Dr. Sanjiv Kumar

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology,

Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna


The Indian cow “Bos Indicus” is a great animal having both ritual and commercial values. Among the various Cow products, the spiritual, medicinal and traditional values of cow urine/Gomutra are higher. Panchagavya is a mixture used in traditional rituals that is prepared by mixing cow dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee.  Cow urine has a distinctive place in Ayurveda and has been described in ‘Sushruta Samhita’ and ‘Astanga Sangraha’ to be the most effective substance of animal source with countless therapeutic values. In has been accepted as water of life or “Amrita” (beverage of immotality. In India, drinking of cow urine has been practiced for thousands of years. Traditionally, Gomutra is being sprinkled in yards and home for its divine purposes. It is believed that it confers happiness, purity, prosperity, positivity, health and wealth. Due to medicinal, spiritual and psychosocial values, the Indian cow urine is thus, considered a miraculous and divine prescript. In traditional manuscripts of Ayurveda like Charaka Samhita and Shushruta Samhita, numerous medicinal properties of cow urine are described. Charak Samhita and the text Bhaisajya Ratnavali mentioned its uses for the management of Kushtha (dermatological disorders), Krimi (worm infestation), Kandu (itching) and various types of abdominal discomfort. It is Laghu (easily digestible), Agnideepak (increases digestion), Medhya (mental enhancer), aggravate the Pitta Dosha and alleviate the Vata and Kapha Dosha. Sushruta Samhita also describes the therapeutic use of cow urine in Shool, Gulma and Udar Roga. According to Vagbhat, Go-mutra possess strong ‘Deepan’ and ‘Paachan’ property. Go-mutra has also been used for the Shodhan of various minerals and poisonous herbs to render them non-toxic and medicinally effective. Cow urine traditionally is being used in many illnesses which include various allergies (especially psoriasis, eczema), asthma, blood pressure, cold, flu, fits, hepatitis, leucorrhoea, leprosy, ulcer, acidity, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis, piles, prostitis, headache, arthritis, various types of bacterial and viral infections, tuberculosis and in chemical intoxication. Many Indian Ayurvedic practitioners uses cow urine to treat their patients alone or in combination with other drugs. Gau mutra (cow urine) therapy provides an especially rich and challenging research topic. It is the most effective natural therapy and the safest method of treatment bestowed upon us by nature. However, there is still a need to explore further research possibilities to prove Cow urine as a potential medicine which in turn would reduce the burden on the existing use of chemicals and antibiotics.

Key words: Cow urine, Anti-microbial, Bio-enhancer, Immunomodulatory, Antioxidant Activity.

Pharmaco-Therapeutic Potential of Cow Urine

Remarkable interest is generated in the therapeutic value of cow products due to the patent granted by USFDA (Patent no.6.410.059B1) to Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) India for the synergistic activity of Cow urine distillate with some antibiotics and anticancer agents (US Patent 6410059). The grant of US Patent to the efficacy of cow urine in treatment of various fatal diseases has given a backup support for the researchers for further exploration of pharmacological potential of cow derived products. The reason behind the use of these cow derived products by the Indian civilization since a long time is justified from the research findings of various experimental studies on both human beings and animals. Various studies conclude that cow possess a tremendous pharmacological and therapeutic potential. In their research they have confirmed the traditional believes and also reported their anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial wound healing, anthelmintic, lipid lowering effect, etc.

Composition of Cow urine

Cow urine is a liquid consisting of nontoxic waste material filtered in kidney from blood. The volume of healthy cow urine is 17-45 ml/Kg/day, with a basic gravity of 1.025-1.045. Its pH varies from 7.4 to 8.4 depending on the season. The laboratory analysis of cow’s urine shows that the main constituents of cow urine includes 95 percentage water, 2.5% urea, rest 2.5 percentage consists of uric acid, creatinine, amino acids, carbolic acid, phosphoric acid, hippuric acid, hormones, cytokines, lactose, enzymes, 24 different salts (like mineral salts, phosphates, calcium salts), Vitamins (like A, B, C, D, E), minerals (like iron, copper, nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, Potassium, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, manganese) together with the other nutrients etc.

