Water is para-magnetic meaning that it holds a magnetic charge. Para-magnetism occurs mainly in substances in which a few or all of the individual molecules, atoms, or ions own a stable magnetic dipole instant. Ikezoe et al. (1998) reported that water has a dipole instant and is, consequently, subject to para-magnetic. Ovchinnikova and Pollack (2009) say, in nature, the earth’s magnetic field naturally charges water in wells, lakes and running streams. Water treated with magnetic fields restores to balance that nature intended and the natural energy. Water and life are strongly related; water is the blood of life. It is required to carry compounds by the blood, regulate temperature and keep cellular structural reliability (Reuter, 2004). Many researchers studied the negative changes in natural water after sterilization and called this water (dead water), thus transferring magnetic water from dead to live (Batman ghelidj, 2005). Magnetic water means the passage of water from magnetic tubes by placing magnets in water so that water’s properties become very fertile and active, causing a high oxygen ratio, speed of dissolution of salts and amino acids in water (Batmanghelidj, 2005). Increased water penetration and versatility (Davis, 2004), and body water absorption can decrease superficial water binding (Szkatula et al., 2002). Many researchers have found that magnetized water (MW) use has increased farm yields from 5 to 30 per cent anywhere. Cows drinking magnetized water produced more milk than cows drinking untreated water, and were healthier. Sheep produced more meat and wool, hens laid more eggs and all farm animals survived longer when magnetized water was drunk (David, 1995). Some studies have been done on animals. Lin and Yotvat (1990) concluded that milk cows drinking MW showed an increase in the production of milk with the same amount of milk fat compared to cows drinking nonmagnetized water. Chicken supplied with magnetic water also grew larger, with the meat-to-fat ratio increased (Gholizadeh et al., 2009). Rashid et al. (2009) reported that MW significantly improves the titer of antibody against new castle and gumbouro disease in fawbro broilers. Shamsaldain and Al Rawee (2012) suggested that milk production from Awassi sheep was increased when they drink magnetic water intensity (1000 gauss) compared to tap water. Improvement in milk yield was associated with an increase in fat and protein production (Al-Jack 2001) Organoleptic properties and chemical composition of labneh (Zabady) from goat milk drinking magnetic water are higher than that obtained from control group (Yacout et al., 2015). When using activated water in animals increases the body’s resistance, they are less sick, decreases mortality. The need for antibiotics is reduced. Significantly increases the growth and weight of animals, improves the quality of meat and milk.

Magnetic Water structurer of liquid creates a light molecular water that easily penetrates into the cells of animals and plants, which contributes to the rapid growth of animals and plants.

Magnetic treated water is the water which be exposed to magnetic field for a while, either by but the magnet in the water or near it (Batmanghelidj, 2005). This kind of water supposed to be diseases preventer or general health supporter because of the changes that have been occurred in its molecular structure as a result to exposing to magnetic field the process would be remove the negative effects that may be occurred in normal Water desalination in our daily waters (Abdulmane, 2001). The magnetic treated water gives a light electric charge to the body cells which could be useful to them in their organic operations, this charge is measured by the same magnetic measuring units like gauss (Tischler, 2006). Lam (2001) referred to that the magnetic treated water have a light electric charge and have also much more OHwould be the reason to increasing Alkalinity of water enhancing all other properties as well.

Water is also important because it protects and prevents infection from many serious diseases. The effect will be counterproductive if the water quality is poor. One of the most important means of maintaining the quality of water is magnetic treatment, as the benefits of magnetic water treatment are numerous in all respects, and this is clearly shown in crop production and Poultry farms, and livestock farms.

A water molecule consists of one oxygen and two hydrogens. Thus: H2O. Simply put, the oxygen act as a negative, while each hydrogen acts as a positive. Water molecules do not travel alone. They form clusters with other water molecules by the attraction of a positive hydrogen of one molecule to the negative oxygen of another. Water molecule clusters come in many sizes, depending on the number of water molecules involved.

