Compiled & shared by- DR RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR,9431309542,


Due to high cost of conventional medicines and vaccines coupled with the lack of knowledge on their use, these drugs are usually out of reach of the small-scale farmers particularly for backyard poultry farmers. There is therefore need for cheap easy to use and sustainable local poultry disease control programs.

Since ancient times, plants and plant parts have an indispensable source of medicine for indigenous poultry production systems. Although modern medical science has developed to a great extent, many farmers in India  depend on plant parts and herbal remedies for indigenous poultry health management. Unfortunately, local medical traditions are being lost because they are communicated orally from generation to generation and are largely undocumented. Very little has been done to verify and validate information gathered.


A herb is characterized as a plant utilized for the medicinal purpose (for the treatment of the disease or for improvement in well-being and profitability). Rigveda, the most established report of human knowledge composed in the vicinity of 4500 and 1600 B.C specify the utilization of medicinal plants in the treatment of man and animals. Herbs are utilized as mixtures in complex formulations to have a synergistic impact. Herbs, are a moderately new class of feed additives and utilizing based on an assumption that photogenic mixes may enhance the palatability. Aloe Vera, pepper, sisal and neem were the most utilized therapeutic plants. Parts utilized included leaves, barks, and roots. Some particular mixtures were said to prevent or treat the particular illness. For instance, Aloe Vera was said to treat Newcastle, Croton megalocarpus was said to treat coryza sinusitis, Combretum mole was said to treat intestinal worms. Popular demand and scientific significance for organic poultry production, particularly feeding with medicinal botanicals have increased considerably in recent years to the production of the synthetic chemical used in poultry industries. Furthermore, research required to devolved different feed additive from unknown herbals plants to increase benefits and good safe protein food to consumers as well as poultry industry growth.

Herbs can be used as a good alternative therapeutic aid to costly allopathic medicines/chemotherapy and boosting immune functions in intoxicated conditions and can also effectively complement allopathic medicines in diseased state. Traditional medicines have the potential to improve the growth as well as health status of the birds.  Ethno veterinary practices involve the traditional beliefs, knowledge, practices and skills pertaining to healthcare and management of livestock and poultry. Ethno-veterinary medicine (EVM) system, an indigenous knowledge on animal health is re-emerging as holistic animal health care.EVM is widely utilized by the family poultry rearers across the country. Poultry diseases seriously affect village chicken production. Antibiotics resistance, residues and withdrawal periods is major problem that affect export marketing.

Their role in organic egg and meat production. Plant and plant parts have been serve as an indispensable source of medicine for indigenous poultry production system. The inherent utility and practical application of indigenous medicinal herbs/plant extract (garlic, cinnamon, tulsi, turmeric, lemon, neem, etc) are used to improving poultry health as well as production with fruitful results.




Absence of side effects, an absence of residual effects, nonhazardous, eco-friendly, minimum problem of drug resistance. Despite the fact that greater part of herbals is stable, there are different constituents which are photolabile, thermolabile in this manner less stable.


  1. As Antibiotics for Broilers:


One method for decreasing the prepared antibiotics costs is through using the antibiotic properties of herbal trees. There is, in any case, a need to investigate the likelihood of utilizing these herbal trees as a wellspring of antibiotics for broilers. A manufactured antibiotic was utilized as a part of the poultry, the leaves of the avocado, guava, duhat, eucalyptus, or tamarind tree in a herbal decoction (water in which the herbal source was been boiled and which in this way contains the constituents of the substance dissolvable in boiling water). Amarillo can be a decent source of antibiotics and substitute to financially fabricated antibiotics for broilers. Apply antimicrobial activities in vitro against vital pathogens including fungi. Apply their antimicrobial movement through various systems,(eg: tannins) act by iron deprivation, hydrogen bonding or in particular collaborations with essential proteins, for example, compounds demonstrated that tannic acid inhibits the development of the intestinal microscopic organism, for example, Bacteroides fragilis, Clostridium perfringens, E. coli and Enterobacter cloacae. Watched a noteworthy lessening of C. perfringens colonization in the intestine of broilers nourished diets containing mixtures of thymol, eugenol, curcumin and piperine, or thymol, carvacrol, eugenol, curcumin and piperine. The antimicrobial exercise of herbs and spices Ginger, Cumin, Clove, Garlic, Pepper, Coriander, Mustard, Cinnamon, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme. Garlic has more solid antimicrobial activities in the digestive tract than different herbs and spices.

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  1. Antioxidant Activity:

The antioxidant activity of plant extricates is for the most part identified with the nearness of phenolic compounds and different mixes, for example, Flavonoids (exhibit in oregano and thyme) and Terpenoids (e.g., thymol, carvacrol and eugenol ). Among every one of the herbs – Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and Sage ( Salvia officinalis L.) have the most astounding antioxidant potential. Other plant species having antioxidant movement: Plant species from the group of Zingiberaceae (e.g., ginger and Curcuma) and Umbelliferae (e.g., anise and coriander) as well as plants rich in Flavonoids (e.g., green tea) and Anthocyanins (e.g., many fruits), Pepper ( Piper nigrum ), Red pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. ), and Chili ( Capsicum frutescent ) contain antioxidative segments. In a considerable lot of these plants, parts of the dynamic substances are exceptionally foul or may taste hot or sharp, so which may limit their utilization for sustaining purposes.


