In this age of ecological emergency, more people are seeing the need to recognize their connection with all living . Communication between humans and animals has taken on a deeper meaning and urgency. We can learn so much from the animals about how to live in harmony and balance on the Earth. For animal lovers, direct telepathic communication boosts the understanding, joy and richness possible in relationships with their animal companions and all of life.

When we look at the roots of the word “telepathy,” we find that it means “feeling across a distance.” Telepathic communication involves the direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, emotions, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing. Animals obviously communicate through physical action and their own complex languages. They also communicate telepathically, both among each other and to humans. People receive the messages to the degree they are listening, can tune in, or are perceptive to them.

Children are born with the ability to communicate telepathically with their own and other species. Humans in this society are generally socialized to use verbal language as the accepted and “higher” mode of communication and discouraged from getting human or other species’ thoughts and feelings directly. We are also conditioned to believe that animals are generally inferior to humans in their ability to think, feel, and make non-instinctual choices, so we learn to separate ourselves from mutual and equal communication with them.

The word ANIMAL comes from the Latin, ANIMA, which means life principle, breath, air, soul, living being. Recognition of the spiritual essence of animals and respecting them as fellow intelligent beings is vital to facilitate interspecies telepathic exchange. Animals are able to communicate with humans who are open to the telepathic connection. They get your intentions, emotions, images, or thoughts behind the words, even if the words themselves aren’t totally understood.
Although the ability to communicate telepathically usually is lost in childhood in our culture, where there is love for animals and willingness to re-learn, that ability can be revived. The rewards are mutual expansion and delight for human and non-human.

The first thing you can do to start on the road to direct communication with animals is to discard any condescending attitude that animals are lower, less evolved, or less intelligent beings. This kind of attitude blocks true communication with animals, just as it does with humans. Regard animals with respect, openness and as potential teachers, and this alone will enable you to observe them with a fresh light and open up a wellspring of information from them about who and how they are.

Another barrier that needs to be surmounted is invalidating your own potential to receive telepathic communication from animals. If you love animals you already “hear” what they say to some degree, even if you are not aware that you are doing it. Commonly, when I explain what animals are communicating, people exclaim, “I thought he was trying to say that” or “I kind of picked that up.” Lack of recognizing the reality of that perception as it occurs causes people to miss out on continuing the conversation and developing their understanding and ability. Your animal friends can become frustrated at your lack of understanding their thoughts, emotions, and intentions when they directly communicate them to you, and so they have to resort to methods that you do understand, such as tearing up the furniture or peeing on the carpet.

You’ll be amazed at what can happen if you accept the feeling, thought, emotion, picture, or impression that you get when you are quietly attentive to an animal and continue your communication from there.

How Does Animal Communication Work?

Animal communication works using the energetic transference of information most commonly known as telepathy. To understand this, first, let’s define TELEPATHY.
A common definition of telepathy is the ability to see what is in someone else’s mind, to feel their emotional feelings, or to communicate with them mentally, without using words or other physical signals. The word itself is made up of two terms, Tele – like telephone, meaning hearing over a distance, and Empathy – meaning feeling someone else’s emotions or energies. So literally, it means “distance feeling”.
In effect, telepathy is just a fancy way of saying that we can feel and hear each other over a distance. You do this every day, although you may not be consciously aware of how you’re actually receiving impressions, feelings and information from others.
Have you ever thought of a friend and then moments later they called or contacted you?
Can you look across the room at a stranger and instantly know if they are upset or depressed or up to no good?
How does a mother know when their child is in trouble, or is up to naughty behavior?
Of course you have, we all do. It’s part of our sixth sense.
The animals in your life try to communicate with you all the time. They want to tell you what’s bothering them, where they hurt, what happened in their life, what makes them happy and how you can make their life easier and more fun, and healthier together.
Have you ever wished you could hear what animals are thinking? Would it be useful to know what they know? Or to understand exactly how they are feeling?
Animals have secret lives, thoughts, feelings and wisdom. They know things we do not know, they see things we cannot see.

