Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases and associated Homeopathic intervention

Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases and associated Homeopathic intervention

Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases and associated Homeopathic intervention

Dr. Shabnam Akhtar

Assistant Professor & Department In-Charge

Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology,

Institute of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (IVS&AH),

Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed-to be-University (SOA-DU), Campus-4, Bhubaneswar-751030.


Poultry diseases are the major setbacks that cause huge economic losses both for the poultry farmers as well as the ever-growing poultry industry. Although scientific developments in the field of poultry science have sky-rocketed, there are some pressing problems (such as rampant antibiotic use that pave the road towards antibiotic resistance) that slow down the progress. Hence, alternative or complementary treatment strategies are the need of the hour. Veterinary homeopathy practice is one such strategy that is gaining momentum in the treatment of diseased veterinary audience. This article delves into the vast realm of major diseases affecting poultry and the homeopathic treatments for curing such ailments.

Key words: Poultry, Diagnosis, Clinical Symptoms, Homeopathy, Disease


With the rising demands for poultry products viz. poultry meat and eggs owing to their low-cost good quality protein source in comparison to other meat sources, there is also a parallel rise in the incidences of diseases of varying origin affecting poultry. Such diseases not only affect the growth, performance and well-being of poultry, but also hold a zoonotic potential. The rising demands have compelled the poultry owners to choose quick remedies via allopathic medications especially antibiotics. This has resulted in the emergence of various hazards including a burning topic of antibiotic resistance. Hence, there is requirement for adoption of alternative or complementary veterinary medicine such as Homeopathy.

The widely used veterinary homeopathic preparations along with their indication include Arnica (for pain relief, preparation before and after surgery, injury treatment), Arsenic alb (diarrhea, enteritis, rash), Hypericum (against bad nerves, paralysis, broken nails), Pulsatilla (against colds, hormonal disorders), Rhus tox (against joint pain, rheumatism, paralysis) and Sulfur (for skin problems) (Sundqvist, 2020).  Several trials using homeopathic preparations ((Amalcaburio et al., 2009; Berchieri et al., 2006; Hadipour et al., 2011; Sandoval et al., 1998; Sato et al., 2012; Velkers et al., 2005; Wynn, 1998) have been conducted on poultry focussing mainly on the areas of growth performance/immunity, diarrhoea involving E. coli, Salmonellosis etc.

Diagnosis of multifactorial diseases is difficult and warrants an epidemiological approach where all possible etiological agents and associated risk factors are reviewed, selecting most relevant laboratory tests for determining the cause of the disease (Chaves Hernández, 2014). The diagnosis of any disease (particular species involved is poultry in this case) mainly encompasses Direct tests e.g., laboratory tests for detection of the pathogen in faeces, blood etc.; Indirect tests e.g. general blood parameters etc.; observation of Clinical signs/ pathognomonic post-mortem lesions as well as Measurements e.g., body temperature, body weight etc (Doehring & Sundrum, 2016).

The commonly noted major poultry diseases, their diagnosis (Chakrabarti, 2010; Chaves Hernández, 2014) and homeopathic treatment (Muhammed, 2020) are discussed as under:

  1. Ranikhet Disease/ Newcastle Disease (ND):
  • Causative organism is Paramyxovirus type-1(PMV-1) belonging to the genus Avulavirus and Paramyxoviridae family.
  • It is characterised by twisting of neck and paralysis of wings/ legs, cyanosis of comb, facial edema, diarrhoea, drop in egg production, sudden death etc.
  • Gross post-mortem findings include petechial haemorrhage in proventriculus, intestinal haemorrhages, Congestion and mucoid exudates seen in the respiratory tract (trachea).
  • Serological tests include HA and HI test, ELISA. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Virus isolation in SPF embryonated fowl eggs, RT-PCR and rRT-PCR techniques.
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Homeopathic intervention: Belladonna, Arsenic Album, Aconite, Veratrum album, Cicuta Virosa, Sulphur, Carbo Veg, Causticum, Gelsemium, Kali phos, Mag Phos, Calcarea phos.

  1. Marek’s Disease (MD):
  • Causative organism is Herpes virus.
  • It is characterised by lameness or paralysis around 12 weeks of age, sudden death, torticollis, etc.
  • Gross post-mortem findings include enlarged nerves/ feather follicles, lymphoid tumors etc.
  • Serological tests include AGID, ELISA. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Virus isolation in cell cultures, PCR, Real-time quantitative-PCR.

Homeopathic intervention: Tuberculinum, Antimonium tartaricum, China,Causticum, Gelsemium, Carbo veg.

  1. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD):
  • Causative organism is Birna virusbelonging to the family Birnaviridae and genus Avibirna virus.
  • It is characterised by watery and whitish diarrhoea, closed eyes and death, ruffled feathers etc.
  • Characteristic gross post-mortem findings include petechial haemorrhages on the leg, thigh and pectoral muscles; haemorrhage in the Proventriculus and Gizzard junction, enlargement of Bursa of Fabricius to almost double its normal size.
  • Serological tests include AGID, VN, ELISA. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Virus isolation in specific antibody- negative chicken embryos or cell cultures, Immunofluorescence, AC-ELISA, RT-PCR and RT-PCR-RFLP.

