Application of Veterinary Homeopathy in Dairy Animals


Application of Veterinary Homeopathy in Dairy Animals

Ajay Kumar, Deep Narayan Sigh, Mamta, Rajneesh Sirohi,Yajuvendra Singh

DUVASU, Mathura

India is a home of one of the richest ancient medical practices Ayurveda, a large number of people follow homeopathy. Homeopathy is the choice of a substance to treat a condition based on the understanding that the same substance causes symptoms that are experienced by the patients. The German physician Samuel Hahnemann coined the term “homoeopathy” in 1807. During his journey to Calcutta in 1810, the Frenchman John Hoingberger brought homoeopathy to India. The very first Indian to become a homoeopathic physician was Mahendra Lal Sircar. Homeopathic medications are not only straightforward, secure and non-toxic, but they also have a scientific foundation. Homeopathy is founded on rehabilitative aspects of healthcare and is not only curative but also preventive, promotive, and therapeutic. The most concentrated form of homoeopathic medication made from source material, like a mother tincture, is given to patients. Second, a variety of natural or artificial sources, including bacteria, viruses, fungus, and plant parasites, are used to create homoeopathic medications. Even at large dilutions, some of these source elements pose potential safety issues.

In order to limit the usage of antibiotics, homoeopathy is frequently employed in cattle, Buffalo, Sheep Goat and Pigs. Homeopathy is used in a completely different way from conventional treatment. Animal homoeopathy has been practiced for almost as long as human homoeopathy. French, British and Japanese homoeopathic traditions are the oldest. Many veterinarians in India use homoeopathy to cure the animals.

History of veterinary homeopathy

Animals were first treated with homoeopathy by Baron Van Boenninghausen. Van Boenninghausen established the basics of veterinary homoeopathy and treating a variety of animal species. Homeopathy was invented by Samuel Hahnemann, who also treated his horse in 1813, Leip Zig. Some claim that the second-most widely used medical system in the world is homoeopathy. Guilherme Lux treated glanders with homoeopathy. George Macleod created the British Association of Homeopathic veterinary surgeons in 1982. The veterinary teaching and examination programme was created in 1984 by the faculty of homoeopathy in the UK.

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Increased interest in animal homoeopathic treatments

  • The use of antibiotics and other antimicrobial products in agriculture is causing growing concern.
  • The developing resistance to antibiotics and other antimicrobial products has made it harder to cure diseases including tuberculosis, pneumonia, and Salmonella infection. The EUC has recommended rapid reduction in the usage of antibiotics and other antimicrobial products.
  • A growing number of organic farmers treat their animals using homoeopathic treatments.



Homeopathy drug and their uses

S.N. Name of drug Indications
1. Arnica, sabina, secale, pulsatilla, rhux tox Abortion in equine
2. Calcphos+corboveg+sepia Prepartum prolapse
3. Aloe 200 Diarrhoea with postpartum prolapse
4. Apis mellifica  Insect bite
5. Secale cor 30 Violent straining
6. Iodum30 Anoestrus with small ovaries
7. Sepia, podophylum Uterine prolapse
8. Palladium Ovaries dysfunctions
9. Sepia 200 To regulate estrus cycle
10. Sabina200, pulsatilla 200, Echinaca IM, secale, heper sulf Metritis
11. Sepia + Calcariaphos + Pulsatilla + Alertis + Iodum Infertility
12. Angus castus 200 White discharge after postpartum prolapse
13. Glonoinum Heat stroke
14. Podophylum 200 Prepartum prolapse
15. Sepia, pulsatilla colc, phos, Iodum, oophorinum Repeat breeding
16. Aconite 30, ipecac, trilium amica Miscarriage in bitches
17. Colocynthis Colic in  equine


Most commonly used homoeopathic medicine in dairy animals

S.No. Trade name Dosage (Orally) Indications
1. Mastos Acute: 15-20 pills 3-5 times daily

Chronic: 20 pills 3 times daily

Use for acute, Chronic and sub- clinical mastitis
2. Prolactos 15-20 Pilli for 3-5 times daily Aglactia,  milk let down
3. Pregtos 15-30 drops 3-5 times daily Prevent prolapse of uterus, improve conception rate, proper development of genital organs
4. Fertos 15-20 pills 3 times daily Heat inducer, development of ovary and uterus, to maintain the pregnancy.
5. Utrotos 15-20 pills 3 times daily Use in case retention of placenta and uterine cleaner.
6. Entrotos 15-20 pills 3-5 times daily Use in diarrhea, malena, hemorrhagic gastro enteritis, also use as a deworming.
7. Digitos 15-20 pills 3-5 times daily Use in bloat, appetite stimulant
8. Secale 30 5-10  drops every two hours for four doses Abortion
9. Secale 30 5-10  drops, 3 times daily for  four days Metritis
10. Sepia 200 5-10  drops, 3 times daily for  four days Silent heat
11. Sepia1M+Caulophyllum 200 5-10  drops, 3 times daily for  three days Retention of placenta
12. Platina 30 5-10  drops, 3 times daily for  five  days Cystic ovaries
13. Aloes 5-10  drops, 3 times in a day  for  one week Postpartum prolapse
14. Arnica 30/200 5-10 drop,  4 times for 5 days Abortion


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