Christina Adams speaks in the Second International Symposium on the Book Camel Crazy, sponsored by IOC and KAPL

Christina Adams
Christina Adams

Christina Adams speaks in the Second International Symposium on the Book Camel Crazy, sponsored by IOC and KAPL

Pashudhan Praharee Network, 18th july 2021


Second International Symposium was held on April 02, 2021 which coincided with the World Autism Awareness Day on the Book “Camel Crazy”, within the International and Cultural Symposium Programs of the International Camel Organisation – for the International Year of Camels 2024 in cooperation with the King Abdulaziz Public Library. Christina Adams shared how she had the idea that camel milk may help her son with autism, and how she tracked it down from desert Bedouins in the Middle East and flew it into America. Her son’s speech, walking, paying attention, and sharing affection improved overnight after one serving. She became a camel milk expert by experimenting with the milk, spent time with camels and their keepers, travelling, and writing viral publications that helped start the camel milk industry. She connected many people to help create and grow the camel milk network worldwide. She mentors parents, and advises scientists, companies, nomadic people and farmers. She says people from different faiths and countries can work together to help others if they just reach out and connect. The science of camel milk was shared, on why the milk impacts health conditions involving inflammation, the gut-brain connection and allergic responses, such as diabetes, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies, and more. She presented patient reports on children with autism who benefitted from camel milk, who stopped showing aggression, gained more language and social skills, and healed their skin and food intolerance symptoms. She presented a patient report on a case of Type Two diabetes successfully treated with fresh camel milk. She explained the science of camelid antibodies and how they are used for snakebite, immunotherapy, vaccine development and COVID-19 treatment development. She outlined the value and wisdom of pastoralist and nomadic people, how they benefit the world by keeping camels and holding genetic resources and heritage wisdom, and how today’s families can benefit from their ways. She shared the accomplishments of the ICO under Sheikh Bin Hithleen and how the North American Members are helping people with their camels. Christina Adams’ website is

READ MORE :  अगले साल से खा सकेंगे अमेरिकी चिकन, कीमत होगी 70 फीसदी तक कम

Source-Journal of Camel Practice and Research

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