Compiled & Edited by-Dr.  Deependra Singh Shekhawat

Regional procurement manager at MooMark,
Former Assistant Research Scientist at Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd ( AMUL )


Good productions as well as good reproduction are two essential elements for making the dairy farming/business a profitable one. The ultimate goal of improving reproductive performance on a dairy is to improve profitability. In fact total milk production is determined by the proportion of cows along the different months of the lactation curve and by the level of milk production inside each of the different months. Improving reproductive efficiency improves profitability by maintaining the greatest proportion of cows in a herd producing milk at optimal levels.Here i am giving a brief Keynotes on Dairy animal Reproduction for the benefit of innovative dairy entrepreneurs.


Reproductive characteristics of cattle and buffaloes

Cattle (Range) Buffalo (Range)
1 Sexual season Polyoestrus Polyoestrus
2 Age at puberty (months) 15(10-24) 21(15-36)
3 Oestrus cycle length (Days) 21(14-29) 21 (18-22)
4 Oestrus signs duration (hrs 18(12-30) 21 (17-24)
5 Gestation length ( Days) 280 (278-293) 315 (305-330)
6 Age at first calving (months) 30 (24-36) 42 (36-56)
7 Calving intervals ( Months) 13 (12-14) 18 (15-21)

Signs of oestrus in cattle and buffaloes

  1. Standing to be mounted by other cows
  2. Attempt to mount other cows
  3. Stringy mucous hanging from vulva
  4. Mucus smeared on buttocks
  5. Increased restlessness
  6. Drop in milk yield
  7. Reduced feed intake
  8. Frequent Bellowing
  9. Chin resting on cow’s rump by other cows, tail raising
  10. Vulval oedema
  11. Frequent urination

Best time for breeding of cattle and buffaloes

  1. Animal body weight below 250 kgs – not suitable for breeding.
  2. Animal body weight above 250 kgs – fit for breeding.
  3. If oestrus signs observed in morning-breed the animal at evening.
  4. If oestrus signs observed in evening- breed the animal at next day morning.

Importance of pregnancy diagnosis in cattle and buffaloes

  1. Pregnancy diagnosis should be done after 45-60 days of breeding by qualified veterinary doctor.
  2. This facilitates optimal feeding and care of pregnant animals in positive animals.
  3. This provides clear way to breed the animal in next oestrus in negative animals.

Knowing the reproductive status of dairy animals

  • 18 hours (an average of 12-30 hours) of oestrus signs—Normal
  • Less than 12 hours / absence of oestrus signs-abnormal (anoestrus)


  1. Failure to detect oestrus signs.
  2. Suboestrus, weak or silent oestrus.
  3. A low plane of nutrition- lack of energy and protein, deficiency of minerals namely P, Co, Fe, Cu, I, Mn and Vitamin A
  4. Failure to recognize that an animal is pregnant.
  5. Anoestrus due to uterine pathology such as pyometra, mummified foetus, foetal maceration, mucometra and hydrometra and
  6. Insufficient hormonal stimuli.


  1. Unobserved oestrum may be due to managerial deficiencies and short period of oestrus.
  2. The dairy animals should be observed for heat signs at least three times a day.
  3. Wall charts, breeding wheels, herd monitors and individual cow records may be used for identify the oestrus.
  4. Teaser bulls (vasectomized or by applying apron) are useful in identifying heat in large number of animals especially buffalo cows.
  5. Provision of adequate lighting to improve oestrus detection.
  6. Silent / weak / Suboestrus are most common in buffalo cows and common in post partum period. In this cyclical changes in the genital organs occurs but the signs of heat are not exhibited or not observed.  This requires rectal examination by qualified veterinary doctor.
  7. Extra feeding of a concentrate mixture or grains like maize, Cholam, kambu. Etc., and at least small amount of green fodder along with other roughages.
  8. Mineral mixture should be properly supplemented
  9. After breeding the animals should be checked for pregnancy within 45-60 days by qualified veterinary doctor.
  10. Uterine pathology and hormonal stimuli should be handled by qualified veterinary doctor.
  • Animal always in oestrus signs / sexually aggressive-abnormal (Bullers)


  1. Development of single or multiple anovulatory follicles, on one or both ovaries.
  2. Hereditary, high protein diet, postpartum uterine infection and high milk production may predispose this condition.
  3. This animals also exhibit upward displacement of coccygeal vertebrae known as “ Sterility Hump”
  4. In this condition prolonged period accept riding of another cow and frequent attempts to mount on other cows popularly known as “Bullers”.