All living organisms communicate, in ways appropriate to each species, transferring information relating to food supplies or warning of impending dangers thus serving the survival of the group or colony.
The communication channels and media used include pheromones which are communication hormones or other types of chemical signalling, dancing, vocal expressions and body language among monkeys, felines and canines.
For humans the communication process involves more intricate verbal as well as non-verbal and written messages and relies less on pheromones, chemicals and body language as is the case in the lower rungs of the phylogenetic scale.
Communication Is Important
When you need to convey something to someone, you communicate with them. This is the process of individuals sending, receiving, and responding to a signal. There’s really no other way to ask your friend for a ride home, tell your mother you love her, or ask your dog to get off the couch. You have to send out a signal, the receiver has to get that signal, and then, hopefully, they respond!
Communication is not a one-way street, nor is there just one way to communicate. Animals communicate with each other using signals that are visual, auditory, chemical, and electrical. The type of signal used depends on the message being conveyed, the environment, and the animal sending t Animals use a variety of different signals to communicate with each other. In this lesson you’ll identify the different types of communication signals and the situations in which they might be most useful.
Visual Signals
There are an incredible number of different types of visual signals used in animal communication. Just think of the many various ways you can make a face to express your feelings, and you’ll see what I mean.
Visual signals are most often used during the day because they simply can’t be seen in the dark of night. Animals, like birds and humans, use visual signals because they’re active and awake during the day and can easily see these types of signals being communicated. Visual signals come in the form of bright colors (like bird feathers) and specific body movements (like someone holding their hand up to say ‘stop’). Some animals even send a signal by changing color during courtship or aggression.
In aquatic environments, visual signals often serve as territorial displays. Some fish puff up like a balloon to make themselves appear bigger (and therefore scarier), while others may ‘charge’ at an intruder to show their willingness to defend their home.
Visual signals may be beneficial in situations where other types of signals would be dangerous. If the sender of a signal can communicate that a predator is nearby without saying a word, this may enable those individuals to avoid being eaten without the predator ever knowing it was spotted.
Auditory Signals
Sound is another good way to send a message, and this can be effective when individuals are too far away to see visual signals. You hear a pack of wolves long before you see it, and this is for a very good reason – they want you to stay far away!
Other times, auditory signals are used in courtship displays or to invite mates into a territory. Auditory signals may be used to defend a territory if the owner feels threatened.
Auditory signals can be helpful if an individual becomes separated from the rest of the group. You are more likely to yell for help if you are lost in the woods than to wave your arms around hoping someone will see you. Your cry travels much farther than your visual arm waving, so the chances of being found are much greater with an auditory signal in this situation.
Chemical and Electrical Signals
A chemical signal is an effective way of communicating if you need to send a signal but don’t plan on sticking around for the receiver’s response. Many animals use chemical signals, such as scents, to mark territories. This way, they can mark a large area without having to constantly patrol the border to ward off intruders
he signal. Most animals do not rely solely on one type of signal. Instead, they utilize different types of signals and often at the same time. Using multiple signals serves to enhance or reinforce the message that the sender is trying to convey.
Natural Animal Communication
Pearce (1987, p252) cites a definition of animal communication by Slater (1983, see Pearce for reference), which we will also use as a working definition in this lecture:-
Animal communication is “the transmission of a signal from one animal to another such that the sender benefits, on average, from the response of the recipient”.
This loose definition permits the inclusion of many types of behaviour and allows “communication” to be applied to a very large range of animals, including some very simple animals.
Natural animal communication can include:-
 Chemical signals (used by some very simple creatures, including protozoa)
 Smell (related to chemical signals, eg. pheromones attract, skunk secretions repel)
 Touch
 Movement
 Posture (eg. dogs, geese)
 Facial gestures (eg. dogs snarling)
 Visual signals (eg. feathers)
 Sound (eg. very many vertebrate and invertebrate calls)
Such signals have evolved to:-
 attract (especially mates)
 repel (especially competitors or enemies)
 signal aggression or submission
 advertise species
 warn of predators
 communicate about the environment or the availability of food
Such signals may be:-
 instinctive, that is genetically programmed
 learnt from others


Is It Really Possible to Communicate With Animals?
YES! Animal communication really is possible and even more than that, when done right? It is incredible how well it works!
Similar to how radio waves, wifi or satellite frequencies work, we become senders and receivers of invisible information that is easily accessible once you know how.
All we have to do is tune in and connect heart to heart, mind to mind, then tap into the universal, innate language of all species. We do that by practicing a high level of energetic communication until we are able to confidently send and receive accurate information and messages.
Where Did Animal Communication Originate From?