  1. Effects on Digestibility:

Fragrant compounds, for example- capsaicin, the dynamic rule of the chili pepper (Capsicum annum), have demonstrated effective incitement of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes in monogastric animals. Therefore, they advance a lessening of the intestinal consistency, making the digestive process more efficient, Other plant dynamic segments, such as eugenol (active principles of clove) and cinnamaldehyde ( cinnamon). Apply valuable activities inside the digestive tract, for example, purgative and spasmolytic impacts, as well as prevent flatulence. While assessing the mixture of sage, thyme, and rosemary or with a commercial item containing capsaicin, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol in broiler eating routine watched, comparative ileal dry matter and protein digestibilities as the eating routine supplemented with antibiotic in finishers. Improve the exercises of trypsin and amylase in broilers. Additionally revealed that herbs animate intestinal emission of mucus in broilers hinder grip of pathogens and in this way contribute the microbial eubiosis in the gut.


  1. Growth-Promoting Efficacy / Performance Enhancer:


Performance enhancers are natural, synthetic, chemical compounds, or basic inorganic components used to enhance animal development rate as well as encourage feed conversion ratio. Antibiotics agents and chemotherapeutic medication are the most every now and again utilized execution enhancers in animal production particularly in poultry production. But now, it is demonstrated that antibiotics are not generally useful for poultry health even human health as a result of residual impacts. They are giving more regard for the indigenous medicines i.e photogenic items, for example, herbs (flowering, nonwoody , and nonpersistent plants), spices (herbs with an intensive smell or taste ordinarily added to human nourishment), essential oils (volatile lipophilic compounds derived by cold expression or by steam or liquor refining), oleoresins (extracts determined by nonaqueous solvents). The primary mode of action of growthpromoting activity arises from stabilizing feed hygiene (e.g., through organic acids), and even more from beneficially affecting the ecosystem of GIT microbiota through controlling potential pathogens. This applies especially to critical phases of life i.e during the early stage of life and high production phase of poultry. Because of a more stabilized intestinal health. Birds are less exposed to microbial toxins and other undesired microbial metabolites, such as ammonia and biogenic amines. Consequently, relieve the bird from immune defense stress during critical situations and increase the availability of essential nutrients for absorption. Thereby helps the birds to grow better within the framework of their genetic potential. These effects are also typical for organic acids, the major part of their biological efficacy mainly through stabilizing the microbial eubiosis in the GIT including the suppressed formation of biogenic amines. With supplementation of herbs, we may improve the supply status of limiting essential nutrients. Improve the pre-cecal digestive capacity reduction in the passage of fermentable matter into the hindgut, thus low/less the post ileal microbial growth and the excretion of bacterial matter in feces, respectively. So results in an increased apparent digestibility of dietary protein.



  1. Toxin Binding Activity:


Among the different measurements, 0.20% was observed to be the best herbal toxin binder and the detoxicant ToxiCheck (containing Azadirachta indica, Andrographis paniculata and other herbs) in various combinations demonstrated binding and discharge of aflatoxins from the intestinal tract, enhancing growth, FCR, supplement digestibility and diminishing seriousness of liver lesions.


  1. For Respiratory Distress:


Respiratory distress is a virus-borne infectious disease, which spreads quick starting with one bird to the next, ordinarily known as Ranikhet disease (Newcastle disease), it is widespread all over India. The indications incorporate watery discharge from nostrils, gasping, trembling, facial swelling, and sometimes twisting of the neck. Under the effect of the infection, adult laying birds decrease their feed and water consumption with the considerable drop in egg production as well. Both Shatadal and Narugopal utilize local herb (name withheld for IPR reasons) in the mix with different herbs to set up a medication to treat respiratory distress in birds. The drug is given orally twice or thrice in a day depending upon the seriousness of the condition. It is administrated until the affected birds get cured, generally within five days.


Anti bacterial/ antiviral/  antiseptic:

1.Turmeric – (Curcuma longa) – curcuminoids

2.Garlic – Anti viral – Allium sativum – sulfur-containing compounds alliin, ajoene, diallyl polysulfides, vinyldithiins, S-allylcysteine, and enzymes, saponins, flavonoids, and Maillard reaction products

3.Neem – (Azadirachta indica):

Neem is important herbal medicine having different active principle azadrachtin, nimbin, salanin, melicin, etc. Neem oil is selectively activates the cell mediated immune response by activating macrophage and lymphocytes. Apart from this have wide range of pharmacological activities



Fowl pox –Turmeric and neem paste for external application.


Fly control -As spray on litter

Dried fruit:

Immuno stimulant -0.5 to 1 kg per tonne of poultry feed

Thyme oil (thymus vulgaris) – Antibacterial.

Turmric, Black pepper, thyme used to effective control of clostridium perfringens and enterobacteria.

