Determinants of Livestock Farm Household’s Welfare with Main Focus on Women’s Involvement in Livestock Production in Rural Areas

Women Empowerment In Veterinary Sector
Heifer International - Nepal, February 2020. Strengthening Smallholder Enterprises of Livestock Value Chain for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Nepal II (Project # 22-05831-59). Belbari Municipality, Itahari District, Nepal. Ganga Devi Shrestha, 43 yrs, feeds her cows fodder in Belbari municipality, Nepal on February 21, 2020.

Determinants of Livestock Farm Household’s Welfare with Main Focus on Women’s Involvement in Livestock Production in Rural Areas

Dr. Sonali D. Borkar and Dr. Suresh Jadhav

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur


Women Empowerment elaborates whether women should have equal access to Social Rights, Political Rights, Economic Stability, Strong Judiciary, and All Other Rights. Discrimination between men and women is unacceptable. The feminization of animal husbandry is occurring. A strong desire to make a positive impact is an innate trait of entrepreneurial women, as demonstrated by the 70% of agricultural workers, 69% of workers in the livestock sector, and 80% of the food industry. These women can make valuable contributions to home and social life. Women ought to be aware of their innate social and fundamental rights, which they get at birth. Women must be given the tools they need to actively engage in all facets of the economy to strengthen national economies, accomplish globally recognized targets for sustainability and development, and enhance the quality of life for women, men, families and communities.

Keywords–Women Empowerment, livestock sector, sustainability


Women empowerment refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can take decisions of their own for their personal benefits as well as society. They should make their decision, by their own choice. They should have a high social respect in society. They have equal rights in society and other judicial works. They should not be discriminated while providing any type of education. They should select their own economic and financial choices by their own. There should not be any discrimination between woman and man while giving jobs and employment. They should have safe and secured working location with proper privacy. Shebelieves that ―A girl should be two things who and what she wants.

Under Employment and Unemployment

Women population constitutes around 50% of the world population. A large number of women around the world are unemployed. The world economy suffers a lot because of a unequal opportunity for women at work places. The main advantage of women empowerment is that there will be an overall development of the society. It leads to decrease in domestic violence. Uneducated women are at higher risk for domestic violence than educated women.

Women Empowerment In Veterinary Sector

Now a day’s veterinary field is growing rapidly. The branches of veterinary field are spreading all over. There are many opportunities open for women as an employee in veterinary field such as poultry, dairy, agriculture, fisheries, extension activities, research priorities, veterinary education etc. In India, concept of women entrepreneurship is of recent origin. Women have become aware about their rights and situations and entered in different fields of business. They have established their own successful business empires. They are contributing towards the growth of economy and improvement of their socio economic conditions. Government of India has given due importance to women empowerment in the country.


Women, traditionally have been playing a crucial role in the family as well as in the farm, shop, factory and in the society, but their contribution has not been duly acknowledged. Women have undergone a radical transformation from merely a homemaker to a dynamic multifaceted personality contributing to the socio-economic growth worldwide. Therefore, a more from family management to enterprise management may be easier than a move from paid employment to self employment. Today, more and more women are seeking economic opportunity and self determination through enterprise creation and are well prepared to grab the opportunities of the multi-polar world. But at the same time they have to face a number of challenges which are required to be solved by making them and their family aware and attracting financial and moral support in this regard.

Dairy Sector

Women accounted for 93% of total employment in dairy production. Depending upon the economic status, women perform the tasks of collecting fodder, collecting and processing dung. Women undertake dung composting and carrying to the fields. Women also prepare cooking fuel by mixing dung with twigs and crop residues. Though women play a significant role in livestock management and production, women’s control over livestock and its products is negligible. Men, leaving only 14% to women, assume the vast majority of the dairy cooperative membership. India has the largest cattle and buffalo population in the world. Dairying has become an important secondary source of income for millions of rural families in India. Dairy farming is one of the important enterprises which dominate the economic activities of the woman in the rural areas of India. Increasing demand for milk and milk products in recent years intensifies dairy farming as profitable enterprise for rural. Women are well aware of each animals behavior and production characteristics. Women are knowledgeable about local feed resources. Participation of women in indoor feeding activities such a providing water to animals, mixing ration and preparing feed is very high. The participation of rural women in processing activities is found higher than in marketing related activities is found higher than in marketing related activities.

