Cat Care Tips to keeps Your Cat Healthy


 Cat Care Tips for Pet Owners

Dr Uday Kumar
Veterinary officer at NIPER Hajipur

Cats are the most owned pet throughout the world, and you can easily maintain in the home. If you are a new cat owner and want to all about cat care, this article will help you a lot. The basic cat care includes the selection of proper cat breeds to the minor medication. As a new cat owner, the basic cat cares you must know the selection of best cat breed for you, litter box, health, grooming, clipping, nail cutting, vaccination, deworming, and how to keep your cat happy. The happy cat gives you pleasure and a company in the home and makes your life enjoyable.


Basic Cat Care-Grooming

Cat grooming included brushing, bathing, and nail clipping are very common in cat care. Regular brushing your cat keeps healthy and good looking that removes loose hair, dirty materials and helps to spread natural oils in the cat’s body. In a general cat, care is necessary to groom your cat daily to keep him fit.


Bathing your cats regularly, it removes the parasitic infection. Use a mild shampoo that safe to use on cats. In warm temperature, you may follow to bathe your cat weekly with mildly warm water.

Nail clipping is very important in your cats and maintains a regular trimming of cats nail. The extra growth nails may cause scratch injury to you and other pets.

Basic Cat Care -Health Issues

The cats’ health condition depends on healthy balanced food, diets, and drinking the freshwater. Your cat needs regular vet visits and maintains the vaccination schedule. Regular health maintenance and care reduce the risk of any infection to your cats and prevent potential cat diseases.


Basic Cat Care- Housing

Your cats must need good shelter for housing for ensuring basic cat care. It is very important that the house is clean, minimum space required, dry place, and damp free area. Your cat’s bed should have soft and used a warm blanket and towel. Keep your cats indoors. When you keep your cat outdoor, he suffers from many diseases and infections. Cats’ body carries various infections and parasitic eggs, so it is wise to keep your cats indoors.

Controlling of Cats

You can be controlled by wrapping in a towel and as a part of basic cat care, you must be very conversant about the controlling of cats. The extended claws entangle in the towel, keeping the paws within the wrap. A single limb may be withdrawn for examination or exposure of a vein to administer intravenous medication or to withdraw blood for a laboratory sample. Your cat’s head is controlled equally well and may be exposed for examination or treatment in the same manner as the legs.


Scratching Cat Care 

Generally, cats are fond of scratching in different places like walls, curtains, and trees. The basic cat care also included caring for nails and paws. The habit of scratching is natural and you can not reduce it all of a sudden. At home, you can keep a piece of wood that allows your cat to scratch there to maintain its natural habitat.


Basic Cat Care- Play

Cats are naturally fond of playing with kids and their owners. You must give considerable time to your cats for play, and it is also a part of basic cat care. In-home and apartment, you have such arrangements for your cats to play with some toys and materials. The playful cats are more healthy than calm cats, and that will give you more company.

Basic Cat care- Handling

Experience in handling in your cats allows some individuals to approach seemingly vicious cats without difficulty. The inexperienced individual frequently must use special restraint techniques to minimize the chances of being scratched and bitten. It is wise to wear gloves while handling your cats, although gloves may minimize scratch injuries.

 Cat Care-Fleas and Ticks Control

Parasitic infection is very irritating for your cats. This infection loses your cat’s skin and coat. So fleas and ticks removal are very important. Regular use mild brand shampoo when bathing your cats, checking should have to control the parasitic infection. If the parasitic infection occurs in your cats, you must use flea bombs on-premises, control sprays, and treat all animals in your house. You must regularly consult with the vet to take adequate control measures. There are different types of new techniques of parasitic infection control, and you may adopt any one of them for your cat care.

Worms are very common health problems in your cats which you cat easily treat or control. Deworming strategy is very important in the field of cat care, and you must be very regular in this matter for all of your pets at home.

