Composition & Indications of Commonly Used Fluids in Veterinary Practice


Composition & Indications of Commonly Used Fluids in Veterinary Practice

Dr Nripendra Singh1 , Dr Raj Kamal Yadav2 , Dr S.V Singh3, Dr J.P Singh3

  1. V.Sc. Scholar , Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology.
  2. V.Sc. Scholar , Department of Veterinary Medicine.
  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine.

College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry ANDUAT Kumarganj Ayodhya 224229


Composition & Indications of Commonly Used Fluids in Veterinary Practice

Fluids & its composition


Normal Saline Sodium Chloride 0.9% ·         Expand circulating blood volume

·         Severe sweating

·         Vomiting

·         Pyloric obstruction

·        Abomasal disorder

Dextrose Normal Saline Sodium Chloride

0.9% &

Dextrose 5%

·         Dehydration

·         Vomiting

·         Heat stroke

·        mild diarrhoea

Balanced Electrolyte Solutions


Ringer’s Solution

(NaCl 0.9g + KCl 0.03g CaCl2 0.03g + D W 100 ml)

·         Dehydration

·         Acidosis

·         Alkalosis

·          Electrolyte losses

Lactated Ringer’s Solution (As for Ringer’s solution + Sodium lactate) ·        Mild to moderate acidosis with dehydration
Dextrose 20g + NaCl 0.6g + KCl 0.04g + CaCl2 0.027g + Na lactate 0.31g ·         Dehydration

·         Ketosis

·        Mild to Moderate Acidosis

Sodium bicarbonate solutions Sodium bicarbonate 1.3%

( Isotonic )

·        Acidosis
Sodium bicarbonate 5%

( Hypertonic )

·        Severe acidosis
Mixture of isotonic KCl2 (1.1%) and Dextrose saline


·        Metabolic alkalosis
Dextrose Solutions


Dextrose 5%

( isotonic )

·         High fever

·         Starvation

·        Decreased water intake

Dextrose 20% & 25%

( Hypertonic )

·         Parenteral nutrition

·         Ketosis

·         Hypoglycaemia

·         Surra

Amino acid solution  

·         Parenteral nutrition

·         Liver disorders

·         Hypo-proteinemia

·        Extensive burns

Plasma expanders Dextran -70, 500ml (Dextran 6% in normal Saline/5% Dextrose) Dose : 10-20 ml/kg/day/IV ·         Shock

·         Haemorrhage

·         Burns

·         Severe dehydration

·        Surgical operations.

Haemacel, 500ml (Polymer form degraded gelatine 3.5% + Electrolytes Na+K+Ca+Cl) ·         Hypovolemic shock

·         Haemorrhage

·         Burns

·        Endotoxic shock

Mannitol 20% Dose @ 0.5g/ kg IV ·         Cerebral Oedema

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