy that can be easily integrated into a practicing clinicians armamentarium as either first line of therepy or adjunctive treatment.

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