The symptoms of worm infection in your cat that easily identified are vomiting, and weight loss, and parts of the worm have come out through faces. Sometimes the part of parasites comes around the anus and found in beddings. The anthelmintics treatment is needed through the oral or parenteral route.

 Cat Care- Medicine and Poisoning

Sometimes your cat’s may ingest different types of poisoning materials or things that are very familiar at home. It is very important to identify when your pet is suffering from poisoning problems. The symptoms include excessive salivation, dilated pupil, abnormal breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea. At this type of problem, you must call a vet immediately to treat such a situation. The most common poisonous materials around the cat at the house are salt, human medicine, insects, rotten food, dead rodents, etc.

Your cat’s house must be well ventilated and access to fresh air all time. Medicine use is very important when your cat suffers from various diseases, but you must follow the vet’s prescription. Tylenol, aspirin, and paracetamol are also very fatal in your cats, so use these medications with extreme care.

Feeding and Diet

Feeding and cat diet are the most important points during cat care. Your cats needed high quality balanced and brand name kitten and cat food. Your vet suggests the best quality diet. In captivity, your cats cannot be adapted to supplemented vet died because they can not produce all essential amino acids from the plant origin food. The specific amino acid Taurine, the absence of this cause Degeneration of Retina of the cat slowly which is called Central Retinal Degeneration (CRD).

The taurine generally found in cow’s milk and may cause lactose intolerance. You can give your cat lactose-free milk which is safe but cannot be substituted for meat, so you must give some meat in the cat diet. You must give your cat pure drinking water as much as it can drink.


Cat Care- Removal of Ear Mites

Ear mites are common problems of your cats and need extra cat care. It transmitted from animal to animals and even affect you. When your cat infected with ear mites, he seems to scratch his ear and shaking of his head. In this condition, you will need a vet suggestion to treat the condition. Your cats need a thoroughly cleaned process during grooming or bathing.

Cat Care – Breeding

Your cat will come in heat several times in a year and the period will last for 4-7 days. If you bred your cat the heat period will be ended but if you are not bred the heat period may last longer. During the heat period, you must separate your female cat from the male one.

Behavior and Training

As a new in cat owner, you can give some behavioral training to your cats especially about defecation and urination. Make a good habit of your cat to the toilet in a specific place selected by you. If you make such a habit, the general cat care is mostly done. The habit will keep your house clean and free from diseases.

READ MORE :  How to do Pet Grooming at Home

You can also give some training like different play and showing games with your cats. These will make a difference from other cats around you, and you will be happy as a cat owner. Continuous practice and correction of action make fruitful training.



Often, you may find yourself confused by your cat’s behavior, like why my cat isn’t eating, in spite of feeding them the best cat food, or even their moods. However, there are certain tell-tale signs that can give you an insight into what your cat may be thinking. Their body movements, facial expressions and vocalizations are often indicators of their more obvious moods, while following cat tail signs and body postures can reveal even more. The key to cat care is to be able to recognize these emotional signals and respond to them as and when required.

Below you will find a detailed guide which should be able to answer any questions you have regarding your cat’s behavior.


Shown below is the ideal position for your cat to relax in. They should appear relaxed, content and comfortable in their surroundings.


  • Their eyes might be blinking softly, or half closed.
  • Their body may appear relaxed and tension-free.
  • They could be stretched out or curled into a ball with their paws tucked underneath.


Cats are born hunters. You’ll often notice your cat concentrating on a small, moving object; their body language will change as they attempt to discern the most effective way to approach their prey.


  • Their pupils will be narrowed.
  • Their body posture will be angled towards their target.
  • Cat’s tail will be held low behind them and will begin to twitch along with their hindquarters, as they get ready to pounce.


A cat which is happy has distinct body language features. This is the best state for you to spend quality time with your cat.


