Application of In ovo Technology in Poultry : Technology of the Future

Application of In ovo Technology in Poultry
Application of In ovo Technology in Poultry

Application of In ovo Technology in Poultry : Technology of the Future

Poultry industry is one of the quickest developing sectors in India. Poultry involves a remarkable position in the livestock economy of India by coexistence of intense technology, capital, and scale with integrated production, marketing and the others based on the traditional knowledge and practices. The annual growth rate is more than 11% and 8 % in broiler production and egg production respectively. The general development rate of poultry industry is around 7-8% for every annum, most outstanding among all sectors of agriculture. In poultry industry, poultry meat accounts for two third of the value of output and one third by eggs. Poultry industry generates direct employment for more than 3.5 million people and indirect employment for another 3.5 million people in different facets of allied activities. India is the third most noteworthy egg producer and fifth biggest poultry meat producer. This makes poultry part as the quickest developing segment among all livestock sectors. The broilers in India are reared for 35-40 days to a market weight of 1.8 to 2.2 kg. The feed conversion ratio for modern broilers has been improved considerably through continuous selection programme, precision nutrition by adopting biosecurity measures from 2.2 to 1.6. In ovo feeding of nutrients have gained more attention recently. In ovo feeding of nutrients would be a more effective option, and this is the approach that has been developed by Uni and Ferket (2003). The first administration of in ovo delivery of exogenous material was reported in the 1980s for vaccination against Marek’s disease (Sharma and Burmester, 1982). At early stages of development, day zero or on or before day seven of incubation, the preferable site of injection is the air cell or albumen part of the egg, which may be termed ‘in ovo administration’. Pre-hatch birds naturally consume the amniotic fluids on 18th day of incubation. Therefore addition of a nutrient solution to the embryonic amniotic fluid would deliver essential nutrients into the embryo’s intestine. These early advancements have prompted expanded research on in ovo methods in poultry to enhance starting weights, better feed utilization, faster growth rate and higher final weight. Some of the challenges faced by broilers chicks include weakness, reduced feed intake, impaired growth, susceptibility to disease, and mortality. These symptoms may be due to limitations in some nutrients and energy and to immature digestive system unable to reload depleted energy reserves from consumed feed. Supplementing the amnion fluid with appropriate nutrients (by in-ovo feeding) is a novel way to feed critical dietary components to embryos a ‘jump-start’ development of the chick. Inovo feeding technology has established a new science of perinatal nutrition that will open opportunities for greater production efficiency and animal welfare.

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Necessity for in ovo feeding

In any commercial production system, the first few weeks are most critical period in a chicks life, which has a significant varying on the survivability and growth of the bird, newly hatched chicks are often subjected to undue stress that makes them more susceptible to pathogens. The potential period, the last four days before hatch and the first four days after hatch is most critical period for development and survival of commercial birds. It’s the period during which the nutritional conditioning and perinatal programming can occur. The perinatal chick makes the metabolic and physiological transition from the nutrition supplied in the egg to feed, and its functionally programmed to adopt its environment. The chick’s first meal occurs when it consumes the amnion fluid before internal piping at about 18 days of incubation. In commercial hatcheries, hatchlings are commonly held for 36 to 72 hours from the time of actual hatch to placement .this is due to the wide hatching “hatching window” ,hatchlings are not removed, until maximum number of eggs have been hatched. This causes most hatchlings to be fasted for 48hours or more before they access to first feed and water. This makes hatchlings become more susceptible to pathogens, have decreased body weight and have restricted development of the intestine. In ovo feeding of nutrients especially carbohydrates replenishes the glycogen stores depleted during the prenatal period and also increase body weight.


Epigenetic programming refers to the influence produced by the exposure to specific conditions during critical periods of early life that modify the developmental pathways of the organism, leading to stable and long-lasting alterations that have effects when the individual reaches adulthood. In poultry, epigenetic programming, which allows an animal to metabolically or physiologically adapt to specific dietary or environmental conditions, can occur during two critical periods: when embryo consumes the amniotic fluid prior to hatch, and when the chicks absorb residual yolk and feed during the first few days after hatch.

Nutrients that have been applied for in ovo injection

  1. Amino acids 2. Carbohydrates 3. Vitamins 4. Trace mineral 5. Fatty acids 6. Feed additives

Various potential nutrient supplements can be included in the in-ovo feeding solution. Carbohydrates can be used as a source for glucose, which is crucial for the hatching process and hatchling development. Na+ and Cl– ions play a major role in the activity of apical and basolateral transporters and in the absorption of glucose and amino acids nerals and vitamins which support the development of skeletal, immune and digestive systems in chickens. Many nutrients were evaluated for their contribution to poultry hatchability, chick quality and production performance. Indeed, any selected nutrients can be applied for inovofeeding and that includes all amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, fatty acids, and other modulators. A large variety of nutrients or supplements can potentially be included in the in-ovo feeding solution. Limitations are volume, timing, osmolality and viscosity of in-ovo feeding formulation.

