Dr. G.P.S. Sethi1 and Dr. Aastha Nagpal2

1Assistant Manager (Animal Husbandry), Milkfed

2Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, LUVAS, Hisar



Welcoming new life into the world is nothing less than a reward especially if it happens to a litter of puppies. Just as human pregnancies, dog pregnancies can be confusing and stressful, and it needs special care by the owner or breeder when their dog is pregnant. During the period of pregnancy, there is a change in the hormones, weight, appetite as well as behavior of a dog that requires due attention for not just attaining a successful pregnancy but also maintaining their optimum health. Hence, proper care of the pregnant dog before and during whelping is a call for.


Since the time the dog is confirmed as pregnant, it requires proper attention and treatment. The following are points of consideration that must be taken care:

  1. Pregnancy Period: Dog’s pregnancy period last for approximately 63 days, or about two months. Pregnant dog can be confirmed by the veterinarian after 1 month when he can detect fetal heartbeat through ultrasound. One should be prepared for the delivery by the end of the second month and the start of the third, when the puppies are ready to be born.
  2. Proper Nutrition: One of the most important things one should take optimum care is that pregnant dog receives proper nutrition. If a dog is already on good quality dog food and is healthy then it is not required to make any changes in the diet. But it is recommended to increase their diet gradually during last 5 weeks as weight of the animal increases and small feed should be given as large meals can cause discomfort.
  3. Regular Veterinary Checkup: Regular veterinary checkup should be done as veterinarian will not only check on puppies and confirm pregnancy but will also examine the dog for any discomfort or illness. If the dog has become pregnant by accident, then discussion can be done with the veterinarian and precautions like spaying can be taken in future to prevent any other litter.
  4. Preparation for Puppies: To make dog’s whelping comfortable, whelping box should be made. Whelping box should be away from other dogs and should be set in an area where mother could have some privacy. Whelping box offers a safe, warm, comfortable, easily cleaned location for a dog to have her puppies. Once one has whelping box, dog should be made familiar with the box and should get accustomed to it. Dogs look for warm and safe place to deliver puppies and if whelping box is not introduced to her before whelping then she might deliver the puppies to somewhere else which she feels to her closest.
  5. Whelping Supply Checklist: Necessary whelping supplies should be assembled before time which includes-
  • Newspaper: required for lining the whelping box during whelping
  • Dry clean towels: to clean the puppies
  • Paper towels: to help with clean up
  • Thermometer: to keep the check on the dog’s temperature before whelping
  • Clean scissors: to cut the umbilical cords
  • A hot water bottle or a heating pad: to keep the puppies warm (it should not be too hot)
  • Iodine: to apply on umbilical cord
  • Veterinarian’s phone number and the number of a nearby emergency clinic

These supplies should be kept in clean and easy to access location. When the pregnant dog is near to completion of its gestation period, warning signs of labor should be watched out. Pregnant dog stops eating few days before whelping and starts to build nest. If the dog is made familiar to whelping box, then it starts preparing nest in box. Before whelping, dog starts panting and temperature of the dog falls to about 99⁰F or even lower. After about 24 hours of temperature drop, the dog will whelp and deliver puppies.

  1. Care during Whelping: Dogs generally give birth easily and do not require assistance. When the puppy is born, it is enclosed in its placental membrane. The mother tears the membrane off and sometimes eats it. If she does not tear, then one must assist and must remove it as puppies cannot survive for more than a few minutes before their supply of oxygen runs out. The umbilical cord should be tied with thread and cut about 1-2 inches from the puppy. Iodine should be applied on the umbilical cord so that infection does not enter through it. All the mucous should be cleaned from the pup’s nose. The pups should be checked whether they are breathing or not. If they are not breathing, then resuscitation should be done. The chest of the dog should be pressed and should be kept in warm place.


Pregnancy and whelping can be a stressful time both for dogs and the owners. The owner needs to be vigilant enough during this period. The more one gets experienced about dog’s pregnancy with time, the better he gets prepared to care of the dog. If complete care of the dog is done during pregnancy and whelping, then the chances of normal whelping increases and the chances of cesarean section decreases. If one faces any difficulty during the period veterinarian should be consulted without any delay. Period of pregnancy and whelping is a crucial time that needs to be dealt with caution. All the necessary measures should be followed to ensure the comfort and safety of the dog during their pregnancy, and also to ensure the health status of the puppies born.

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