In the case of water that has not been magnetically structured, the water molecule clusters are generally comprised of many water molecules that are loosely attracted. This loose and chaotic form of attraction allows for toxins and pollutants to travel inside the water molecule cluster. As these water molecule clusters pass by the cell membrane, many of them are sloughed off because they are too large or because of the toxins contained, which the plant is programmed to reject.The smaller of these chaotic clusters will enter the cell, some carrying toxins with them. It requires a great deal of unstructured water to hydrate a plant.

Magnetic field, when applied to normal water, restructures the water molecules into very small water molecule clusters, each made up of six symmetrically organized molecules. This miniscule cluster is recognized by the cell as “bio-friendly” due to its hexagonal structure and because the toxins cannot travel within the cluster, and easily enters the passageways in plant and animal cell membranes. The result provides maximum, healthy hydration with less water.

The properties of magnetic treated water:

Many properties had been changed in water after passing through magnetic field, magnetic water becomes electrical conductor and have more solubility for minerals and acids in addition to increasing in soluble oxygen percentage and that could speeding up biochemical reactions (Raisen, 1999 and Al-Shameri, 2000). In addition to decreasing in water Surface tension to enhance the physical characteristics (Schmutzer, 1969). Minimizing the magnetic water molecules causes its ability to carry things to and from cells and enhancing the cell permeability as well, that will already due to more exchanging and removing toxics from cells (MTC, 2006). As a theory the water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms bounding with on atom of oxygen with neutral potential charge (Reuter, 2004). But in nature the waters molecules tend to be in clusters with about 14-17-21- 196-270-280 or more, this clusters have a different kinds of charges on its remotes atoms whether it was negative or positive, this charges attract the nearest minerals molecules making complex huge new molecules (Mikesell, 1985) this big structures facing the difficulties to permeable through cell membrane, the magnetic energy provides an energy source to break the bounds between clusters down transferring them to simplest clusters not more than 5 to 7 molecules making them have the permeability inside body cells (Tamlage, 2003; Emoto, 2005). This process have a significant effect on all cell condition making them be more tender for long time in comparison with normal water and that with keep the body and all its function in youth or in semi-youth state for long time (Lipus, 2001; Lower, 2005; Remedy, 2006). Magnetic water have more solubility (Davis and Rawls,1996) for that it can Crumbling the mass of minerals in short time that would due to fastening the healing of bone fractures by reserving calcium ions and all other minerals and nutrients counterpart with fracture healing process (Collins and Frey, 2000). As what was mentioned in (Davis and Rawls, 1996) and (Tkachento and Semyonova, 1995) and (Kronenberg, 1985) the new properties of magnetic treated water like the increasing in fluidity and homogeneity supports its biology functions. Babekr (2002) referred to the decreasing of acidity of water after goes through magnetic fields with 2000 gauss 2.857% . the Iraqi patent no. 417 of 1974 and WHO (1996) referred to the necessity of being pH value of the quarter that flow in pipe more than 6.5 to prevent corrosion. The balancing water pH is so important inside pipe in addition to its important inside bodies (Naum, 1998). In the other hand the water with sulfur flavor or with chlorine flavor would be fixed up after treating with magnet (Starmer et al., 1998).

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The biological effects of magnetic treated water inside living cells

Many researches confirm the ability of magnetic water in enhancing cells water in transmissibility, that because increasing the Permeability of cell membrane, this process will render cells incline to get rid of metabolic toxic materials Quickly (Jerman, 1996). This may be happened due to managing and systematizing the osmosis balance and ions concentration between inside and outside cells (Barnothy, 1995). Another researches demonstrates the positive wetting effect of magnetic water on cell which may be up to 20% that would be a very good indicator on general body health (Wheeler, 2004 and Lynch, 2000).