These different constituents of cow urine help to bring positive effect in human and animal body. Antimicrobial and germicidal properties of cow urine are due to the presence of urea, creatinine, aurum hydroxide, carbolic acid, phenols, salts of calcium and manganese. Aureum hydroxide in addition has an immune-modulatory and wound healing effect, providing resistance against various types of infections. Its anti-carcinogenic effect is due to uric acid, which has antioxidant property (Minocheherhomji 2016). Different enzymes in cow urine improve digestion and increases immunity; particularly the enzyme, Urokinase which improves heart functioning, fluid circulation and dissolves intravascular blood clots thus, preventing heart attack. Hippuric acid helps in the removal of toxins through urine.  Ammonia helps in stabilizing the body humours like bile, mucous and air. It improves blood formation. Lactose sugar prevents thirst, helps heart working and provide mental strength. The different vitamins provide immunity and stamina. Different minerals like Copper helps control obesity; Iron helps in haematopoiesis; Calcium imparts bone strength; manganese is antimicrobial; Sulphur improves intestinal motility; Nitrogen prevents the effect of toxins, its diuretic nature makes it to be a natural cleanser of urinary track; Sodium too helps in purification of blood since Sodium Chloride decreases the acidic content of blood; likewise, Potassium helps alleviate autoimmunity disorders, act as appetizer and removes muscular weakness. Finally, the water content of urine helps to maintain body blood volume and controlling the body temperature. The above-mentioned contents of Gomutra are also found to be very useful in balancing our body constitutes. Thus, whenever we micturate there is a loss of these micro-nutrients, which are well compensated by the daily intake of Gomutra (Chauhan RS. 2018). It also upsurges the nitrogen content of the soil, for improved rearing of honey bees, accelerate the pubertal age of the heifers exposed to bull’s urine and as pesticide and larvicide for the fodder crops.

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  1. Anti-microbial Potential:

The potent antimicrobial property of cow urine is because its contains different volatile and non-volatile components like urea, creatinine, aurum hydroxide, phenol, carboxylic acid and salts of calcium and manganese. The phagocytic function of macrophages is also enhanced by cow urine. This antimicrobial property is even more boosted due to the presence of different amino acids and urinary peptides which are contributing by enhancing the hydrophobicity of the bacterial cell surface (Minocheherhomji, 2016).

  1. Antibacterial Activity

As per study conducted by Edwin Jarald et. al., 2008, fresh cow urine and distillate of cow urine possess anti- microbial activity against bacteria like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcos epidermitis, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris. It was also found that cow urine and its distillate inhibited the free radicals as seen from scavenging of super oxide and DPPH radicals. Fresh cow urine was comparatively more active than its distillate. The activity of fresh cow urine was comparable with that of the latest antibiotic, Ofloxacin. The antibacterial potential was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, L. monocytogenes, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and S. typhi. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was evaluated following different methods. Cow urine inhibited the growth of all selected bacterial pathogens with different potency; however, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes and E. coli were the most susceptible bacterial strains to cow urine even at low concentration.

ii.                  Antifungal Activity:

Various experiments show fungicidal effect against various species of C. tropicalis, A. Malassezia, and C. glabrata. Cow urine inhibited the growth of Malassezia which is responsible for causing dandruff for a longer time. Study of Kekuda PTR, 2010, further found that Lemon Juice extract and Neem leaves extract less effective than cow urine. Also, 5% cow urine concoction showed maximum antifungal activity against A. niger (93%), A. oryzae (92.67%) and A. flavus (83%). Randhawa et. al. 2015, found that the antifungal activity of cow urine was comparable to amphotericin B, a potent antifungal effect, in the management of fungal infections diseases. He also found that Cow urine can be used alone or as an adjunctive to prevent the development of resistance and enhance the effect of anti-fungal agents.


  1. Cow urine as a Bio-enhancer

Bio-enhancing is augmenting the bioavailability or uptake of various drugs and formulations and thus, increasing the therapeutic efficacy and reducing the dose and duration of treatment. In Ayurvedic system of medicine cow urine is being used since centuries as a material during the pharmaceutical processing, termed Bhavana (triturition). It is a special method to increase the bioavailability of many drugs. In this process, the single drug or compound drug (formulation) triturited with Go-mutra or other desired material. For example, during the pharmaceutical processing of Nishadi Vati (a herbo-mineral formulation), the seven ingredient triturated with go-mutra to form Vati (tablet) to increase the bio-availability and therapeutic efficacy (Tripathi B., 2003).

