DDGS in Poulltry feeds.
1. DDGS (Distillery Dry Grain Soluble) is a by-product of ethanol production suitable for Poultry feed.
2. When ethanol plant produces ethanol,they use starch only from grains like rice,corn and wheat.
3. After starch extraction,the byproduct is called DDGS.
4. It is a protein rich raw material widely used in Poultry,Livestock and fish industry globally.
5. Main problem of DDGS is presence of high amounts of mycotoxins which negatively affect productivity.
6. Mold growth can be due to production process and improper storage condition.
7: It can be also due to adulterated or impure grains.
8. Do you know why mycotoxins will increase three times in DDGS?
9. One ton of corn will produce 300 kgs of DDGS.Mycotoxins increases by three times.
10. Common problem for the ethanol industry and corn wet milling industry .
11. My recommendations to Poultry farmers is to always work with suppliers of DDGS willing to share product composition data and mycotoxin information.
DrV.Rajendra Prasad