The mechanism of magnetic energy inside animals bodies:

  • The body charges:

It was believed by many researchers that electric charges of cell would be diminished gradually with time via cell natural activity, the brain send a compensatory electric pulses to persist normal cells activity, without this compensatory pulses cells electric charges will be completely disappear after a while, this balancing between new and losing charges is a critical point on body heath persistency and any deviation would be record as an illness (Gursche and Zoldan, 1997). This body electro-magnetic balance may be called bio-magnetic activity and the magnetic treated water may be enhancing the state of compensatory charges by adding it from external source (Tkachenko, 1995).

  • The blood: Kulish (2004) referred to the that the magnetic water renders the red blood cells much free in distribution inside blood vessels and more active in motion, this make them more active in carrying nutrition’s and waist to or from cells. Laycock (2007), Mclean (1997) and Zimmerman (1995) illustrated that there is a very big benefit of using magnetic water in human or animal irrigation because of its effect on blood properties especially the red blood ability of carrying materials to the damaged part of body. Another research referred to the effect of magnetic field on increasing the diameter of blood vessels making them able to carry more blood cells to same part of body in the same time (GoldSworthy et al., 1999). Blood ability responsibility to magnetic field may due to possessing the iron atom in its chemical structure, this iron atom would be affected by magnetic energy and been magnetized itself, that mean all blood been magnetized too, for that this magnetic power will be distributed after a while to all part of body and all cells would be magnetized and more sufficient in their duties (Habbas, 2004). MTC (2006) mentioned that magnetic treated water has an effect on increasing immune-globulins and phagocytosis in blood, liver and spleen in addition to increase their numbers in places surrounding injury site and enhancing recovery. While Gold-Aqua (2005) and Lynch (2000) referred to the important role of magnetic water in increasing hemoglobin rate and decreasing cholesterol and calcium rate even remove residues that accumulate on vessels wall from inside, that would assuredly enhances heart duty and releases blood pressure. Irish (2005) returned releasing blood pressure to increasing hemoglobin ability to be resolve oxygen and be more able to carry the cholesterol and remove it from vessels wall. It was noticed as well that the magnetic water has an effect on cell division and DNA replication, in addition to increasing oxidation activities for producing ATP, that would rises up all body state reaching to reactivation glands secretion especially pituitary gland to increase growth hormone rate and most of all other related hormones (Barnothy, 1964). MUSTAFA (2007) said that the magnetic water enhances the thyroid gland activity and increase thyroxin hormone rate, that will increase basal metabolic rate due to increasing body weight as a sequences, as well as decreasing rates of corticosterone hormone which lowers stresses that would come from fluctuations in heat degree between summer and winter. Davis and Rawls(2003) and Lynch(2000) referred to the ability of magnetic water to help enzymes to get their perfect shape or act as co-enzyme in some enzyme reactions. Koshik (2004) declared that the magnetic waves that come from magnetic water would clash with that original cells magnetic waves, this friction between them produced heat in electron phase which may release pain and tumor in tissues, While Wasf (1996) referred to the neutrality action of magnetic water on histamine to releasing pain.

The effect of magnetic treated water on production, physiological and reproduction properties in farm animal:

