Designer Milk – A Genetic Approach in Dairy Technology

Designer Milk – A Genetic Approach in Dairy Technology

Designer Milk – A Genetic Approach in Dairy Technology

The dairy industry has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, and one of the most intriguing innovations is the concept of “Designer Milk.” This cutting-edge approach combines genetics, biotechnology, and dairy technology to customize milk composition to meet specific nutritional and functional requirements. Designer milk represents a significant leap forward in dairy science, offering numerous potential benefits for both consumers and the dairy industry. In this essay, we will delve into the concept of designer milk, the genetic approach behind it, and its potential impact on the future of dairy technology.

Milk is a natural complete food, which provides fat, protein, essential vitamins and minerals and also a good source of calcium that is essential for the prevention of bone disorders such as osteoporosis. With the changing social and eating behaviour, the milk should be of special value so that it can compete with other dairy products and energy drink. For this milk have to be designed in such a way, which increase its properties according to the need of the changing scenario. Designing of the milk means production of the milk that has certain specific values viz., improve the immunity, utilization of lactose and alleviate diarrhoea. Low fat, more protein, less lactose, changed amino acid and fatty acid profiles and without b-lactoglobulin are important properties of ‘designing’ milk for human health point of view. Designer milks will give improved and value added products naturally with improved nutraceuticals to meet the requirements of the new millennium. Now a day’s biotechnologists have identified genetic markers in cows for disease or desirable traits such as milk fat synthesis. So, in future we can expect the cows that will produce low fat milk naturally, which can be achieved through combinations of traditional genetics, marker-assisted selection and genetic modification of dairy cattle and by farm and feed management. From human health point of view some of the desirable improvements are-(1) Increased proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and low fat milk and its products, (2) Low lactose content and (3) complete absence of b-lactoglobulin from milk.


The consumption of full cream milk is declining due to high proportion of saturated fats (i.e., 60%), which leads to increase in LDL (low density lipoprotein) in blood, a risk factor for heart disease. Milk fat designing means producing milk with low fat particularly low saturated fat and increased linoleic acid in milk fat. This can be designed by change in feed for dairy animals and genetic interventions. Feeding rumen protected fat supplements enables the dairy animals to produce milk products containing structurally important dietary fats that are required for specific biological activities such as vision and neural development, antioxidants, anticancer substances and the dietary modification of genetically linked disorders viz., heart diseases. Feeding protected canola/ soybean in ratio of 70/30 w/w significantly increased the proportion of C18:1 cis (oleic acid), C18:2 (linoleic acid) and C18:3 (linolenic). Similarly, protected soybean/tuna oil (ratio 70/30; w/w) significantly increased the proportion of C 18:2 (linoleic acid), C18:3 Uinolenic), C20:5 (EPA-eicosapentaenoic acid) and C22:6 (DHA; docosahexaenoic acid) while, feeding conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)/casein (1:1; w/w) supplements protected from ruminal hydrogenation increased the CLA isomers 9 cis 11 trans, 10 trans 12 cis. There was a reduction in the C16:0 (palmitic acid) by feeding protected supplements. The alternative method to increase milk fat is selection of cattle based on DGAT1 genotype, which code for acyl-coenzyme A: diacylglycerol acyltransferase1, is located on chromosome 14 in cattle and plays important role in synthesis of triacyiglycerol.

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Casein is main milk protein. Through genetic engineering, transgenic cows secreting elevated levels of b-(8-20%) and k-caseins (twofold) have been produced. Brophy’s group produced the transgenic animals, which have increased total milk protein by 13-20% and total milk casein by 17-35% in comparison to than that of non-transgenic cows. bcasein is the most abundant milk protein which is involved in binding calcium phosphate and controlling milk calcium levels. Higher k-casein content in milk is linked to smaller micelles, better heat stability and improved cheese-making properties. Adding L-taurine, L-leucine and L-phenylalanine in feed improved amino acid profile, which is another additional benefit.


The enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose is done by -galctosidase into glucose and galactose and then their absorption into blood. In human beings, the level of 3- galctosidase declines from early childhood to adolescent. When such adult ingest milk or their products, the lactose remain undigested leading to malabosrbtion, which further increase the water retention in gut and bacterial proliferation upset the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to diarrhoea and dehydration. Since, milk is an important component of human diet especially for calcium, so lactose intolerance can limit this source. In later stage, this may cause bone disorders like osteoporosis.


It is well established that mother’s milk is best for the newborn baby. In many of cases if there is non-availability of mother’s milk than it can be replaced by cow’s milk. But the composition of human milk and bovine milk differ in many aspects. One of them is lactoferrin (LF), the iron binding protein having antimicrobial property and role in regulating immune system. Its level in human milk is about 1 g L’ (in human colostrum 7 g L’) while in bovine’s milk it is only one-tenth than that of human milk.