According to a recent online report of ‘Love 4 Cow Trust’, researchers at Central Institute of medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow have identified a fraction of cow urine distillate as bioenhancer of commonly used antibiotics and anticancer drugs. In the study at CIMAP, Lucknow, researchers found that Cow urine distillate fraction enhances the activity of antibiotic Rifampicin, the front-line anti tubercular drug used against tuberculosis, increasing its action up to seven fold against Escherichia coli, and up to eleven fold against Gram-positive bacteria (Ganguly S., 2013).

Cow urine distillate (CUD) was found to be more effective bioenhancer in several studies in comparison to cow urine when used in combination with antibiotics. Cow urine distillate is the residue which is left out when the cow urine is subjected to complete distillation. It is an animal origin bioenhancer that at low doses promote and augment the bioavailability or biological activity of drugs by reducing the dose of drug, shorten the treatment period and thus reducing drug-resistance problems (Kohli et. al. 2016)

Cow urine distillate, having bio enhancing properties, has been granted US Patents (No. 6 896 907 and 6 410 059) for its medicinal properties, particularly as a bio-enhancer to augment the efficacy of various antibiotics and anti-cancerous drugs got US patent. It was the result of a joint initiative by the centrally funded CSIR and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s Go- Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra (cow science research centre) in Nagpur (INDIA) (Singh Satyapal, 2016).


  1. Immunomodulatory Activity:

An immunomodulator is a substance which stimulates or suppresses the components of immune system including both innate and adaptive immune responses. Research has been carried out on cow urine distillate and has found to have immune modulation in mice. It has been found that it helps to enhance the growth of T-cell and B-cell growth through their blastogenesis, along with the level of IgG in mice and chicks (Kumar P, 2004).


As per Chauhan et. al. 2004, assessed the effect of cow urine on the interleukin-1 & interleukin-2 on mice and rats. IL-1 and Il-2 are potent chemical mediators of inflammation. They observed that the cow urine enhances the level of both interleukin 1 & 2 in mice by 30.9 % & 11 % respectively and enhances by 14.75 % & 33.6 % in rats respectively. The findings of Kumar S. 2013 also showed that Cow urine improves immunocompetence by promoting the development of interleukin 1 & 2, as well as B &T lymphocyte blastogenesis and antibody titters for IgG, IgA and IgM.

In an another study, 2018. Cow urine protects the body cells upto 55% from the deleterious effects of pesticides. Cow urine has immense potential of being used as an immunomodulator particularly along with antibiotics and/or vaccines in order to enhance their activity.


  1. Antioxidant Activity:

Godhan ark contains volatile fatty acids like acetic acid 2 propenyl ester, acetic acid methyl ester, 2 2 3 trichloro propionic acid, Butanoic acid3methyl, propyl ester, 1H indol-3-acetate, acetic acid phenyl ester, quinoline, which act as an antioxidant. The antioxidant property of cow urine and its distillate may provide potential therapeutic intervention against oxidative threats, both in health and disease. The literature suggests that the antioxidant action is attributed to the free radical scavenging activity of the urine components and these components may prevent the process of aging. It synergistic antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Neem and Tulsi’s leaves extract in Cow urine was also evaluated.


  1. Anti-cancer Activity

Cancer is uncontrolled and unwanted growth with metastatic property and lethal outcome. The cow urine therapy is suggested to possess strong anti-cancer effect by the virtues of its antimicrobial effect (by direct effect on the pathogens or by reducing drug resistance), by increasing immunocompetance or by immunomodulation, bio-enhancing effect  (by increasing bio-availability or therapeutic efficacy of anticancer drugs), by helping to repair the damaged DNA & preventing metastasis, by enhancing the tumor fighting efficacy of the lymphocytes, by reducing the apoptosis and by anti-oxidant activity or anti-aging effect (prevents the free radical formation and thus, helps to retard the growth of tumor (Dhama K,. 2005).

Also the similar research studies carried out by Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra (Cow Science Research Center) at Nagpur and Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), CSIR, Lucknow, revealed anticancer effects of cow urine therapy (Meena, 2019).

5.      Antidiabetic activity:

The literature supports the traditional use of cow urine in diabetes with a high therapeutic index and safety profile for chronic use. Studied shows that cow urine intake  result in the significant decline in blood sugar level of diabetic animals as compared to diabetic control group. Hence, it may be used as alternative medicine in the treatment of diabetes and other related manifestations.