  • Your cat will appear relaxed and upright, with ears pointed up and forward.
  • When they lay down, their paws may be tucked underneath or they stretch out on their side or back.
  • Your cat’s whiskers will be relaxed and their tail will be till. Your cat’s eyes may be half open or closed.


Cats can be very sensitive, especially to change. Hence, during times of unexpected change, it is important that you are able to notice your cat’s symptoms and help them become accustomed to the change.


  • Your pet’s eyes will be wide open, with pupils dilated into an oval or circle.
  • Their ears may flatten back into their head or swivel around independently.
  • Your cat may begin to cower and the tip of their tail may start moving slowly side to side.


Your cat’s body language will instantly change when they feel frightened. During moments like these, try to remove anything which may be causing your cat fear and move slowly so that they do not regard you as a threat as well.


  • Your cat’s ears will be flattened against their head, and their pupils are likely to be dilated.
  • They may hiss, spit or growl at the assumed threat.
  • They may run away or crouch down, usually during this time their tail will be slashing vigorously.


Frustration for cats comes in many forms. It could either be short term for eg: not being able to reach their favourite toy or long term for eg: not being able to express their need to hunt.


  • A frustrated cat usually focuses intently on their object of frustration. Their eyes will be wide open, ears and whiskers forward pointing as they harness their energies into the goal.
  • They may pace impatiently if they are unable to achieve their goal.


The best way to deal with an angry cat is to avoid provoking them, since they may consider it as an added threat. You should remove any possible threats from their surroundings and allow your cat space and time to calm down.


  • An angry cat will be rigid with stiff whiskers, and tense ears, flattened at the back against the head.


When the perceived threat is removed, the angry and frustrated cat will likely act relieved. It is important for you to identify this shift in their behavior and help them feel relaxed and normal.


  • Their eyes, ears, whiskers and tail will all visibly relax.
  • Their whole body will show relief. Some cats even make a full body stretch to release tension.

Now that you know how to identify and understand your cat’s changing behaviour, we are sure you will be able to cater to their mood swings with greater ease. Let the claw play begin!



Every pet owner wants the absolute best for their cat. The first step to ensuring this is to make sure your pet is happy and healthy. How can you achieve this? Monthly trips to the vet is a good place to start. Consult the checklist provided below to spot any unusual signs early on so can you seek immediate treatment!



While caring for cats, it is essential to regularly check their body condition score. Cats should ideally have a well-defined hourglass waist with their ribs easily visible and a slight covering of fat.


Delicate and sensitive, cat ears should be treated with care. They should be cleaned of any thick or waxy discharge and the caretaker should ensure there is no redness or offensive smells emanating from the cat’s ear.


Your cat’s eyes should be bright and clear with no signs of redness or runniness.


Your cat’s nose should be soft and damp. Crusting, bleeding, and excess sneezing are alarms for a health check with the vet.


A cat’s teeth should be white or cream with no excess tartar. Their gums should be healthy pink (or black, depending on your cat’s skin pigmentation) and not red, swollen or bleeding. Bad breath, excess salivation and a reluctance to eat are all signs that something is wrong.


Crusting, itching, scaling, black or white spots and inflammation on your cat’s skin are all signs of concern. Ideally, their coat should be shiny with no broken hair, bald patches, dandruff or fleas.


Your cat’s nails (can be black or white) should be smooth- rough or flaky nails may require a visit to the vet. You can check your cat’s nails by gently squeezing on the pads of their paws so the nails fully emerge.


Cats can be fussy eaters- it is quite normal for them to occasionally regurgitate food or cough up a hairball, but vomiting or reluctance to eat is a matter of concern.


Since cats cannot open-mouth breathe, any signs of panting, wheezing or coughing should be investigated by a vet immediately.


You should NOT be concerned if your healthy cat does not drink a lot of water. However, you should make sure that you always have a bowl of clean, fresh water available for them. If your cat suddenly becomes thirsty or starts drinking more water than usual, it could be time to consult a vet.