  1. This condition needs rectal examination of ovaries by qualified veterinary doctor.
  2. Prognosis is good in early cases and poor in long standing cases.
  3. Consult with nearest qualified veterinary doctor
  • Oestrus cycle at 18-21 days interval- Normal
  • Oestrus cycle at less than 18 days interval- Abnormal (Short cycle)
  • Oestrus cycle at more than 21 days interval- Abnormal (Long cycle)
  • Animal conceived within three services- Normal
  • Animal not conceived for more than three services- Abnormal (Repeat breeders)


  1. Due to deficient luteinizing hormone release, delayed ovulation or failure of ovulation may leads to fertilization failure.
  2. Defective ovum or ageing of ovum may leads to fertilization failure.
  3. Inability of the sperm to fertilize a viable ovum.
  4. Inability of gametes to reach one another.
  5. The organisms Trichomonas fetus, Campylobacter fetus, Brucella abortus and IBR-IPV which may cause early embryonic death.
  6. Deficiency of Selenium and Vitamin E may cause early embryonic death.
  7. Long period of feeding estrogenic forages may affect the embryo survival.
  8. Environmental stress during first week after breeding may lead to early embryonic death.


  1. Bring the animal into positive nutritive balance.
  2. Mineral mixture supplementation should be done to breeding animals.
  3. Do Artificial Insemination twice at each oestrus preferably at 12 or 24 hrs intervals.
  4. Skipping of AI and intrauterine infusions may be considered for uterine pathology.
  5. Diseased bulls should not be allowed for breeding.
  6. By avoiding diseased breeding bulls the pathogenic organisms causing abortion may be controlled.


Infertility in cattle – causes and treatment

Infertility in cattle accounts for major economic losses in dairy farming and dairy industry in India. Maintaining an infertile animal is an economic burden and in most countries such animals are driven to slaughterhouses.

In cattle, nearly 10-30 per cent of lactations may be affected by infertility and reproductive disorders. To attain good fertility or high calving rate both the male and female animals should be well fed and free from diseases.

Reasons for infertility

The causes of infertility are many and can be complex. Infertility or failure to conceive and give birth to a young one can be due to malnutrition, infections, congenital defects, management errors and ovulatory or hormonal imbalances in the female.

Sexual cycle

Both cows and buffaloes have the sexual cycle (oestrus) once in 18-21 days for 18-24 hours. But in buffaloes, the cycle is silent posing a big problem to the farmers. The farmers should closely monitor the animals 4-5 times from early morning to late night. Poor heat deduction can cause increased levels of infertility. Considerable skill is needed to deduct the animals in heat for visible signs. Farmers who maintain good records and spend more time watching the animals obtain better results.

Tips to avoid infertility

  • Breeding should be done during the oestrus period.
  • Animals that do not show oestrus or do not come to cycle should be checked and treated.
  • Deworming once in 6 months should be done for worm infestations to maintain the health status of the animals. A small investment in periodic deworming can bring greater gains in dairying.
  • Cattle should be fed with a well balanced diet with energy, protein, minerals and vitamin supplements. This helps in increased conception rate, healthy pregnancy, safe parturition, low incidence of infections and a healthy calf.
  • Care of young female calves with good nutrition helps them to attain puberty in time with an optimum body weight of 230-250 kgs, suitable for breeding and thereby better conception.
  • Feeding adequate quantity of green fodder during pregnancy will avoid blindness in newborn calves and retention of placenta (after birth).
  • In natural service, breeding history of the bull is very important to avoid congenital defects and infections.
  • Infections of the uterus can be largely avoided by having cows served and calved under hygienic conditions.
  • After 60-90 days of insemination, the animals should be checked for confirmed pregnancy by qualified veterinarians.
  • When conception occurs, the female enters a period of anestrus (not exhibiting regular oestrus cycles) during pregnancy. The gestation (pregnancy) period for cow is about 285 days and for buffaloes, 300 days.
  • Unwarranted stress and transportation should be avoided during the last stages of pregnancy.
  • The pregnant animal should be housed away from the general herd for better feeding management and parturition care.
  • Pregnant animals should be drained of their milk two months before delivery and given adequate nutrition and exercise. This helps in improving the health of the mother, delivery of a healthy calf with average birth weight, low incidence of diseases and early return of sexual cycle.
  • Breeding can be started within four months or 120 days after delivery to achieve the goal of one calf per year for economic and profitable dairy farming, according to them.



Pregnancy Diagnosis
There are three  techniques for pregnancy diagnosis:

·         Clinical or direct method

о  Rectal palpation

о  Ultrasonography

о  Ballotment and mammogenesis i.e. development of mammary glands.

·          Immunological tests or indirect method

о   Hormone (progesterone, estron sulphate)

о  PAS (pregnancy associated substances): early pregnancy factor (EPF), pregnancy associated
glycoprot (PAG)

·         Non return to estrus


Clinical or Direct Method

Rectal Palpation

Pregnancy Signs in Rectal Palpation:

·     Asymmetry of uterine horn

·     Position of uterus

·     Presence of fetal membrane – allento-chorion (upto 30-90 days these are detected), amniotic vesicle (as early as 35-40 days these are detected), placentomes (formed by fusion of crunkles and cotyledons. After 90 day detectable).