6.      Wound healing Activity

Wound healing efficacy of cow urine was studied by Hirapara HN, 2016 in the Wistar albino rats. In the study 36 experimental animal were divided in six groups containing six animal in each. Diabetes was induced by single dose Streptozotocin (STZ), in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. The animals were operated for excision as well as incision wounds. Treatment with CUD showed significant improvement in the condition of wound by increasing the formation of granulation tissue & collagen content.


  1. Other Beneficial affects


  1. Anthelmintic Activity:

Kumar Rahul, 2014 investigated synergistic anthelmintic activity of Panchagavya (PG) with ethanolic extract of Bauhinia variegata Linn (EEBV) on Pheretima posthuma. The result showed that the anthelmintic activity of Panchgavya alone or synergistic activity found to be more effective than Piperazine citrate. The synergistic effect of PG and EEBV might be due to the presence of cystine protease which attacks on the structural protein & digest the nematodes.

  1. Antihemorroids activity:

Sushruta samhita states that Arsha can be treated by the four ways viz. Bheshaja (Internal medication), Kshara (Local application), Agnikarma (Cauterization), Shastrakarma (Surgery). This work is based on the Ayurvedic principle of Aushadhi Chikitsa. Cow-urine is a known appetizer (Agnivardhaka). Since Agnimandya is responsible for all types of the diseases, Gomutra through its Agnivardhaka effect relieves the Agnimandya. Cow-urine acts on the large intestine through its Mala-bhedana effect. This results into the smooth excretion of stool, thereby providing a greater relief to the patients of hemorrhoids e.g. relief from pain during defecation, bleeding, perianal itching.

  • In obesity

Lipid lowering or anti-dyslipidemic potential of CUA (cow urine ark) has studied in guinea pigs. Thirty guinea pigs were selected for the study and were divided in to five groups of 6 animals each. Animal of group 1& 2 received normal and high fat diet respectively and group 3, 4 & 5 received high fat diet for 60 days. The assessment parameters include serum lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL & VLDL) and serum enzymes. Treatment with CAU showed significant reduction in the serum level of total cholesterol, triglycerides and VLDL. The effect was compared with Rosuvastatin (Chawda Hiren, 2014).

  1. Analgesic activity:

In a study of cow urine and its distillate to assess the analgesic effect using rat tail immersion method was done by Wate SP, 2012. It was observed that the animals received cow urine showed comparable analgesic effects to standard drug group that received Diclofenac Sodium thereby, strengthening the recommendations of Ayurvedic texts to use cow urine as reasonably safe, easily available and economic natural analgesic. Their analgesic activity is attributable to the steroidal moieties and some volatile fatty acids whose presence in cow urine is established through other parallel studies involving chemical and instrumental analysis.

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  1. Anti-urolithiatic effect:

As per the findings of Gulhane H, 2017, Cow urine ark showed significant effect against renal calculi and restoration of compromised renal function. This type of action of CU might be due to it reduce excretion of calcium oxalate and inhibit process of crystallization. Further experimental studies are needed to know its mechanism of action.


  1. As natural antiseptic and disinfectant

Cow urine is found to be more effective antiseptic and disinfectant when compared to the synthetic chemicals that are currently available to the consumers with an approximated shelf life of five years. It has also been used traditionally for bathing and as disinfectant. In Indian rural areas cow urine is being used since centuries as an effective antiseptic for wounds, skin diseases, for bathing, etc. In villages people uses it as a natural disinfectant to purify their premises alone or by diluting it with water. It also strengthens the fact that cow urine is a no-toxic effluent (Kumar Saneesh, 2013).