Penelope Smith is considered by most to be the founder of animal communication. Her story is that she was born with the gift and was able to understand animals at a very early age. As she grew up, her family and others ridiculed her because they couldn’t hear what she could. She decided that the fault was in them not her so she never shut off her gifts and abilities. She found sanctuary and refuge in her communion with the animals, and they helped her survive the abuse she suffered growing up.
When she was in college in the mid 1970’s, she began talking with animals and the people who loved them and got fantastic results. She began to do this important work as her career, and then went on to teach and practice all over the world.
Every animal lover – caretaker, owner, and every professional working with animals– can and should take time to learn how to listen and communicate with their animal companions.

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Animal communicators are trained to tune in and connect energetically so we can hear their thoughts and converse about them. Through the art of animal communication we can understand their concerns and they can share their innermost thoughts and feelings. We can share our viewpoints, discuss situations and problems, and solve them together.
Your Animals Can See What Is In Your Mind’s Eye and Feel What You Feel
For instance, have you ever noticed how your animal disappears when it’s time to go to the vet or it’s time for a bath? Or how they can appear almost magically when you are thinking about getting something good to eat?
This isn’t an accident or a coincidence. If they are paying attention, they always know what’s going on with you. And if you learn how to pay attention, you will know what’s going on with them too. Taking time to talk to them can make all the difference in the world!
Start resolving any problem by inviting your animal’s participation, giving them a voice. They can tell us how they feel, when the problem started, what helps, what makes things worse, and what they really want or need… Often the answers are as simple as learning to listen to their wisdom, see life from their viewpoint.
What Animal Communication is NOT!
Just as important as knowing what animal communication actually is, we need to understand what it is not. This is not mind control. Communicating with an animal does not make them do what you want them to do. Just like talking to a family member, friend or coworker, communicating doesn’t force anyone to agree with your viewpoint or follow your rules if they are sincerely opposed to it for reasons of their own.
Like humans, animals always do what makes sense to them from their unique viewpoint, given their experiences, their education, background and history.
Remember that if you are asking an animal to change, that you also must be willing to change. Behavior that persists is being rewarded in some way. What you think and what you do sometimes speaks louder than words – especially with our animals.
Applying the 5 steps in The Heart System for solving problems with pets includes practicing the art of the conversation and is often rewarded by changes in their behavior, health and well-being.
Animals Are Sentient, Intelligent, Thinking, Feeling Beings.
Communicating with animals is important because people misunderstand their animals all the time which gets them into interesting and sometimes awful predicaments. Humans who are not able to speak their language or consider the animal’s viewpoints feels frustrating, annoying and sad to the animal. In fact, many animals have sadly told me how dense humans are, and they worry about their people all the time. They sometimes wonder if humans are even intelligent because they so often seem lost and cut off from the most basic of information that even their babies know and understand from the get go.
They reason through puzzles and situations, and choose a course of action to take. Their senses, both physical and subtle, are much more finely tuned and capable than human senses. Through extraordinary research studies with gorillas, we know that when they are taught how, they can even master human language.
For instance, when they don’t know a word yet for what best describes what they want to say, they have been known to make up their own words to express what is in their heart and mind. That takes a very high degree of intelligence, more smarts than many humans exhibit at times!
Animals have unique experiences, history and teaching from their families and their environment that they don’t forget. They know things we do not, and vice versa, humans know things that animals do not.
Learning how to talk with them and connect at a deeper, heart centered level helps you become a better, more balanced, kind, and considerate person. They help you become healthier and clearer about who you really are. The process reveals who your animal really is, and can completely transform the quality of your life and your relationships.
What Do You Need to Know About Human Animal Communication, and How Will That Help You With Your Animals?
If you see your animal has a problem, how do you know what is really going on unless you communicate directly with them? Like you, only they truly know why they are doing what they do, or how they really feel.
That’s why if you go to a vet or a trainer before you have a discussion with them, you can actually hurt them! They may wind up being misdiagnosed or mistreated, because they could be in reaction to an emotional, mental or management problem that has nothing to do with a physical problem.
Animals are exceptional creatures; always trying to communicate with you. They are happy to share how they feel, what works for them or doesn’t, whether they are in pain or are confused. They often have messages for us to help us improve our lives, sharing insightful wisdom from their unique perspective and viewpoint.
When things go wrong for them, they try to tell you that too.