·     Presence of conceptus/fetus.

·     Presence of CL on ovary

Estimation of stages of Pregnancy:

30 days:

·         Slight asymmetry of horn

·         Presence of CL

·         Chrio-allontoic membrane

·         Amniotic vesicle pea size

·         Uterus in pelvic cavity

35-40 days:

·         Uterus in pelvic cavity

·         Thinning of uterine wall

·         Presence of CL

·         Chrioallontoic membrane

·         Amniotic vesicle size is yolk of hen (0.7 cm).

45 day:

·         Uterus in pelvic cavity

·         Thinning of uterine wall

·         Presence of CL

·         Chorioallantoic membrane

·         Amniotic vesicle size small egg of hen

60 day:

·         Uterus in pelvic cavity

·         Presence of CL

·         Chorioallontoic membrane

·         Amniotic vesicle 9-10 cm

·         Fetus size 2.5 inch

·         Fetal membrane slip test is positives

90 day:

·         Uterine horn 3 inches in diameter

·         Placentome (1-1.5 cm) pea size

·         Presence of CL

·         Chorioallontoic membrane

·         Fetus 6.5 inch (rat size)

120 day:

·         Uterus descending in pelvic brim

·         Placentome (1.5-2.5 cm)

·         Presence of CL

·         Chorioallontoic membrane

·         Fetus 10-12 inch (small cat size)

·         Presence of Fremitus (uterine artery)

150 day:

·         Abdominal descending of uterus

·         Palpation is difficult because fetus is in abdominal cavity

·         Placentomes (2.5-4 cm)

·         Presence of CL

·         Fremitis (pulse feel in uterine artery)

·         Fetus is large cat sized

180 day:

·         Abdominal descending of uterus

·         Placentome (4-5 cm) equal to large coin

·         Presence of CL

·         Fremitus

·         Fetus is small dog sized

210 day:

·         Fetus easily felt due to increased size

·         Placentome

·         Fremitus


In this process real time B mode is used which detects the pregnancy at day 26. It is also used to detect fetus heart beat, size, twin pregnancy, fetal sex, and any abnormality etc.



In later stages of pregnancy fetus may be palpable through right flank. Put pressure on the right side and feel fluid which is positive sign of pregnancy.



Size of mammary glands increases. It is more pronounced in heifer after 4-5 months.


Immunological Tests or Indirect Method

 Hormone Analysis

Milk is preferred as sample. Serum is also used. Add sodium dichromate in milk before sending it to lab. 21-24 days of pregnancy is measured. 80 % accurate result for pregnancy. It is detected by ELISA and RIA. If progesterone level is low, animal is in estrus. If progesterone level is high, animal is in diestrus or pregnant.


It is secreted from fetoplacental duct. RIA and ELISA are used to detect estrosulphate. ELISA is more reliable. After 60 days it comes to blood but its quantity is low. It can be detected after 80 days in some cows but exact after 100 days. Level is at peak on 150 day. Disadvantage is that it cannot be used for early detection.


PAS (Pregnancy Associated Substances)

Early Pregnancy Factor:
It can be detected as early as 24-48 hours after fertilization. In case of death of embryo it disappears from blood after 24-48 hours. It is immunosuppressive agent so that  fetus may not be expelled. Rosette Inhibition Test is used to detect EPF. This is laborious test so less used.

Pregnancy Associated Glycoprotein:
There are 21 glycoproteins and subdivided into 200. Important are PAG A (from fetus, not secreted in blood, so cannot be detected), PAG B (produced in placenta), PAG 60 (detected 28-30 days of pregnancy). These are detected by RIA, ELISA. These help in proliferation of the embryonic cells.


Estrous Synchronization
Synchronization means to happen at the same time or to move at same speed. Synchronization of estrus causes the herd to come in estrus almost at the same time.


·         It is used for reproductive management of herd at individual level or at herd level.

·         For induction of parturition at the same time we also synchronize. All animals parturate at same time with difference of 1-2 days.

·         Preparation of animal for competition. For example for milk production we prepare animal for specific period of time by synchronization.

·         Help in breeding program specially beef production program.

Methods of Synchronization

There are two methods:

o    Hormonal method

o    Non hormonal method

Non Hormonal

If you are going to use non hormonal method then it should be done 20-30 days prior to commencement of breeding season. It includes the techniques as:

Introduction of Male in a Herd:
If you enter male one month prior to breeding season then all females will show heat. It is due to pheromones secreted in urine, feaces, sweat and saliva of male. These are chemicals and act as hormones. By smelling theses females are affected.