In a study conducted on African and Americans (age group 12-40 years) the lactose content of milk was not the cause of cause of milk intolerance in one third of human being. In children, milk allergy to bovine’s milk is due to b-lg, which is absent in human milk. Thus, elimination of this protein by knocking out gene responsible for b-lg from bovines is unlikely to have any detrimental effects on bovine and might overcome milk allergy problems associated with bovine milk.

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Scientists are trying to produce the proteins that can be helpful in human therapeutics. In this regards GTC Biotherapeutics uses both cows and goats for the production of therapeutic proteins, including plasma proteins, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. Recently, recombinant human antithrombin III has been produced in goat milk, which is an anti-coagulant protein in blood. Researchers are also working on production of vaccine against malaria from goat milk, which can be cheaper than current methods. With the use of biotechnology, it might be possible in future to produce specific antibodies in mammary tissue that can prevent its own infection as well as helpful in preventing the disease in human beings and treating the diseases such as phenylketonuria (PKU), hereditary emphysema and cystic fibrosis. With the help of bioengineering, goat can be used in the production of spider silk in its milk that can be of immense help for preparing medical micro sutures and tennis racket strings.

Understanding Designer Milk

Designer milk, also known as genetically modified milk or bioengineered milk, is a specialized type of milk created by altering the genetic composition of dairy animals, primarily cows. The goal is to customize the milk’s composition, enhancing its nutritional, functional, and even therapeutic properties to better serve human needs. Designer milk is not only about enhancing the existing components of milk but also about introducing novel elements to cater to specific health or taste preferences.

The Genetic Approach

The genetic approach to designer milk involves various techniques, such as:

  1. Selective Breeding: Traditional selective breeding methods have been used for generations to enhance specific traits in dairy animals. This approach aims to develop cow populations with improved milk quality characteristics.
  2. Genetic Modification: Modern genetic engineering techniques, including transgenesis and genome editing, allow scientists to insert or modify genes responsible for milk composition directly. This precise approach enables the creation of cows that produce milk with tailored attributes.
  3. Targeted Gene Expression: Geneticists work on identifying and manipulating genes that control milk composition, such as those responsible for milk protein, fat, and lactose content.

III. Potential Benefits of Designer Milk

  1. Nutritional Enhancement: Designer milk can be fortified with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, potentially addressing dietary deficiencies and enhancing overall health.
  2. Reduced Allergenicity: Genetic modifications can lead to milk with reduced allergenic components, benefiting individuals with lactose intolerance or milk allergies.
  3. Functional Ingredients: Designer milk can be tailored to contain specific bioactive compounds with potential health benefits, such as antimicrobial peptides, anti-inflammatory proteins, or antioxidants.
  4. Improved Taste and Texture: Customization of milk components can enhance its taste and texture, making it more appealing to consumers.
  5. Enhanced Processing: Designer milk can have characteristics that improve the processing of dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, and butter.
  6. Therapeutic Milk: Designer milk could be engineered to produce milk with specific therapeutic properties, like antibodies or proteins that combat certain diseases.

Ethical and Safety Considerations

The production of designer milk raises ethical and safety concerns that require rigorous assessment and regulation. Key considerations include:

  1. Safety for Human Consumption: Designer milk must meet stringent safety and regulatory standards to ensure it is fit for human consumption.
  2. Animal Welfare: The ethical treatment and welfare of genetically modified dairy animals are of utmost importance, and stringent guidelines must be followed.
  3. Environmental Impact: The environmental consequences of large-scale designer milk production, including potential genetic contamination, must be considered and mitigated.
  4. Consumer Acceptance: Public perception and acceptance of designer milk are vital for its success. Education and transparent labeling are essential in gaining consumer trust.

The Future of Dairy Technology

Designer milk represents a bold step into the future of dairy technology. As the science behind it continues to advance, its potential benefits are extensive. However, ethical, safety, and regulatory concerns must be addressed in parallel. Designer milk has the potential to revolutionize the dairy industry, offering consumers a range of milk products customized to their nutritional and functional needs. The genetic approach to dairy technology opens exciting new possibilities for improving human health and advancing the field of dairy science, promising a brighter and more tailored future for the dairy industry.


Despite all these promising prospects, there is a tendency among human beings to resist change, especially those of transgenic. Thus, the future of biotechnologically modified foods is at crossroads even after three decades of promising results. Various ethical, legal and social issues should be solved before we would go for designer milk similar to organic herds. The future of the dairy industry is not just about producing more and more milk, but about producing more milk of the right kind. Thus, we can expect that in future dairy farmers maybe the producers of designer milk.

Compiled  & Shared by- This paper is a compilation of groupwork provided by the

Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


 Reference-On Request.

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