Common poisoning in Dogs



Dr.Kunal S. Kambale, Dr.Swati A. Umap and Dr.Payal D. Rathod


Since old times humans have history of companionship with domestic animals, nowadays pets act as communal substitute through strong bonding.There are many ways that dog can get poisoned by ingesting things commonly found around home.Feeding right diet to your dog is vital thing to do, which help us to make them healthy energetic and in this way maintaining their emotional nourishment is the best practice owner should follow. Many of us consider pets as a family member henceforth we offer them whatever stuff we consume without thinking about their health status. Most of the food stuff such as fruits and vegetables that human can digest just fine, at the same time they pose havoc on dog’s body (ex: chocolate, spicy food etc.) causing severe health issue and sometimes they are deadly too.


  1. Chocolate

Toxin:Theo bromine and caffeine. The more cocoa that is in the chocolate, the more toxic it is.

Mechanism of action: Methylxanthines cause a competitive antagonism of cellular adenosine receptors. Inhibition of adenosine receptors causes CNS stimulation, constriction of some blood vessels, diuresis, and tachycardia. Methylxanthines also increase intracellular calcium levels by increasing cellular calcium entry and inhibiting intracellular sequestration of calcium by the sarcoplasmic reticulum of striated muscles. The net effect is increased strength and contractility of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Methylxanthines may also compete for benzodiazepine receptors within the CNS and inhibit phosphodiesterase, resulting in increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) levels.

Symptoms: Toxicity of chocolate Seen within hours of ingestion. Symptoms seen in chocolate poisoning are like excitability, increased heart rate, tremors, vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures and death.

  1. Onion and garlic
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Toxin:Toxic principle present in onion and garlic is disulfides.

Mechanism of action: n-propyl disulphide is the principal toxin that reduces the activity of glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in red blood cells; therebyinterfering with regeneration of reduced glutathione needed to prevent oxidative denaturation of haemoglobin. Denaturated haemoglobin, when developed, precipitateson the surface of red blood cells (named Heinz bodies)and triggers intra- and extravascular haemolysis.

Symptoms:In onion and garlic poisoning red blood cells lysis occurs which may be may be seen within 24 hours to several days after ingestion. Pale gums, increasedheart rate, rapid breathing, depression, weakness, red coloured urine, vomiting and diarrhoea also occurs.

  1. Yeast Dough

Toxin:Ethanol is the toxic principle present in yeast dough.

Due to heat dough expand in the stomach and it produces alcohol.

Uncooked yeast dough can rise and expand in your pet’s digestive system. This can be painful and can cause the stomach or intestines to stretch too much. Ingested uncooked yeast dough also produces ethanol that causes ethanol toxicity in pet.

Symptoms:Include abdominal pain, bloating of the abdomen, difficulty in walking, depression, coma and possible death.


  1. Chewing Gum

Toxin:Chewing gum contains the toxic principle like Xylitol.

This is a common sugar-free sweetener, often found in chewing gum, foods (including peanutbutter), dental products, and medications and supplements.

Xylitol can lower the blood sugar in the body and cause life-threatening liver failure.

Symptoms:Toxicity occurs within 30 minutes to 12 hours from ingestion. Due to toxicity animal shows symptoms like vomiting, depression, difficulty in standing or walking, seizures and possible liver failure.

  1. Aspirin
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It is also non selective COX inhibitor

Symptoms:Seen within 4-6 hours to several days after ingestion. Symptoms include depression, vomiting with or without blood, disinterest in food, rapid breathing, weakness, seizures, coma and death. Toxicity may lead to liver and kidney failure. The most important adverse effect of aspirin is gastric mucosal damage and peptic ulceration with varying degree of occult gastro intestinal blood loss occurs.Death mainly occurs due to respiration failure.


  1. Snail Pellets

Toxin: It containsMethaldehyde, Methiocarb or iron EDTA as a toxic principle.

Symptoms: Snail pellet poisoning shows symptoms like depression, drooling of saliva, poor coordination, vomiting with or without blood, diarrhoea, passing black or bloody stool, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tremors, seizures and death.

Toxicity may also cause liver failure.

  1. Rat Poison

Rat poisons meant to kill rodents, insects, or weeds are very common causes of poisoning in pets.

Toxin:Various toxic principles are present in rat poisoning like brodifacoumsbromadiolones, diphacinones, diphenadiones, chlorphacinones, valones, pidones, warfarin and coumarin.

Symptoms: Toxicity seen 1 to 7 days after ingestion.

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning are inappetance, coughing, depression, weakness, pale gums, black tarry stool, a bloody nose, vomiting blood, urinating blood, bleeding from the gums, breathing difficulty, lameness or excessive bleeding from wounds.

  1. Cigarettes

Toxin: Nicotine.

Symptoms: Within 15-45 minutes of ingestion. Symptoms are excitation, fast breathing, profuse salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea, twitching, depression, a fast heart rate, shallow breathing and can progress to collapse, coma and death.

  1. Flea Products

Toxin: Flea products contains carbamate, organophosphate, pyrethroids, ivermectin and milbemycins.

Dog products should never be used on a cat.

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Symptoms:Include breathing difficulty, increased tear production, profuse salivation, vomiting, tremors, seizures, weakness, poor coordination, mental alteration, breathing problems and death.

  1. Mothballs

Toxin:Mothballscontains naphthalene as a toxicant.

Symptoms: Mothballs ingested animal shows symptoms like vomiting, pale gums, fast heart rate, rapid breathing, depression, weakness, red coloured urine and seizures.  Severe toxicity can cause liver and kidney failure.

  1. Amitraz

Is used as an acaricide and tickicide which influences (activates) α2 receptors in mammals.

Symptoms: Common for all mammals, mediated by its effect on adrenergic receptors are sedation (may be prolonged for up to 72 hours), ataxia, central nervous system (CNS) depression, bradycardia, hypotension, hyperglycaemia.


  1. Mouldy Foods:

Mouldy foods produce mycotoxins which, when ingested by pets, can cause severe illness and even death. Symptoms are vomiting, depression, excessive thirst, and excessive urination. If pet exhibits any of these symptoms, take it to a veterinarian right away because mycotoxins can cause death in as little as three days.


Prevention: If you think your dog may have ingested something poisonous or harmful take action immediately or call your vet straight away.

Prevent your dog from eating more of the toxin or food stuff that human consume regularly.

If poison is unknown to you then take up any packaging from the poison or sample with due care and show this to your vet.

Keep all chocolates, yeast dough, onion, garlic, chewing gums and rat poison out of reach of your dogs.


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