Unfortunately, most people are not trained or experienced in sending and receiving these messages, so they are unable to understand how to provide the love, care and optimal health that their animal deserves. You try your best to be a good caretaker, but without opening the channels to true communication with a deep, rich, profound understanding, it’s just not enough.
Why Communicating With Animals is Critically Important
Bringing greater awareness, understanding and clarity to any problem from the beginning will help your hearts and minds merge towards a solution.
Taking the time for a heart to heart conversation can easily save you time, energy, frustration and a lot of money. Instead of chasing your tail on expensive guesswork, you’ll know that the real problem is. Then, you and your animal can partner up together to solve the issues at hand as a team.
Why Should You Always Communicate Before Seeking a Veterinarian or Trainer or Trying Something New?
If you don’t communicate with your pet before seeking a veterinarian or trainer, or trying something new, then here’s what can happen.
You take them to the vet or professional trainer, and they’ll get misdiagnosed, mistreated (or worse). You’ll spend a lot of money in bills. Maybe you’ll get lucky and things will change for the better. But sometimes things will actually become worse because the real problem got missed and now your animal has even more stress to deal with. All that could be avoided if you’d only taken time to discuss things with the animal first to be sure you are going in the right direction.
As Rick Butts the author said, “When you’re going in the wrong direction, more speed doesn’t help.”
What if the real issue is something going on in you that is causing distress in your animal?
Many times the problem isn’t about the animal, it is a problem with you or their management or environment.
That’s why animal communication is so critically important! And, why I’m so glad you are interesting in learning more.
Animal Talk TIP:
Animal communication is the first place to start solving a problem with a pet because a heart to heart conversation can make a huge difference in many situations and issues. However, sometimes other approaches are needed. Not all animal communicator professionals (or students) know how to have the right conversation to solve all kinds of problems.
What kind of Problems Can Animal Communication Help With?
animal communication helps with:
Solving Emotional and Behavioral Issues like fear or phobias, panic attacks, aggression, withdrawal, depression, grief; heal from neglect, abuse, trauma and abandonment…
Understanding Health Issues and Physical Problems by relaying the animal’s input, viewpoint and experience. How they feel, where it hurts, how much it hurts, what makes them feel better and what they need or want are all valid questions that only the animal themselves can relay. Based on what they tell us, the appropriate measures can then be taken to assist them.
Preparing an Animal for Surgery or other medical interventions or procedures, like neutering or spaying, and we can help shorten recovery time.
By the way, professional animal communicators are not going to analyze, diagnose or prescribe anything medically. We leave that to the vet and medical professionals. We can assist by relaying what your animal needs to say, how they are feeling, where they hurt, when did the problem start, what is helping, what isn’t helping but is in fact making things worse, and much more.
How would you like to go to the doctor without being able to communicate with them so they understand you clearly? Nah, I wouldn’t like it either.
Healing Trauma and Abuse Situations, such as from injury, shock, illness, death or grief by understanding the animal’s viewpoint, discussing their experiences helps them rebalance themselves emotionally, letting go of the experience, and make new choices for themselves.
Improving Performance in the show ring by addressing issues, clarifying the rules of the game, and, identifying learning styles which can shorten training time. We can identify unique talents, skills, abilities and purposes. I got my start working with performance horses and they are a specialty of mine.
Changing Family Structures by helping them adjust to changing family dynamics, preparing for new arrivals or departures, divorce, separation, babies, rescues, death; healthy pregnancy, delivery and post partum care for both mother and child.
Traveling and Moving eases the stress involved by helping your animals understand where their humans are going, why their routine is disrupted, explain about business trips and vacations and who will care for them while their humans are gone. Answering their questions or concerns makes the difference between coming home to a sick, distressed animal versus one that is peaceful, happy and well adjusted.
Preventing or Resolving Problems Like Separation Anxiety by showing them where they are going and what to expect of a new home or situation, by identifying the trigger factors resulting in acting out with bad behavior and more.
Rescuing, Fostering, Healing Abused and Bonding With Adopted Animals helps them to: understand sheltering and fostering; identify what they want in a new home (i.e. kids, other animals, gender preferences); adjust to a new family and home helps shorten transition times and accelerates bonding; heal from neglect, abuse and abandonment. It also helps us humans to understand where they came from, their history/background, and what their experience(s) were.
Making Euthanasia Decisions by knowing what your pet needs and wants, when the right time is, and how best to support them through the process of transition makes all the difference for not only them but you too.
Easing Death and Dying don’t have to be as traumatic or painful as they commonly are in our society. We can help by offering support for you both through the dying process. Understanding and honoring your animals needs and your own can be so very helpful in finding peace and completion through the death of other family members as well.

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