Cow urine traditionally is being used in many illnesses which include various allergies (especially psoriasis, eczema), asthma, blood pressure, cold, flu, fits, hepatitis, leucorrhoea, leprosy, ulcer, acidity, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis, piles, prostitis, headache, arthritis, various types of bacterial and viral infections, tuberculosis and in chemical intoxication. Many Indian Ayurvedic practitioners uses cow urine to treat their patients alone or in combination with other drugs. Various studies conclude that cow possess a tremendous pharmacological and therapeutic potential. In their research they have confirmed the traditional believes and also reported their anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial wound healing, anthelmintic, lipid lowering effect, etc. Gau mutra (cow urine) therapy provides an especially rich and challenging research topic. The ancient scriptures of Ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. It is the most effective natural therapy and the safest method of treatment bestowed upon us by nature. The Indian Cow is considered as an abode for all God and Goddess. Among the various Cow products, the spiritual, medicinal and traditional values of cow urine/Gomutra are higher. Human urine has its own medical benefits but has never been as popular as cow urine; therefore, cow urine has always been divine and superior




Chauhan RS, Singh DD, Singhal LK, Kumar R. 2004. Effect of cow urine on interleukin 1 & 2. Journal of immunology and immunopathology; 6(1):38-39.


Chauhan RS. 2018. Immunomodulatory properties of indigenous cow urine. MOJ Immunol.;6(5):302-303.


Chawda Hiren Manubhai, Mandavia Divyesh Rasiklal, Baxi Seema Natvarlal, Vadgama Vishalkumar Kishorbhai, Tripathi Chandrabhanu Rajkishor. 2014. Lipid lowering activity of Cow urine ark in guinea pigs fed with a high cholesterol diet. AJP.; 4(5):354-363.


Dhama K, Chauhan RS, Singhal Lokesh. 2005. Anti-Cancer Activity of Cow Urine: Current Status and Future Directions. International Journal of Cow Science; 1(2):1-25.


Edwin Jarald, Edwin Sheeja, Tiwari Vaibhav, Garg Rajesh and Toppo Emmanuel. 2008. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Cow Urine. Global Journal of Pharmacology, 2(2): 20-22.


Ganguly S. 2013.Cow urine distillate is regarded as promising immunomodulatory supplement for broiler diet: A review. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines; 01(01):3-4.


Gulhane H, Nakanekar A, Mahakal N, Bhople S, Salunke A. 2017. Gomutra (cow urine): a multidimensional drug review article. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy; 8(5):1-6.


Hirapara HN, Ghori VM, Anovadiya AP, Tripathi CR. 2016. Evaluation of wound healing activity of cow urine ark in diabetic Wistar albino rats. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology; 5(4):434-438.


Kekuda PTR, Nishanth BC, Praveen Kumar SV, Kamal D, Sandeep M, Megharaj HK. 2010. Cow urine concentrate: a potent agent with antimicrobial and anthelmintic activity. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 3(5):1025-1027.


Kumar P, Singh GK, Chauhan RS and Singh DD. 2004. Effect of cow urine in lymphocyte proliferation in developing stages of chicks. The Indian Cow; 2:3-5.


Kumar Rahul, Kumar Amit, Kumar Kuldip, Gupta Vaishnavee, Shrivas Triveni, Tripathi Kishu. 2014. Synergistic anthelmintic activity of different compositions of Panchagavya and Bauhinia variegata Linn. International Journal of Phytopharmacology;5(2):120-122.


Kumar Saneesh. 2013. Analysis of Cow’s Urine for Detection of Lipase Activity and Anti-Microbial Properties. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences; 7(1):01-08.


Kohli K, Ahsan W, Javed S. 2016. The concept of bioenhancers in bioavailability enhancement of drugs–a patent review. Journal of Scientific Letters; 1(3):143-165.


Meena, M., 2019. “Go mutra (Cow urine) and its uses: An overview.” J Entomol Zool Stud: 1218-1222.


Minocheherhomji FP. 2016. Bioenhancing properties of cow urine a review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science; 5(9):16283-16287.

Mishra R, Das LL, Sharma AK, Singh KK. 2009. Histomorphological evaluation of wound healing potential of cow urine in goats. Indian J Vet Pathol.; 33(2):197-9.


Singh Satyapal, Tripathi JS, Rai NP. 2016. An appraisal of the bioavailability enhancers in Ayurveda in the light of recent pharmacological advances. AYU; 37(1):3-10.


Tripathi R. Ashtanga Sangraha of Vagabhata, Sutra Sthana. 2003. Ch. 6, Ver. 141-143. Reprint ed. Delhi: Chaukhambha Sanskrita Pratisthan, 115.


Wate SP, Duragkar NJ, Tajne MR and Jadhav SS. 2012. Study of Analgesic Activity of Cow Urine and Its Distillate by Rat-Tail Immersion Method. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences; 1(1):95-96.





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