  • Effect of magnetic treated water on production properties: The magnetization of water is a new technique have a scientific foundation came from many of researches that supports the thesis of that magnetic water have a good effect on production properties in farm animal (AL-Kayyat, 2004). Some of researches achieved a fantastic results even they approached the edge of unbelieves (Wasf, 1996). In experiment in this field two groups of pigs each of which contains 24 individuals, one of them drank magnetic treated water, the other drank a duplicated normal water volume, each of which eat the same ration, the pigs in magnetic water groups had an increasing in growth rate up to 12.5% in comparison with the others (William, 1999). Delco (2006) explained similar results via the effect of magnetic water on improving digestion rate in comparison with normal one. This result was similar to that by (Lin, 1990) how found that a significant rise of growth rate will be achieved in sheep and calf when magnetic water was used instead of normal. Lin and Yotvat (1988) found a decreasing in fat rate and increasing in meat rate reached to 12.5% in lamp when magnetic water was used. Line (1990) illustrated that this increasing in true growth rate happened in spite of low rate in consumed feed and rations because of significant increasing in Efficiency of food conversion. That also what founded by (1994) Patterson who referred to a decline in feed consumption synchronized with increasing in growth rate when magnetic water used. Some of researches attributed that to the tendency of body to accumulate protein instead of fat in its tissue as a response of magnetic field Abdulla (2004) and (L.L.C, 2004). Tinsley et al. (2004) noticed increasing in mice body weight and increasing body fat up to 0.6 g and make their tissues tenderer after exposing them to magnetic field for just one week only. While Hilal (2005) found increasing in fish weight after magnetic field exposing process up to 2.5 fold from original weight with better flavor. Many researches had been conducted on geese and found a similar results in enhancing body weight in spite of decline feed stuff (Lin, 1990), (William and Terry, 2001), (McCreery, 2004) and (Nikken, 2004). AL-Mufarrej et al. (2005) referred to decline in feed consuming when magnetic water was used in comparison to normal. In honey production experiment field increasing in honey quantity with improved quality was found synchronized with magnetic water usage (L.L.C., 2004). In milk production field an increment in milk production up to 10% with higher fat 15% was found by Levy et al. (1990) in his experiment on magnetic water. While Al-Jack (2001) noticed an increment in milk production 6% related with higher viscosity and lower bacterial total account by using this new kind of water. Lin (1990) found decreasing in mastitis disease and higher shelf life in milk produced from cows that drank magnetic water. On poultry industry many experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of magnetic treated water on it. Most of these experiment found an improvement in bone development happens in early growth periods due to increase in body weight later may reaches to 5.7% with significant decreasing in mortality, significant increasing in egg production reaches to 10% and finally significant improvement in produced meat tenderness (Ohno and Reminich, 2001) and (L.L.C, 2005). In turkey the usage of magnetic treated water enhanced lying rate and Lengthened its period (William and Terry, 2001; McCreery, 2004; Nikken, 2004).

2- Effect of magnetic treated water in physiological and immune properties:

Phillips (2002) and L.L.C. (2004) referred to that the horses that consume magnetic water instead of normal showed a resistance against stresses and efficiency of food conversion with enhancing in blood circle and increasing in all physiological profile reflected positively to muscles state. The flow of electrons which came from magnetic field have an influence on the electrons on cell surface would renders it more efficient against viruses, this electrons flood may have a positive influence also on mitochondria make it more efficient with carrying and moving ATP (Konlee, 2000). Santwani (2000) referred to the important role that would be played by magnetic water in stimulating thyroid gland to secret thyroxin and use ioden efficiently. Wasf (2007) from his side confirms the role of magnetic water with thyroxin secretion and noticed its effect on decreasing corticosteroids too. In experiments in longing life state in Russia Barrett (2002) found out that the Flies had been eaten magnetic treated sugar have a duplicated longer life, and the mice that live under magnetic field have 45% longer life in comparison with control. The medicine academy in confirmed the thesis using magnetic treated water in mice daily drinking will enhance T and B cells functions and all immune system as a sequence (Wasf,1996). Patterson (1994) and L.L.C (2004) referred to the ability of magnetic water in rising immune system in bodies and reduce mortality. But Santwani (2000) illustrated that the magnetic power should be more than 4400 gauss and maybe up to 8000 gauss to make the required effect especially on destroying cancer cells. About the differences between males and females in physiological response Al-Nasri (2006) found that swiss mice that consume magnetic water 500 gauss showed increasing in hemoglobin in females up to 13.02 g/ml in comparison with male in same group, but the males overlapping females in PCV in same group up to 33.5%. While no significant differences were found between to gender in white blood cells numbers, and all males and females in magnetic groups overlapped others in all physiological properties.

