Avian Influenza:


Avian Influenza:

1. H5N1 is a type of influenza virus that causes a highly infectious, severe respiratory disease in birds called avian influenza (or “bird flu”).

2. The virus does not infect humans easily, and spread from person to person appears to be unusual.

3. There is no evidence that the disease can be spread to people through properly prepared and thoroughly cooked food.

4. Avian influenza continues to be a threat and a global health concern for poultry, people and those who depend on livestock for their livelihoods.

5. But good animal health practices can help control it:

6. Vaccinating birds across China has seen lower levels of the disease and fewer human cases

7. Improved biosecurity measures including cleaning and disinfecting helped eradicate bird flu in Japan;

8. Better diagnostics and surveillance measures can help to inform ,when to restrict movement of birds or to cull bird populations.

9. Some immunomodulator in water twice daily has given desirable results in pathogenic Bird Flu and reduced mortality and stress.

By-Dr V.Rajendra Prasad,
Poultry consultant, Hyderabad.

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