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Important Points should be considered before applying in ovo injection:

  •  The stage of development of the embryos.
  • Site of injection
  • Dose of injection and knowing the stage of development of the embryos is essential to determine the correct time to achieve the best hatchability.
  • Avoid prolonged storage of eggs before vaccination.
  • Supervise the incubator parameters (temperature, ventilation, and humidity):

they should be stable and optimal.

  • Use only eggs whose shells are in perfect condition, do not use cracked or broken eggs.
  • ü Place the eggs in the correct position (upright); the eggs will then be ready for injection.
  • Use sterile techniques and follow the vaccine manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the nutrients
  • Have personnel qualified in aseptic techniques for this operation.

Sites of Injection

  • Air cell • Amniotic sac (recommended) • Yolk sac • Embryo itself

The ideal site for in ovo injection

At early stages of development, from 0 : 7days of incubation, the preferable site of injection is the air cell or albumin part of the egg. At 18 th day amniotic sac is preferable.

The ideal time for in ovo injection

Vaccines or nutrients is recommended to be at 18 days of incubation ,Pre-hatch embryos consume the amniotic fluids till hatch,In ovo nutrient injection will help the embryos absorb the nutrients before hatch .


Clean the eggs and wipe with 70% ethanol The amnion in the in egg was identified by candling Inject , with in – ovo feeding solution using a 21-gauge needle after making a pin head size (0.30 mm diameter) hole

Nutrient injected– Stage of incubation –Location of injection— Result– Reference

  1. Threonine 18th day yolk Improves post-hatching growth and humoral responses of broiler chicks. Kadam , , et al., Br Poultry Sci 49:736–741 (2008).
  2. Arginine 18th day Amniotic sac Improves hatch weight, chick/egg weight ratio and placement weight and provides enough nutrition Nayak et al. Journal of Animal Research: v.6 n.4, p. 585-591. August 2016
  3. Probiotic,prebiotic and synbiotics 18th day Amniotic sac Improves the gut health Survase Swapnil Harishchandra,2018 M.V.Sc thesis,TANUVAS
  4. Nano dicalcium phosphate and Vitamin D3 18th day Amniotic sac Better bone development and overall economic index Yadav Sunil Machendra,2019,M.V.Sc thesis,TANUV


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After the eggs were injected, the injection holes were sealed with cellophane tape or with parafilm wax. Note: ( 0.1 ml and up to 0.2 ml volumes have been used to avoid embryonic death or failure.)

Benefits of in ovo feeding

It may leads to improved digestive capacity, increased growth rate and feed efficiency, reduced post hatch mortality and morbidity, improved immune responses. to enteric antigens reduced incidence of developmental skeletal dis orders, increased muscle development and breast meat yield, increase liver glycogen status, higher glycogen reserves, body weight, pectoral muscle weight and body weight gain.

• In ovo fed birds exhibits increased length of villus thereby increase absorption of nutrition’s thereby increase the overall performance of the birds.

• In ovo injection of amino acids trace elements or fatty acids and vitamins modulate the cell mediated immune response.

• In ovo injection of minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates improves the mechanical properties of the bone in the earlier part of the chicks life.


  1. Requirement of skilled persons to carry out this technology

2. Time consuming process

3. Commercial interventions are not up to the expected level

4. Lack of automation

5. Lack of Facilities, equipment availability and cost.

Future Potential

Further research is required to adapt in-ovo feeding technique for application at commercial scale in farm conditions, to understand the embryonic development and nutrient metabolism process more precisely, and understand how early nutrition affects specific genes responsible for performance, intestinal health, and overall health-related traits in poultry.


The degree of response to in ovo feeding may depend upon genetics, breeder hen age, and egg size and incubation conditions.The in ovo injection of important nutrients or substances into the amnion is a novel way to feed critical dietary components to embryos. Indeed, in ovo feeding may “jump-start” development, improving the nutritional status of the perinatal chick. The in ovo feeding technique has several advantages, including improvements of total digestive tract capacity; increased body weight, growth rate, and feed efficiency; reduction of post-hatch mortality and morbidity; improvements in the immune system and the response to enteric antigens; reduction in incidence of developmental skeletal disorders; and increase in muscle development and breast meat yield. The next step in the early nutrition could be to imprint genes of a bird at a very early age and turn it into a more efficient animal later.

G. Vignesh¹ and Dr G. Srinivasan²
¹Assistant manager-Farm standardization,
Aqgromalin farmtech services,Chennai.
²Head of the department-Poultry science,
Suguna institute of poultry management, Udumalpet.

In Ovo Technology Applications in Poultry

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