Effect of magnetic treated water in reproductive properties:

Shaposhnikova and Volokhov (1990) said that the cows which were inseminated with semen was exposed to magnetic field for 1-2 minute the fertilization chance would be more than 12.5% in comparison with control. Atiah (2008) confirmed that an increasing in FSH and testosterone hormones in local goat male was observed when magnetic water was under usage even ejaculate volume, mass sperm motivation, individual sperm motivation will be enhanced and, sperm mortality and abnormality will be decline as well. Pandey et al. (1996) referred to that in mice estrus period would be longed 40-80% with consuming magnetic water. Al-Nasri (2006) noticed an increasing in ovary cell activities in females mice drinking magnetic water in comparison with control. Santwani (2000) from his view illustrated that the magnetic water organizes the feed-back activities between ovary and pituitary gland by via organizing LH and FSH secretion which would be help the all physiological action of ovaries and ovum’s.

Benefits of Magnetized Water

Benefits to Plants

Magnetic field further breaks down minerals into smaller particles making them more bio-available to the plant cells. The bottom line results are dramatic: maximum hydration of healthy water with greater uptake of minerals results in greater yields, larger and better end product, earlier maturation, longer shelf life, and healthier plants. It allows a reduction of amount of water needed, fertilizer and pesticides.

Since the magnetic structuring breaks all minerals into smaller particles, salt in the soil is broken down by the structured water, causing it to sink deep into the soil, away from plant roots, and wash away. The desalinization happens quickly over a season, creating much healthier plants, greater yields, and better final product.

Since the hexagonal water molecule cluster won’t allow the bonding of minerals to it, magnetically structured water removes scaling from pipes and won’t allow new scaling to take effect.

Benefits to People

Many natural as well as man-made influences have affected the molecular structure of our water supply.

Environmental waste, toxins, and minerals – as well as chemical additives that treat our municipal water supply – combine to produce “dead water.You can try to filter and purify this water, but it cannot be biologically active without the application of magnetic resonance.By improving the ability of our drinking water to dissolve compounds, we can increase its oxygen content. This enhancement, in turn, makes natural nutrients more readily available to our bodies.In addition, Magnetized Water has increased alkalinity, which helps to regulate the body’s pH level.


Benefits to Our Environment

Finally, by safely and efficiently activating existing water supplies, we practice water conservation and environmental sustainability.

Effect of magnetic water treatment on a sample of farm animals:

Magnetic water treatment achieved amazing results, some of which were hard to believe. In two groups, each group consisted of 24 animals, the first group ate and drank normally, and the second group ate the same food but drank magnetized water. It was found that the second group consumed twice as much water as the first group. and their growth rates increased by 12.5%

Benefits of magnetic water treatment in animal, poultry, and fish production:

When talking about the advantages of magnetic water treatment in sheep, cows, calves, poultry and fish farms, and beekeepers, beekeepers like to know that the Magnolith device does not remove or reduce salts from the water, and does not make the non-potable water suitable for drinking. Before or after magnetic treatment, then if the water is suitable for drinking sheep, cows, calves, and poultry, its passage through the Magnolith system will make it vital, active water that has great benefits for the living organisms that drink from it. We present these benefits as follows:

Benefits of magnetic water treatment for sheep, cows, and calves farms:

Drinking livestock from the water after magnetic water treatment leads to an increase in growth and weight rates by up to 30%, with an increase in the quality of meat taste .. and an increase in milk production by rates of up to 15% with an increase in the content of fat level, in addition to improving the quality and properties of dairy Productive .. with low rates of disease to the minimum.

The use of magnetic water treatment in sheep, cows and calves farms, poultry farms, and egg producers is the best choice because it is one of the best types of water at all. It is biologically active biological water that gives animals and birds all they need of water, whether minerals or nutrients that give animals vitality, super activity, and ability on disease resistance.