A cat’s attitude is often an indicator of how he or she is feeling. If they are under the weather, you may see them sleeping more, being quieter and less playful. However, they are very good at hiding their illness, so speak to your vet in case of concerning changes.

Follow this checklist to ensure your cat remains in excellent health, so you can look forward to many more days of quality time between you and your pet!



Cats don’t need regular baths and daily grooming. Only if they get really dirty, they need special cat care. If they’re rolled in something that they can’t wash off themselves, or they have long matted hair, a bath might be a good idea.

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It can be really stressful for most cats to go through daily showers. Your cat may already dislike taking a shower, plus forcing them every time can make things worse. If you’re able to, just clean an isolated area, rather than getting their entire body wet.

However, if you think your kitten has come into contact with toxic substances, take them to the vet first.


  • A large plastic bucket, sink or bath (lined with a non-slip floor mat) to use as a cat bath.
  • Specialist cat or a kitten shampoo. (Never use a human shampoo, as it’s unsuitable for cat hair and skin due to the difference in pH levels.)
  • A cat conditioner if required. Again, don’t use a conditioner for human hair.
  • A towel or two
  • A brush to help remove matts and knots


You can go for a bucket filled with warm (note: it shouldn’t be hot) water. Cats need gentle care and affection. Also, remember not to overfill your bucket, as it make your cat anxious and your plan to get your little feline fellow clean may flop!


If your cat is scared, they may try to bite or scratch you. They may be nervous and moody. Give them some space and love (treats can work at times, though not too much).


  • Apply a small amount of shampoo and warm water to the contaminated area only. You can also rub some soap on their neck, tail and the underside of their body to make your kitty look absolutely clean and smell good!
  • When they’re ready to be rinsed, use one hand to operate the shower nozzle or pour a jug of warm, clean water and the other hand to protect their eyes and ears from contamination.
  • Repeat the process if you’re using cat conditioner. It is very important to rinse the shampoo and/or conditioner thoroughly. Once you’re happy that they’re fully rinsed, allow your cat to shake off the excess water. Bathing cats is as simple as that!


Generally cats prefer to be towel dried rather than dried with a hair dryer. Thereafter, leave them in a warm room to dry off naturally. Don’t let them go outside until fully dry, so that they don’t catch a cold.



It is commonly believed that cats love drinking milk. However, not many know that kittens are able to digest milk better than adult cats. Just like other infant mammals, kittens are able to digest lactose faster when compared to adult cats.
If you also have a growing cat at home and are wondering whether to give your cat milk and when it is time to cut down on their milk consumption, keep reading this article to know all about cats and their milk intake.


Kittens usually drink milk from their mothers until they start to wean. Weaning in kittens is a gradual process, where they slowly reduce their milk consumption and start eating whole foods such as kitten food or cat food. Kittens may begin eating whole foods as early as 4 weeks or can start consuming them late as when they are 10 weeks old.


Milk is not healthy for all cats especially when given in place of a balanced meal plan. Milk does not have enough nutrition required by your cat and skim milk can add an unhealthy amount of fat to your cat’s diet. If your cat is lactose intolerant, they will start emitting loose stool. Instead it is recommended that you introduce a proper diet to your kitty, one that includes a good cat food filled with all the proteins and minerals required by your feline friend.


Your cat can crave milk even though they have grown. Cats crave comforting things from their early years just like people. So, even though they may crave for milk, it is recommended to give your cat a limited quantity of milk.


Although it may seem like a good idea to add a little milk to your cat’s favourite food, this may result in your cat developing Gastro Intestinal problems. Therefore, it is advised that your figure out how much milk your cat can consume and give them the amount that can be tolerated by their tiny stomachs. A complete and balanced food does not require any addition of vitamins, minerals or other supplements, unless specifically directed by a veterinarian.


Commercially prepared foods that have milk in them as an ingredient can be consumed by your cats, as they use the correct amount of milk that is safe for your cat to consume. These foods are also complete and nutritionally balanced.

