BariHeal- A Novel in situ Chemical Bandage


BariHeal- A Novel in situ Chemical Bandage

(Indian and PCT Patent-Applied in 2020 by Dr Abdul Samad, Dr Mala Menon -of Bombay College of Pharmacy, Kalina and Dr Zeba Parkar, Polymer Technologist, USA)

Bandaging Wound in Animals is Difficult and at Times Adds to Contamination

Basics of wound-healing:

Research over last 75 years have shown that body considers ‘any wound’ as a major threat, hence there is immediate biochemical responses to start healing process. Healing is an intense process involving diverse cells and biochemicals. However, research has provided evidence that wound healing processes is dependent on two key factors:

  • Wetness of in the wound– since all biochemical processes depend on presence of moisture, keeping wound moist all the time is important. In contrast animal wounds get dried faster because of exposure to
  • Wound to be protected from external contamination: Open wounds are exposed to environment leading contamination with pathogens, as the animal / barn environment is full of such bugs. In human bandaging is useful in protecting the wound from pathogen contamination, but in case of animals, bandaging is often difficult and counterproductive as it gets soiled with dung and

Barrier-type wound Bandage:

We have developed a barrier film technology wherein first the matrix reinforcing natural polymer is sprayed, followed by a herb-derived monomer spray. The interaction of the two in the wound matrix results in formation of a barrier film covering the entire wound area. This film has following features, which has been proved in the vitro studies:

  • The film is discontinuous but the pore size is such that it prevents entry of bacteria in the Proved through in vitro tests.
  • The film allows entry of air; hence the film does not create anaerobic Evidence based on in vitro tests.
  • The film retains enough moisture, which is released to keep the wound moist all the time. This helps in hastening the healing chemical The release profile data available.
  • It is biodegradable, hence unlike other wound barrier film, does not require peeling-off after Tested in >100 cases.
  • The film covers the entire wound surface including the irregular wound margins hence the barrier effect is total. The film acts like a ‘chemi-bandage’.
  • The film has sufficient endurance and does not break with normal Endurance test data available.
  • Wound dressed with antibiotic / antiviral and germicide can also be Apply ointment of your choice and spray the solution to bandage. So simple and straight.
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Initial results have shown promising results. Application of spray daily once or twice results in wound healing within 5-7 days. This includes even big wounds at difficult positions such as teat, shoulder, feet.

How to use:

It is supplied in two spray bottles labelled A and B. The bottle A contains, the reinforcing polymer and polymerization catalysts, added with glycerol to enhance film quality. The bottle B contains, the monomer, which forms film after reacting with constituents sprayed from bottle A.

Wash the wound with any antiseptic solution / iodine / spirit available. If wound heavily contaminated apply the usual antibiotic ointment followed by spray bandaging.

Uniformly spray the content from A, ensuring that the spray reaches to the entire wound area including the margins. Spray the content of the bottle B on the wound, ensuring that the content of spray B reaches to the entire wound surface. Wait for 5 minutes, to allow film to be formed. The solution B also contains permitted colour so that the user can see the barrier film to be sure that the film has covered the wound surface.

LSD Open Wounds: In cases of open LSD skin lesions, which are major source of spread of virus into the environment, it is recommended to first apply antiviral (chemical or herbal) ointment and then spray BariHeal to form a barrier film bandage. One more benefit- Even if flies lay eggs, it wont penetrate through the barrier film hence no maggot hassle.

NB-For the benefit of the farmers, selected veterinarians will be supplied, free of cost spray kits. In return expect feedback with phots before treatment and after fully recovering, with names and contact numbers of the farmers- on WhatsApp 9969371999.



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