Application of platelet rich plasma for healing of chronic wound in a camel


Application of platelet rich plasma for healing of chronic wound in a camel

Dr.N.Gurunathan1*, Dr. Ravivarman2, Dr.N.Aruljothi3

1*Assistant professor, 2M.V.Sc. graduate, 3Professor & Head

Department of veterinary surgery & radiology, Rajiv Gandhi institute of veterinary education and Research, Puducherry – 605009


A 5 years old camel was presented to department of veterinary surgery and radiology, RIVER, Puducherry with the history of wound in the ventral thorax for past 2 months. On clinical examinations a non-healing lacerated wound was observed at the ventral cranial thorax. All the physiological parameters were with normal range. Autologous PRP was prepared and was injected at the wound site after aseptical preparation of the wound. Dressing of the wound and antibiotics were advised for a week. On 14th postoperative day healing of the wound was observed with scab formation. Animal made an uneventful recovery.

Keywords: Camel, Chronic wound, PRP


Camels are reported to have wounds on different parts of the body. Wounds are of two types, open and closed. The closed wounds have no discontinuity if the under lying tissue of the skin. Open wounds have breach on the skin, mucous membrane, and other underlying tissues. Wounds which are taking longer time to heal are called as chronic wounds (Venugopalan, 1982). Healing of chronic wounds may require antibiotic therapy, healing enhancing materials such as biomaterials. Autologous platelet rich plasma are unique preparation containing growth factors and cytokines, interleukins which may help in the promotion of wound healing (Gurunathan et al., 2021).

History and treatment

A 5 years old camel with the history of wound in the ventral thorax for past 2 months was presented to Department of veterinary surgery & radiology, rajiv Gandhi institute of veterinary education and research, Puducherry. On physical examination of the animal (Fig.1), all physiological and hematological parameters were with normal range. On further examination, non-healing lacerated wound was observed at the ventral cranial thorax (Fig.2). The wound site was cleaned with KMnO4 diluted solution and debriding of the wound edges were done. The wound bed was prepared aseptically. For promoting healing of wound, Autologous PRP was prepared by collecting the fresh blood of 10ml in a EDTA coated vail and was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for two times. The platelet rich plasma was separated and was injected at the wound site intralesional on the day of presentation. Postoperatively inj. Streptopenicillin @ 10 mg/kg B.Wt. was administered intramuscular for 5 days and inj.B-complex 10 ml intramuscular was administered for 3 days. Wound healing spray containing Aluminium (Alu-spray) was advised for external application. On 14th postoperative day healing of the wound was observed with scab formation. The wound healing was complete by 2 weeks after post treatment.

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Result and Discussion

Chronic wounds are show no progress towards healing. These wounds may have prolonged or excessive inflammatory cells, continuous infections and the inability of cells to respond to reparative phase of wound healing. Pathological issues may also lead to non-healing wounds. Such wounds may require biomaterials to promote the healing. Autologous platelet rich plasma are such biomaterials which aids in promoting healing of the wound by providing growth factors like vascular endothelial growth factors, fibroblast growth factors, anti-microbial property (Sivani et al., 2023). In the present case advantage of PRP has been used for healing of the chronic wound in the domestic camel. There was good closure of the wound with scab formation and the complete wound healing was noticed about two weeks of post treatment (Fig.3).


The authors are thankful to Dean, RIVER, Puducherry for providing all the necessary facilities to conduct the study.


  1. Venugopalan, A. Wounds. Essential of Vet. Surg., 1982, 4th ed. P. 34-50.
  2. Gurunathan N, Aruljothi N, Balagopalan TP (2021). Effect of activated autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) gel on teat wound in cows, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science, 10(12).
  3. Kosaraju sivani, N Arul Jothi, T.P.Balagopalan, N.Gurunathan, S.Uma. 2023. Effects of local infiltration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with phonophoresis on wound healing in dogs. Indian Journal of animal sciences. 93(3):1-5.

Fig.1. physical examination and blood collection for PRP

Fig.2. chronic wound at the ventral thorax

Fig.3. healing by 14th postoperative day with scab formation

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