Dr. Smruti Smita Mohapatra

Research Fellow

Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence

Institute of Rural Management Anand





Dairy sector plays a vital role in providing high quality protein to billions of people and livelihood to millions of farmers. Despite significant gains in production, greenhouse gas emissions from livestock are on a rise. In 2008, U.S. dairy was the first agricultural sector to commission a life cycle assessment on fluid milk, which showed that dairy accounts for 2% of total greenhouse gases emissions in the US. As per the recent reports, the global demand for milk is expected to double by the year 2050. This will automatically give rise to more intensive dairy farming and greenhouse gases production worldwide. The mission of carbon neutral planet gets diluted with the gaseous emissions of the dairy industry.

Carbon footprint in animal agriculture

As per the FAO reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report (IPCC 2019) flags considerable emissions from Agriculture, Forestry, and livestock sector in particular, which generate nearly 15 percent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gases, with dairy animals contributing nearly two thirds of this. The sources of emissions from livestock farming are carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels, methane as a natural by-product of animal digestion and nitrous oxide from soils, manure and nutrient management. Changes in land use and vegetation have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy farms. A 2021 UNEP report reveals that livestock emissions from manure and gastro-enteric releases account for roughly a third of human-caused methane emissions. With the vision of sustainability to cut down the carbon footprint in India and the whole world, it is necessary for the dairy industry to take steps towards the carbon emission reduction.


Methods of carbon neutrality in Dairy sector

There is an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from dairy sector to tackle the global climate crisis. Efficient animal husbandry management practices through feed, fodder and gobar that reduce greenhouse gas emissions can help in carbon neutral dairying. Ration balancing, integrated dairy farming and animal waste management can achieve carbon neutral dairying. The European Union approved the use of BOVAER 10 (3-nitrooxypropanol) as an additive to cattle feed. The Dutch Company DSM, which has a presence in India as well, has manufactured, experimented and obtained approval for its use. When fed to dairy animals, this additive to the feed reduces the output of methane (exhaling and in manure) by the dairy animals between 20% and 35%, without affecting production. It will contribute to the greening of the agriculture. Dairying in India needs to get going in this direction, while seeking clearance and starting to use such innovative products. Promoting climate smart breeds of livestock and regulation of policy can improve pave a long way.

Efficient use of solar, wind, natural gas, hydro power and bio-digestion for dairy operations, technological interventions in processing such as use of Variable Frequency Drive controller in chillers and motor soft starters, energy management through solar bulk milk coolers, digitalization of procurement system, route optimization and use of efficient boilers in dairy, digitalized corporate management plants are necessary.

Way forward

The increase in the milk production and cattle population in the coming years will demand more land, water, inputs, fossil fuels and land usage ultimately leading to deforestation and biodiversity loss. It is high time that the global dairy sector demonstrates leadership in tackling climate change while protecting the vital role dairy plays in nutrition, and socio-economic outcomes.

READ MORE :  Low Productivity of Indian Dairy Animals: Challenges & Mitigation Strategies

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