Atresia Ani – Congenital Malformation in Young Animals


      Dr Nripendra Singh1 ,


Dr Shailesh Kumar Singh2

  1. MVSc Scholar, Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry ANDUAT Kumarganj Ayodhya 224229
  2. Veterinary Surgeon, Government Veterinary Hospital Pattikalyana Panipat Haryana


Atresia Ani – Congenital Malformation in Young Animals


Atresia ani or imperforate anus is a congenital anomaly defined as the failure of development of anal opening.Such congenital anomalies involving anus and rectum are common in young animal commonly seen in calves, lambs and kids.

Atresia ani occurs the urorectal fold to fails to divide the cloaca completely or can occur due to failure of the fetal analmembraneto breakdown that divides the rectum and anus during fetal development

It may be a condition on its own or may be associated with the following conditions.

(a)Recto-vaginal fistula

(b)Atresia rectii

(c)Recto-cystic fistula

(d)Vagino-urethral agenesis.


There is no medicinal treatment of such cases; surgical intervention is must to save the life of the new born.

Surgical Procedure

The animal need to be secured in lateral recumbency. The perineal area (bulging area) below the tail to be prepared for aseptic surgery. Local infiltration with 20 per cent Lignocaine HCl below the base of the tail should be attained. A circular piece of skin as per normal diameter of anus of animals (e.g. lamb and kid 1-2 cm diameter- average 1-5 cm) can be excised over the bulge area about 4-5 cm below the base of the tail. Blunt dissection should be done to reach up to the bulging rectal end,which is to be exteriorized and a circular piece of rectal wall is to be removed. After complete evacuation of rectum, the rectal mucosa anterior to the fistulous opening (in case of atresia ani with recto-vaginal fistula) can be pulled gently up to the perineum and the wound is to be closed with simple interrupted sutures. The rectal opening is to be fixed to the skin with horizontal mattress suture or patency of anal opening (reconstituted anus) is to be maintained by the application of interrupted sutures by black braided silk between skin and mucous coat. Painting of the surgical wound can be done with Tr. Iodine.




Post Operative Care and Management

1.Systemic Antibiotic coverage with Inj. Ampicillin and Cloxacillin or Inj. Amoxycillin and Doxacillin @ 250 mg to 500 mg daily by IM route for 5-7 days.

2.NSAIDS e.g. Inj. Melonex, Inj. MP3, Inj. Neoprofen etc. 1-2 ml IM daily for 2-3 days.

3.Routine dressing of the surgical wound with Soframycin ointment, Lorexene ointment etc.

4.The sutures can be removed on 5th to 10th day post surgical intervention.

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