Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practices


Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practices

 Dr. Anil Deka

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy & Histology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India.

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Homeopathy is a distinct philosophy of medicine. It was derived in eighteenth century in Germany. Now it is spread to Europe, India, Australia, South America, the United States, and Canada. The principles of homeopathy that apply to us humans apply very similarly to animals as well. Many chronic as well as recurring illnesses in animals can be treated wonderfully with homeopathy. Homeopathy increase immunity of the animals as well as treat the disease from the roots. Examples of diseases in animals that respond very well to Homeopathy viz., skin allergies, ear infections, asthma, Infectious Bursal Diseases, epilepsy and many other conditions. Homeopathy can rapidly treat acute diseases viz., traumatic injuries, infections and poisonings. Remedies of homeopathy are derived from substances found in any of the three kingdoms viz., animal, vegetable, and mineral. Many of the early remedies were already in popular use in eighteenth century medicine. Because patients often showed severe side effects when they received standard doses of medicines, early homeopaths directed their efforts at finding the minimum dose that was still therapeutic. Veterinarians in the nineteenth century used homeopathic texts that were specifically developed for their profession as well as information from their medical colleagues. In the latter years of the nineteenth century, homeopathy began to decline in popularity with the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Homeopathy has been undergoing resurgence since the middle of the twentieth century, and has become popular again as a form of veterinary medicine in the past twenty to thirty years as animal owners and veterinarians alike explore it as a way beyond the limitations of conventional medicine. Formal training courses are offered to veterinarians and lead to certification status for successful veterinarians.  Generally, homeopathy treatment is practiced in dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, and birds. Its use in other exotic species is growing.


Use of Homeopathy: Homeopathy remedy can be used to treat a surprising number of conditions in both large as well as small animals. The success of the treatment of chronic disease will vary according to the age of the patient, prior treatment history, diagnosis, and the patient’s vitality. Homeopathy is clinically useful as an adjunct therapy to operate post-operative pain and to speed up of injuries healing viz., in sprains, concussions, and insect stings. In such cases, the appropriate homeopathic remedy can minimize or eliminate swelling and pain, and shorten recovery time. Homeopathy can be used in many types of inflammatory situation viz., acute and chronic diarrhea, chronic gingivitis, acute and chronic respiratory conditions, and other diseases that may or may not be responsive to conventional therapies. It can also be very helpful in the treatment of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis and spondylosis. It can be used to treat all types of acute and chronic skin conditions, including infections and allergies, and if used appropriately, may even be effective in the treatment of immune-mediated disorders. It has been credited with saving countless lives during epidemics of dysentery, cholera and typhoid fever in the age before antimicrobials (antibiotics). It can also be helpful in palliating discomfort associated with cancer. In large animals, indications are much the same. It can deal with many of the acute and chronic medical conditions seen in cattle and horses. It may be a useful therapy in some common conditions, such as downer syndrome in cows, mastitis, and colic in horses

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practices

Common homeopathy remedy used in veterinary practice: Borax: It is used to treat the ulcers in mouth and for fear of thunderstorms and firework. Belladonna is used for sudden as well as high fever, redness, pain, dilated pupils and painting. Dates and germinated mugu is used for increasing the quantity and quality of semen. Wood apple and ripen pappy seed is used for control of sex libido. Leaves of dron flower is use for treatment of ulcers. Paste of turmeric power and coconut oil is use for treatment of ulcer, cut mark injury and abrasion. Thuja is used for treatment of wart and cancer. Arsenic album is used for treatment of vomiting and diarrhoea which one is caused by food poising. Nux vomica use as appetizers in downer cow.  Silica is use for treatment of chronic mastitis as well as salicylic acid use for treatment of skin infection. Selenium is use for muscular dystrophy where as tart is use for treatment of respiratory disease like pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma. Magnesium sulphate is use for euthanasia of animal. Ginger is use as carminative and Cinnamon is use for treatment of heart diseases.  Pappy leaves use in broiler farm as appetizer and growth promoter.

Conclusion: Now a days people are moving toward the homeopathy medicine because allopathy medicine has numbers of side effect which damage the kidney. Homeopathy medicine is easily available and cheap. The people of remote area can use this medicine where allopathy medicine is not available.  Homeopathy medicine is eco-friendly.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practices


Steve Marsden, DVM ND MSOM LAc DiplCH AHG, Shawn Messonnier, DVM and Cheryl Yuill, DVM, MSc, CVH.

Vockeroth, W G. 1999. Veterinary homeopathy: an overview. Can Vet J. 40(8): 592–594.
SG eds: Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice. St. Louis: Mosby. Pp. 469-484.

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