Provision of Artificial Light:
Particularly it works in the mare. The mare is a long day breeder. It requires extra light. We provide 15- 16 hours extra light per day for the onset of heat.

By improving nutrition we may get help.

Hormonal Methods

There are three types of hormones used:

o    Prostaglandins

o    Progesterone

o    Gonadotropin releasing hormone

They may be used as single or in combination

Synthetic or natural preparations of prostaglandins are available

Prostaglandin hormone works in cyclic animals having CL on the ovary. It will cause the lysis of CL, progesterone level will go down, feedback mechanism stimulates anterior pituitary and FSH will be secreted. In case of plain ovary use other hormones.

Prostaglandin and progesterone can be given in combination. Give progesterone for 10-15 days and then sudden drop in it and give prostaglandin.

Cloprostenol is synthetic analogue of PGF2α. It can be used through intramuscular, intravenous, intrauterine or direct injection in CL (using specific needle and syringe). 2 ml is dose for intramuscular rout, 1 ml for intrauterine (1 ml + 9 ml of dextrose solution or normal saline), and 0.5 ml for CL.

Programs for Synchronization with PGF2α:
There are 4 programs for synchronization on herd level. At individual level go for rectal palpation, judge CL, if persistent then give PG to make animal to come in heat. Response time for PG is within 48-120 hours and average 72 hours. One must be careful after injection; within 5 days animal shows heat.

Program A

Single injection with 5 day breeding program

o    You will palpate all the animals, confirmation of CL

o    Injection of PGF2α (natural 2 cc and synthetic 4-5 cc)

o    Confirmation of estrous

o    AI (12 hours after standing estrus).


Program B

Single injection with 10 day breeding program

o    Should be implemented at the starts of breeding season

o    In first 5 days of breeding season animals show the natural estrus; they will be inseminated.

o    Animals not showing estrus in first 5 days will not be inseminated and they are given single
injection of PGF2α.

o    Confirmation of estrus

o    AI (12 hours after standing estrus).


Program C:

Double injection with 10 day breeding program

o    Inject PGF2α on day 1 to all animals

o    For next 5 days detection of estrus and proper insemination

o    PGF2α (second injection) to those which did not show estrus in first 5 days

o    In next 5 days detection of estrus and proper insemination


Program D:

2 injections within 5 day program

o    PGF2α injection to all animals in herd to be synchronized and then do not go for detection of estrus
in next 5 days and without A.I give second injection to animal at the interval of 11-14 days (14 days
preferred) from the first injection

o    Detection of estrous and confirmation within 5 days of second injection and AI

o    Accuracy of this program is above 80 %. It is mostly used. It is the best method


Key Points:

o    The animal should be shifted to high plan of nutrition before going for synchronization.

o    One can go for synchronization after 40-50 days of calving.

o    There should be accurate estrus detection method.

o    Herd should be cyclic one (key point for PGF2α)

o    Be careful upto 120 hours after giving injection.


Limitations for Use of PGF2α:

o    Can be used only in cyclic animals

o    Not effective one in proestrus or immediate metestrus

o    Not effective upto 7 days post estrus


Other major hormone which can be used is progesterone. It should be used 15-20 days before the onset of breeding season.

With progesterone basic principle is; first you have to maintain luteal activity of animal. You have to continue this for 10-12 days and after 10-12 days suddenly remove the source of progesterone. Due to sudden removal there will be negative feedback, anterior pituitary will be stimulated and there will be release of FSH. Possibility of estrus is 5-7 days after the removal of source. This can be used by intramuscular, subcutaneous, oral, or intravaginal routes.

Oral dose is 0.5 mg/herd/day. Mix the drugs with vegetable oil and that oil is mixed in concentrate and given for 10 days. When you stop; within next 5-7 days following animal will show estrus.

Intravaginal: Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (PRID) and Control Internal Drug Releasing (CIDR) placed in vagina. Take care of urination. Special speculum is used. Place near cervix. Gel is used to lubricate sponge, oil is not used. Lubricate it from side. Keep it for 7-10 days. Each time sterilize speculum when speculum is used in large number of animals. Never use oral preparation for lubrication.

Hormones ECG and PMSG are used for induction of estrus. After removal of sponge you give ECG 300-400 IU through I/M in animal that increases the fecundity rate.

It is for induction of estrus. Gonadotropin and gonadotropin like hormones stimulate the release of FSH and LH. ECG, PMSG are gonadotropin like hormones.


Estrogen is not good choice for synchronization. This is for estrus induction. It does not help in formation of follicle. It only stimulates epithelium of the reproductive system. High dose may produce the behavioral signs and some mucous. If ovary has mature follicle then it may help in ovulation.

It is used for induction of estrus but still not good choice.

10-20 mg (1-2 cc of stilbestrol) I/M

This is given in combination with progesterone or dexamethasone for induction of parturition.


Reference-On request

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