It is recommended that you check your cat’s stool to analyse whether the amount of milk consumed by them is safe or not and whether you should completely eliminate milk from their diet. You can also try adding water with your kitty’s dry food, as an alternative for their daily intake of milk. Happy feeding!



As a cat parent, you might often have doubts about your cat’s nutritional well-being. An important issue to address is that of your cat’s weight. It is important to keep a tab on your cat’s weight since it is an essential factor in their overall health.

Being overweight has pathological and psychological effects on your cat. Your cat might start to refrain from participating in activities they would normally undertake such as playing and personal hygiene. This can lead to skin problems and prone infections, as well as indicate that your kitty might be feeling depressed or anxious. Overweight cats are more prone to diseases and excess weight gain can lead to chronic inflammation. Thus, keeping a check of your cat’s weight is an essential step of caring for their overall health.

To check if your cat is in fact gaining weight at an unhealthy rate, incorporate these quick and easy steps in your frequent grooming routine.

  • Rib Check: You should be able to feel their rib cage, which can be difficult to judge merely by a visual check. Place your thumbs on your cat’s backbone and spread both hands across the ribcage to check the same.
  • Profile Check: Level yourself with your cat and examine their profile. Check if their abdomen is tucked up behind the rib-cage, which is an ideal posture.
  • Overhead Check: Check if you are able to see a waist behind her ribs when looking from above. This is ideal as well.

In case your cat doesn’t pass the checks above, there is a chance that they are overweight. To tackle this issue, it is imperative to control their diet. While the obvious solution might seem to be cutting down the portion sizes, it is important to avoid that as it could lead to a liver disease. Instead, switch to a nutritious weight control cat food formula which will help in gradually reducing weight. Take your cat to the vet immediately to identify or rule out any underlying health issues that could be leading to their weight gain. Additionally, increase your pet cat’s activity levels by combining play time with a cat tree.

Identifying and tackling any chances of your cat being overweight or even inching towards obesity puts you in the right track of cat care. Keeping an eye out on your kitty’s food and exercise ensures long years of snuggles and cuddles.

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Your cat’s well-being depends on the essential nutrients they receive throughout the day. It’s important for your cat to have at least one healthy meal a day. Many cat owners opt for home-made food for their cat, or look for the best cat food in the store. There are also a bunch of people who prefer to give raw food to their cat.



What is meant by feeding your pet cat raw food is that you are giving them uncooked animal muscle meat, organ meat or bones. This kind of food comes under the BARF diet, also known as “bones and raw food” or ” biologically-appropriate raw food.” It’s usually advised to not give your cat raw food, and if you do, you should consult it with a veterinary nutritionist.

Here’s a list of possible dangers that your cat may face with raw food:

  • You cat may suffer a biotin deficiency, if given raw eggs on a daily basis. Symptoms include dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), loss of hair, and stunted growth.
  • You should not add raw fish to their diet, again on a daily basis, as it may lead to thiamine (found in vitamin B complex food) deficiency. Some early symptoms of this are weight loss, a lack of appetite, and GI (gastrointestinal tract) upset.


  • Do not give your cat raw meat as it may contain parasites, while cooked meat can be too high in fat for your cat. Your cat needs a healthy balance of all the necessary nutrients, so make sure you prepare their diet accordingly.
  • Make sure you don’t include raw liver in your cat’s diet daily. It can lead to Vitamin A toxicity. Your cat’s diet already includes a sufficient amount of Vitamin A. It’s best to ensure that it is not in excess.
  • Small, soft bones (such as pork chop or chicken bones) should never be given to cats, as they may splinter and lodge in his/her mouth or throat.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian — they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

Pregnant Cat Care Tips

We generally recommend having all pet cats spayed or neutered, but we also want to help make sure that, if your cat is pregnant, she receives the very best care. If you believe your cat is pregnant, here are some tips to take care of her.

