Cattle Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)


Cattle Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)

Lumpy Skin Disease /
LSD /Dengue for Cattle

LSD is severe systemic disease of cattle associated with the Neethling poxvirus. It has close antigenic relationship to Sheeppox and Goatpox virus which are in same genus. but the appears to be a difference in virulence between strains.


The disease used to be confined to sub-saharan Africa, but spread to many other African countries in 1970. Then outbreak in Egypt in 2006, Israel 2007, 2012. Then the virus is actively spread within and from middle east like as Oman 2010, Turkey 2013, Jordan 2013.

Origin of infection and Transmission :-
The virus is present in Nasal and Lacrimal secretion, semen and milk of Infected animal. However Direct contact is not the major source of transmission. In most cases Transmission occur by Arthropod vector like Tick and Mosquito. Anopheles and Culex sp. Transmitted the virus when the take blood from infected animal.

Risk factor:-

All ages and types of cattle are susceptible, although very young calf, lactating animal and malnourished cattle develop more severe clinical disease. Recently recovered animal are immune for about 3 months.

Outbreaks tend to follow waterways. Associated with high rainfall and high level of insect activity with peaks in late summer and early autumn.

pathogenesis, Clinical sign, pathology, control and treatment

Lumpy Skin Disease

In the generalized disease there is viremia and fever followed by localization in the skin and development of inflamatory nodules.

Clinical Findings :-
1.The incubation period is 14-28 days in field outbreaks.
2. Initially rise temp. which last for 7 days.
3. Lacrimation, Nasal discharge, Salivation and lameness. Due to continuous lacrimation cataract followed by Blindness may occur
4. Multiple intradermal nodules appear suddenly.
5. Nodules may appear in perineum region, Vulvar or Udder region.
6. Nodules may form in nostrils, trachea and other visceral organ. and pneumonia and respiratory problem may occur usually.
7. After few days hair and Skin usually sloughing out from the nodules.
8. Abortion may occur in case of pregnant cow.

READ MORE :  Actinomycosis in cattle (Lumpy Jaw)

Diagnosis :-
Based on clinical signs followed by lab. test.
PCR & ELISA test.

Differential Diagnosis:-
Pseudolumpy Skin disease (caused by Bovine herpesvirus-2) in this case lesion usually appear in Udder. Multifocal lesion are distributed over the body and circular upto 2 cm in diameter accompanied by loss of hair. Some lesion show a circular ring of necrosis around a central scab. In this case no mortality occur and runs upto 2 weeks.
But in case of Lumpy the wound deep enough to expose underlying tissue.

LSD Prevent by vaccination. But in our country vaccine is not available. In South Africa they use the strain of Neethling.
Dose:- 1ml/ animal s/c.
Immunity :- 1 years.
But in many country they use Goatpox or Sheeppox virus vaccine. Because they have antigenic similarity and both are under Poxviriade family.

Treatment :-
There is no specific treatment available. But we need to use broad spectrum antibiotics for control the secondary bacterial infection.
Ceftriaxone, OTC, Amoxicillin may used.
Painkiller may use.
Antihistamin may use.
Use Local Antibacterial Ointment or Cream Like Neocin.

Avoid Steroid. Cause it is also an Immunesupprasive disease.
Must use NET to prevent the spread of disease.

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