Debeaking in Laying Hens and its Impact on Future Performance


Debeaking in Laying Hens and its Impact on Future Performance


“Debeaking” is the process of trimming or cutting sharp ends of hen’s beak. In most of the laying flocks debeaking is an important operation to control:

The feather, comb or vent pecking / cannibalism.

* To avoid feed wastage.

* To avoid egg-eating vice.

* To reduce frightened and aggressive behavior.


Age of debeaking

The common ages for debeaking : –

Day old

– 7-12 days

– 4-6 weeks

– 10-12 weeks

Methods of debeaking

The different methods of debeaking are:

* Heat blade method : In this method a blade is heated with gas or electricity and beak is cut and cauterized. It requires temperature of 650-750 degree Celsius for 3 sec.

*Cold/mechanical method : Beak is cut by scissor or clipper without cauterization.

* Bio / electric beak trimming : It used a high voltage, 1500 Volt AC electric current across 2 electrodes to burn a small hole in the upper beak of birds in 0.25 second.

* Infra-red beak trimming (IRBT) : In this method a non-contact, high intensity infrared laser beam is used to cut the beaks for the period of 15 sec.


Care should be taken at time of debeaking


Debeaking is one of the best important and most stressful operation in a hen’s life, so it should be done very carefully.

 Following points should be kept in mind at the time of beak trimming:

* Age and body weight of debeaking.

* Climatic conditions.

* Sharpness of blades.

* Temperature and timing for beak cutting and cauterization.

* Voltage should not be fluctuating.

* The person who is going to perform this operation should be well trained and experienced.

READ MORE :  Prolapse in commercial layers and Breeders.

* Light intensity should be adequate over the debeaker machine.

* Length of beak is to be trimmed should be accurate, neither too less nor too more. Otherwise it results in faulty debeaking.

* Handling of birds prior and after the debeaking should be gentle.

* Grading weak and underweight birds.

* Use of Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Turmeric powder and any pain killer during and after the debeaking .

* Make sure that feeders and drinkers should be filled full at maximum to avoid the injury of trimmed beak by touching through any hard surface of feeders and drinkers.

* Provide proper floor space after the beak trimming.

Impact of good debeaking on future performances

Debeaking is very important and stressful operation in a bird’s whole life span. A farmer’s maximum profitability depends on the day of debeaking. A good debeaking is responsible for a well grown flock. If there is correct debeaking, then bird’s feed intake will be proper, so body weight and uniformity will be good, means immune system, digestive system and all body systems will work properly. Ultimately this all impact on the performance of the bird and profitability of the farmer. If there is an incorrect debeaking, flock’s uniformity and body weight will be poor. In this type of flock daily depletion is always more than a proper debeaked flock.A poor beak trimming is responsible for a poor flock’s livability. This type of flocks are more susceptible to any viral infections as well as bacterial and fungal infections also. There will be more expenses in these type of flocks which includes the medicines, vaccines, nutrition and labor costs


Dr. Yogendra Gaur Freelance Poultry Consultant Mob. +91 90413 33683



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