How to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant

If you’re not sure if your unspayed cat is pregnant, there are a number of things that may signal that kittens are on the way.

  • Physical changes: A pregnant cat can suffer from bouts of “morning sickness,” and will also generally eat more as the pregnancy progresses. Additionally, your cat’s stomach will be noticeably bigger after about five weeks, and it will continue to swell until she gives birth. Additionally, her nipples may appear swollen and/or take on a darker, red color.

Behavioral changes: You might find that your previously loving, friendly cat will go into hiding, or an otherwise apathetic cat has suddenly become a snuggle bug – both of these types of changes in behavior are normal for pregnant cats.

What to Feed Your Pregnant Cat

If you notice signs that your cat may be pregnant and it has been confirmed by your veterinarian, you will need to discuss nutritional needs for your pregnant cat. Now that your cat is eating for two (or three, or four, or five…) she will need additional nutrients – and more of them!


Your veterinary team might recommend switching your cat back to kitten food, which will provide nutritional benefits to her kittens, too. Your cat will need more calories to sustain her kittens, so the general plan may be to increase the amount of food you feed her as your pregnant cat nears her term. However, there will also be less room in her stomach as the kittens grow, so feed her smaller amounts but more often throughout the day.

Drinking lots of water is essential for keeping your pregnant cat hydrated, so you may want to keep a few different water bowls around your home in areas that are easy for her to get to. If your cat has pre-existing health needs, or a sensitive stomach, always check with your vet before making any changes to her food and/or feeding routine.

Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat

During her pregnancy, you will want to keep your cat relatively active in order to ensure she is fit for giving birth. Avoid any excessively rowdy activity towards the end of your cat’s pregnancy, however. You will need to help her stay calm as she nears her due date, as anything too active could cause her stress. Throughout the pregnancy be sure to pay attention to her appetite and her comfort level. If your cat loses interest in her food or is visibly distressed or agitated, it could signal a problem with her pregnancy.

Preparing for Your Cat to Give Birth

Shortly before her due date, provide your cat with a box or “nest” where she can give birth and care for her newborn kittens. Make sure that this birthing box is large enough for your cat and her litter to be comfortable in, but also tall enough to prevent any curious kittens from making an escape! Keep the nest in a warm place and line it with soft blankets or towels (that you won’t mind throwing away). Try to find a familiar location to put the box that is quiet and out of the way, and show your cat where the box is situated.

Regular Veterinary Checkups for Pregnant Cats

Your veterinary team will help you understand the best schedule for checkups throughout your cat’s pregnancy. Additionally, you’ll be able to plan together for the big day. You will need to know what is “normal” for at-home delivery, and you will want to be ready to safely transport your cat to the office if need be during labor. It’s also vital to have the name, location, and phone number of the closest pet emergency facility in case there are complications outside of regular veterinary business hours.

What to Do When Your Cat Goes into Labor

Your cat is domesticated, so she may not have all of the instincts of a “wild” cat; however, most cats require no intervention at all while giving birth. In fact, your cat may purposely seek out solitude when she goes into labor. Most cats would prefer to be left alone, and they definitely don’t want to be pet or touched while they are giving birth. It’s best to give your pregnant cat as much privacy as possible while also leaving yourself the ability to monitor the birthing process for any signs of issues or distress.

Don’t be surprised if your cat decides to give birth in a location other than the “nest” you have prepared for mom and her kittens. If this occurs, don’t be afraid to move the kittens to the box you prepared after they are born. It’s perfectly fine to pick up and handle newborn kittens; carefully touching them will not cause your cat to abandon her kittens or injure them.

What to Do After Your Cat Gives Birth


After your cat has delivered her kittens, you should take both mom and her kittens to the veterinarian for a post-natal checkup within 24-48 hours. If your cat had an accidental pregnancy, the post-natal checkup is a good time to discuss having your cat spayed to prevent any more surprise litters.



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