Cattle Selection Guidelines for Dairy cows



Purchasing cattle is a very important part of the dairy project. Selection of healthy and productive animals is most important for successful operations of the dairy. It has major impact on the profit and most importantly the future generation of the cattle is also determined by the quality of the initial cattle herd. These days young and enthusiastic farmers are standing up to the challenge of dairy farming and specially with Indian cows.Our sincere effort to educate those farmers and empower them with a checklist which if followed will ensure they will select healthy and high quality animal with greater success.. 

 Selection Guidelines For Heifers

  • Parents record is most helpful information if available with proof (This is bonus information)
  • It’s preferable to buy from farmer since he will have accurate records of birth and parents records, cattle traders might not have accurate information
  • “Heifer” should not become very nervous and should not become aggressive when you go close to it. These are pointers that milking such cows will be a difficult task
  • “Calf” ‘s body conditioning should be good, which means the “Heifer” has been given well balanced nutrition. Cattle are at their best body condition in “Heifer” stage and if they are healthy and have good body conditioning it will be easy to maintain during the milking stage. Improving the body conditioning of a cattle is very difficult once it’s started milking
  • The hind quarters and specially the back near the pin bone of the “Heifer” should have good fat storage which helps the “Heifer” to have strong back to support bull service and avoid injury while breeding
  • The milk vein should be visible prominently, which is sign of “Heifer” having good potential of milking
  • The “Heifer” should have thin fat layer under skin, this can be done by trying hold the skin of “Heifer” in two fingers. If you grab skin in two fingers means it has thin layer of fat
  • This layer of fat means the “Heifer” has qualities to convert excess fat to milk and not absorb to body
  • The girth circumference of the stomach area should be more as it means more area for food processing and more milk production
  • Incisors Teeth should be as per the “Heifer” age usually 2 Incisors. Refer to table below
  • Touch the udder area of the “Heifer” and see how she reacts if she is cooperative then it will be very docile while milking
  • If you have access to a vet then it will be bonus if the vet can physically examine the reproductive organs of the “Heifer”
  • If the “Heifer” is going through heat cycle then it’s perfect
  • Check the hoofs of the “Heifer”, they should be small and no nails overgrowth, which means it’s a genuine “Heifer” and not an older cow with inferior growth and seller trying to sell her as “Heifer”

Determining Age In Cows

 Real Age   Teeth Count 
Less than 2 yrs  Only Milk Teeth are present
2 Years Old  2 middle permanent incisors (pincers) are present
3 Years Old  4 permanent incisors , one on each side of pincers
4 Years Old  6 permanent incisors
5 Years Old  8 permanent incisors
6 Years Old and Above  All teeth are present
7 to 10 Years old  only be estimated based on wear and tear of teeth
Around 10 to 12 Years  Some Teeth will be missing

 Selection Guidelines For Dry Cows

  • Buying dry cow is not recommended specially from a cattle traders or cow mandi
    • There is no way to check the milk capacity based on which price is determined
    • There is a risk of few teats having problem as it cannot be checked
    • Calf pedigree is unknown
    • Higher risk during transportation
  • Parents record is most helpful information if available with proof (This is bonus information)
  • Few days before and few days after delivery is when cow is most vulnerable, so if possible try buy few days after deliver
  • Buying a dry cow is risk and if you want to buy cow at risk make sure the price of the cow is less
  • Never purchase a cow which has aborted its calf in advance stage of the pregnancy as it might be infected with Brucellosis 

Selection Guidelines For Milking Cows

  • Parents record is most helpful information if available with proof (This is bonus information)
  • It’s preferable to buy from farmer since he will have accurate records of birth and parents records, cattle traders might not have accurate information
  • Check the cow feeding well
  • Perform milk testing 2 to 3 times and based on the milk negotiate the price
  • Udder should be compact and teats are well aligned and has proper milk flow
  • All teats should be soft and not have any lumps
  • Friendly cow while milking is preferable
  • Back legs of the cow should not be bent towards each other
  • Body conditioning of the cow should be good, 5 & 6 Score is preferable
  • If seller can provide A2 A2 milk test certificate it’s a bonus
    • A2 A2 Certification test available at NDRI Karnal Haryana
    • A2 A2 Certification test available at A2 Milk research Cooperation Raipur CG
  • If the milk of the cow can be tested for A2 A2 its added bonus
  • If blood test of basic diseases can be done its added bonus
  • Always leave the calf untied when checking the cow, to avoid switching of the calves. Calf will always go to real mother.
  • Check if the cow can see in less light , sometimes animals can be night blinded and sellers will show in day time.  Take cow in dark place and call it to come. If it can see it will come to you or owner
  • Check the hooves and mouth for any injuries due to foot and mouth disease
  • Cow should not be excessively salivating
  • Body temperature of the cow and calf should be normal
  • Cow should have feminine features
  • Estimate the age of cow by the wear and tear of the teeth as all teeth will be present

Selection Guidelines For Breeding Bulls

  • Pedigree record of the dam (Bull Mother) and Sire’s Dam (Bull’s Father Mother) is very important
  • Check if the bull is actively providing service to cows
  • Age of the bull is preferably less than 6 yrs.
  • Certificate of bulls blood test so it has no STD (Sexually transmitted diseases) is preferable else it will spoil your herd
  • Check the testicles of the bull are evenly sized and broad at center
  • The bull should have strong hind quarters so he can hump easily on cows
  • Observe the bull while walking and running so if there are any injuries you can identify
  • Try to check if the bull has sons and daughters and validate how his genes are being passed to next generation
  • Check all the preferred breed characteristics including color , size and shape
  • Stomach Girth circumference  of the bull should be more for producing good milking daughters


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