Poultry Sector

Over 72% of India’s population lives in rural areas and of that, 58 % depend on agriculture and associated activities for their livelihoods. The growth of agricultural sector in the last two decades barely exceeded 3% per year. More than three million people directly or indirectly depend on poultry sector for income and employment. However, high growth performance of poultry sector is confined mostly to the commercially run large scale sector. Backyard poultry-keeping is a livelihood activity for many poor rural families. Women are primarily responsible for the care and management of the bird under backyard poultry systems Backyard poultry (BYF) is an important livestock activity for rural women as it generates cash income and provides employment opportunities, while increasing production of valuable foods (meat and eggs) that improve household nutrition. Women often control the whole process of BYP keeping from feeding to marketing, which is not the case in production systems for other livestock enterprises. Poultry rearing has significant advantages over other livestock activities to rural women, because: It is easy to manage and can be taken up under diversified agro-climatic conditions. Its requirements of land, capital and other external inputs are low for small scale units. It can provide quick returns and continuous income throughout the year, as it enjoys good market demand and prices. BYP is the most efficient converter of household and farm waste into food of high value. BYP enhances women’s social status and decision-making power in the household by increasing women’s income and can be used as a tool to reduce poverty in rural areas. The BYP rearing had a remarkable impact on women’s livelihoods. Since rural women took care of the birds, they also retained the earnings from poultry keeping. Thus, BYP rearing was an enabling factor in empowering women. This varied from woman to woman based on her ‘inner realities’ i.e. ability and capabilities to take a diverse set of decisions related to management. Since women got to deal with different people while purchasing and marketing birds or eggs, these women slowly gained confidence and came out of isolation. Over a period of time improvement in entrepreneur skills and decision making was observed. They are able to create a space for themselves within their households and often making intrahoushold decisions.

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Goat Rearing

Women’s participation in agricultural activities is higher than that of men. Women actively participate in a range of activities related to crop production and livestock management. Rural Women remain busy from dawn to dusk in various agricultural activities and livestock management. Women play the most important role in Goat rearing. The role of women in goat keeping is very significant in the rural families and goat is the most important means through which rural women are able to contribute meaningfully to the cash needs for her and their family members. Goat rearing is the most useful way of women’s earning those who stay at home.


Women in Asia and Africa have historically had more of a role in rural farm activities. A recent FAO study found that women’s involvement in rural aquaculture had led to a 10- 20% increase in fish production and almost all women fish farmers interviewed noted a tangible improvement in their socioeconomic conditions as measured by food consumption, child education, access to healthcare and purchasing power and ability. Women’s role is often to help or manage the feeding of fish, pond supervision and harvesting. Most women also asserted that, ―They now tend to play a stronger role in economic decisions for the management of their households, including those concerning education of children, attending social functions.


Women are found in a range of entrepreneurial activities, many tend to be concentrated in micro, small and medium businesses as a result of their responsibilities for unpaid work, limits on mobility, lack of collateral and limited financial skills. Women can be more disadvantaged than men in starting up enterprises, as they may be less able than men to afford long and expensive registration procedures. Initiatives have been taken by financial institutions and Governments at national and regional levels to increase the access of women entrepreneurs, including regular banking services, debt financing and equity financing. Women empowerment cannot be possible unless women come with and help to self-empower themselves. There is a need to formulate reducing feminized poverty, promoting education of women, and prevention and elimination of violence against women. Non-government organization, working for rural development, should be involved in provision of credit and livestock training facilities to rural women and encourage them to participate in livestock production and management. Access to credit will empower women in making pertinent livestock management decisions. Success of livestock venture will support rural economy and improve overall well being of everyone involved.

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