  1. 4. Carica papayawhich lyse the bacteria by papain enzyme
  2. Sweet flag(Vasambu) – Acorus calamus – α-, β- and γ- asarone, sequesterpenes and acorenone
  3. Kuppaimeni(Acalypha indica) – acalyphineandtriacetoneamine
  4. Vettukaaya poondu (Tridax procumbens) 3,6-dimethoxy-5,7,2′,3′,4′-pentahydroxyflavone 7-O-β-D-gluco- pyranoside.
  5. Deva-5is a herb formulation composed of five herbs namelyMomordica cochinchinensisGentiana decumbens L., Polygonum bistorta L., Hypecoum erectum L. and Terminalia chebula Retz showed in vitro antiviral activity against avian influenza A virus subtype H3N8. Alchemilla mollis extract synergistically potentiates the anti influenza effect of zanamivir.
  6. Sweet wormwood(Artemisia annual) extracts inhibited the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) proliferation in chicken embryos without causing side effects.
  7. Essential oils derived from peppermint and eucalyptus showed protective action in broilers against multiple respiratory pathogens mainly Mycoplasma gallisepticumand H9N2 influenza virus infections

Liver stimulant/ hepatoprotective:

  1. Keelanelli(Phyllanthus niruri) – lavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, lignans, polyphenols, tannins, coumarins and saponins .
  2. Vellai karisaali(Eclipta prostrata) – coumestans

Herbs for respiratory ailment:

  1. 1. Adathoda(Justicia adhatoda) – vasicine

2.Tulsi – (Ocimum tenuiflorum) – oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid

3.Karpooravalli – Plectranthus amboinicus- Thymol(41.3%), cineol(13.25%), carvacrol(5.45%), eugenol(4.4%), and caryophyllene(4.2%)

4.Thoothuvali – (Solanum trilobatum) – flavonoids, glycosides, reducing sugar, sterols, tannins, alkaloids and saponins.


Vast usage of sulphanilamide, ionophorous antibiotics, amprolium or synthetic chemical compounds for the treatment of coccidiosis in poultry results in emergence of drug-resistant strains and antibiotic residues in poultry meat posing serious problems to the meat consumers. Sinomenium acutum, sage, Garlic, Aloe vera

Herbs for ectoparasites:

Common temporary external parasites of poultry include fowl ticks (also known as blue bugs), bed bugs and chicken mites (also known as red mites or roost mites). The use of chemicals viz., hydrocarbons, organophosphorus, carbamates and pyrethroids are found not to be free from adverse effects of toxicity to human, added up drug resistance by target parasites and high cost of drugs, paving the way for herbal alternatives.

Cinnamon oil has shown anti-parasitic activity against TrichomonasHistomonas meleagridis and head lice in chicken. Allium cepa (onion) has proven pronounced anti-parasitic activity against many helminthes and protozoa such as, Trichinella spiralis and Leishmania sp. For preventing lice in ducks, drop the bulb in the bird’s drinking water and for chickens green leaves (spring onions) can be used to be picked by the birds.

Chopped seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) are shown to be good for the control of tapeworms in laying hens.

  • Sweet flag (Vasambu), Purasa thalai


Modulation of immune response to alleviate diseases has since long been of great interest to researchers. Indian medicinal plants are a rich source of substances which are claimed to induce immunity, thereby stimulating the non-specific immunomodulation, essentially granulocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells and complement functions

Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) is one of the well-known medicinal plants. Several bioactive compounds have been isolated from this plant, among which the important one is the steroidal lactone called Withanolides, having antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor and immunomodulatory activities

Neem (Azadirachta indicais another immunomodulatory herb, that has shown marked influence on the haematological parameters in birds like haemoglobin, PCV and RBC indices.

Wild mint (Mentha longifolia) has been found to enhance immunity especially in broiler chicks in addition to the improvement in growth performance, feed conversion ratio and gross return. Echinacea sp., Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice), Allium sativum (garlic) and Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s claw) and they can improve the functions of lymphocytes, macrophages and NK cells a s well as increase phagocytosis and stimulate the interferon synthesis

Herbs for Other conditions:

  1. Amla(Phyllanthus emblica) – ascorbic acid(vitamin C) – Immunostimulant.

– Antistress – 1 kg per tonne of poultry feed during summer

  1. Betel leaves Vetrilai (Piper betle) – Gout
  2. Banana stem– Gout
  3. Small onion : Growth promoter -1 kg per tonne of chick feed.
  4. Fowl pox – Neem bark @ 1kg/1000 birds to be given after soaking in water, over night and Neem leaves as top dressing.

Turmeric and garlic used for different disease:

Name and disease



1.Growth Promoter



2.Wing rot


3. Fowl pox


4.Respiratory conditions



1. supplement


2.Spray in     vv ND


3. Breeder male



1 kg per tonne of chick feed

1-2 kg per tonne of chick &grower feed

1 kg per tonne of broiler feed

1-2 kg per tonne of feed with garlic


Turmeric and neem paste for external application

1-2 kg per tonne of feed



Chick feed – up to 4 kg per tonne

Layer feed – up to 8 kg per tonne

5 – 10 ml of extract in one Litre of water for spray

Top dressing with garlic pieces for breeder male


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