Water makes up about 80% of an animal’s weight. Therefore, attention should be paid to the quality of the water consumed by the animals in the farms of sheep, cows, calves, and others.
Magnetic water treatment is the reason that leads to an increase in the efficiency of organizing vital processes within the animal body, such as digestion, absorption, and transfer of nutrients to the cells of the body. And super lively.

Many countries of the world depend on irrigating their cows with water after magnetically treating the water in order to increase milk production and improve its properties and quality because of the ability of magnetized water to easily pass through cell walls to transport nutrients and remove waste, as well as the ability of magnetic water to increase the rate of digestion and absorption.Better healthy water means better productivity and fewer diseases.

Therefore magnetic water treatment is the most important and often overlooked component. Milk production and meat quality depend on hydration and nutrition. It is clear that water quality can vary from toxic and debilitating to give life, hydrating and revitalizing cells, and water issues can lead to loss of performance and to costly problems.

Water treatment magnetically maximizes the benefits of water and restores it to its optimum state by improving its quality and bioavailability for effective hydration, weight consistency, and immunity in all organisms.

Magnetic water treatment provides less consumption of water, antibiotics, and nutrients, because what is used is converted to a more bioavailable state, emissions of ammonia and carbon dioxide are reduced, toxic chemicals are reduced, resulting in less stress, lower disease, and lower mortality.

Also, magnetically treating water leads to increases in yields, resources, profit, and environmental safety.

Benefits of magnetic water treatment for animals:

  • Improving the efficiency of the immune system.
  • Lower rates of disease infection..
  • Increase the process of bone formation.
  • Enhanced blood.
  • Low death rates.
  • Improve the shape and weight of animals.
  • Produce more meat and milk.
  • Shorter breeding cycle.
  • Enhance meat quality, fat, and quantity.
  • More lively animals.
  • The best taste of meat.
  • Increase the weight of the calves by 10-20.
  • Better fertility.
  • Increased sperm count.
  • Best feed conversion rate.
  • Reduced disease and death rates.
  • Reduction of diseases caused by contamination of water and feed.
  • Animals are protected against skin diseases.
  • Milk was milked in an easier and easier way. The udder was more relaxed.
  • Milk production increased by approximately 10%.
  • Increasing the fat content in milk by about 0.13 – 0.15% (the standard fat content in milk is 3.2%)
  • Severely reduced the number of bacteria in the milk.
  • Accumulation of protein, there has been an increase in the weight of calves up to 35%, in lambs up to 12%, and in rabbits about 10%
  • Improve the quality of meat taste

Benefits of having a Magnolith device in livestock farms:

  • The devices are environmentally friendly.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Easily fit for any irrigation system.
  • Saving energy requirements.
  • Durable and long-lasting.
  • Continuous natural magnetic field.
  • No need for maintenance.
  • No need for spare parts.
  • Do not use chemicals.
  • Stainless steel inside and out.
  • Absence of side effects.
  • Lower expenses and increase profits.

Principle of Magnetized Water

  • Magnetized water does not mean that water itself retains magnet. The role of water molecule is changed by the magnetic field to form a peculiar structure of water molecule. Such characteristic is maintained for a certain period and returned to the original condition. Accordingly, the water is called ‘magnetized water’ which is in a state after the change to the peculiar structure of water molecule by the magnetic field.
  • As the magnetized water is concentrated with clusters of small water molecules, giant molecules of cell membrane structure or enzyme will involve directly in the metabolism. When a strong magnetic energy is formed, the hydrogen atom with plus polarity (+) in the water molecule binds with the hydrogen atom with minus polarity (-) to cause the rotation, contraction and vibration for atomization and activation. At this time, while the cluster of water molecules decreases by its number, nearby clusters pull each other to form a structure. The following shows the meaning of diminishing and concentrating clusters of water.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


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