Homeopathic intervention: Callendulla (immunity booster by stimulating lymphatic drainage, a hepatic protector, anti-microbial activity), Gelsemium (reduces pain especially neuralgic affections, Measles, Pellagra), Echinacea angufolia (indicated in blood poisonings, virulent infections, Lymphatic inflammations), Alfalfa (promotes appetite, indicated in rheumatic diathesis), Acid phos (relieves Fatigue and Stress).

  1. Avian Influenza (Bird flu):
  • Causative organism is Avian Influenza Type A virus (H5N1)belonging to Orthomyxoviridae family.
  • It is characterised by sudden death, swelling of head/ eyelids/ comb/ wattles/ hocks, nasal discharge etc.
  • Serological tests include AGID, HA and HI test, ELISA. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Virus isolation in SPF embryonated chicken eggs, AC-ELISA, Immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and rRT-PCR techniques

Homeopathic intervention: Allium cepa, Rhus tox, Aconite, Influenzinum, Ars alb, Belladonna, Drosera, Kali iod, Gelsemium, Lachesis, Argentum nitricum, Tartar Emetic, Millifolium, Kali bich.

  1. Collibacillosis:
  • Causative organism is Escherichia coli (E. coli).
  • It is characterised by manifestations such as colisepticaemia, enteritis, coli granuloma, yolk sac infection, air sacculitis, mortality after first week of hatching etc.
  • Gross post-mortem lesions include egg peritonitis, caseated egg mass inside oviduct, septicaemic carcass with liver, spleen, lung, kidney dark and congested etc.
  • Isolation and identification of causative organism.

Homeopathic intervention: Bacilinum (indicated in lung affections, Bronchorrhoea, Respiratory pyorrhea, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis), Cuprum met (Anti Bacterial and Anti-viral property, termed ‘antimicrobial copper’), Drosera (indicated in Laryngeal phthisis, Vomiting, Profuse expectoration), Ipecacuanha (Action over Pneumogastric nerve, nausea vomiting and indicated after indigestible food ingestion), Influenzinum (indicated in Respiratory viral infection), Pyrogenium (indicated in Septic infections), Tuja  (Anti-bacterial property, Bird flu, helps to increase oxidative metabolism of birds), Escherichia coli (indicated in E-coli infections).

  1. Infectious coryza:
  • Causative organism is Haemophilus gallinarum.
  • The disease is characterised by affections of upper respiratory tract (sneezing, coughing), sero-mucoid nasal and ocular discharges and facial oedema, conjunctivitis with closed eyes etc.
  • Isolation of organism from air sac/ nasal exudates.
  • Serological tests include Gel precipitation, tube agglutination, HA test. Inoculation of nasal exudate into healthy chicks by intranasal passage (symptoms appear within 24-48 hours).

Homeopathic intervention: Arsenic album, Aconitum napellus, Mercuries vivus, Euphrasia officinalis, Hepar sulphuris.

  1. Fowl cholera:
  • Causative organism is Pasteurella multocida.
  • Its acute stage is characterised by sudden death without any symptom. In case of less severe form, there will be rapid breathing, ruffled feather as well as comb and wattle become cyanotic, presence of yellowish diarrhoea. In chronic form, oedema of comb and wattle, hot and painful joints.
  • Demonstration of gram-negative bipolar organism in blood smear or impression smear of liver/ bone marrow.
  • Serological tests are rarely used for diagnosis of Fowl cholera. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Culture (Blood agar, trypticase-soy agar, and dextrose starch agar) and biochemical test, Somatic typing procedure using gel diffusion precipitin test, REA.

Homeopathic intervention: Sulphur, Arsenicum album, Calcarea phos, Ferrum phos, Kalium phos, Kalium sulph, Veratrum album, Podophyllum, Cina.

  1. Avian Tuberculosis:
  • Causative organism isYersinia pseudotuberculosis.
  • It is a chronic contagious disease primarily observed in older birds (more than one year age).
  • Gross post-mortem lesions include enlarged, friable liver/ spleen with white nodules of varied size.
  • Demonstration of acid-fast organism in impression smears.
  • Serological tests include Tuberculin test, Blood stained-antigen agglutination test. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via detection of acid-fast bacilli in smears or tissue sections from affected organs, Culture (Lowenstein–Jensen, Herrol’d medium and other media), Typing methods: ELISA and HPLC, PCR, multiplex-PCR and PCR-RFLP.

Homeopathic intervention: Aviaire, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum

  1. Pullorum disease:
  • Causative organism isSalmonella pullorum.
  • Otherwise known as Bacillary White Diarrhoea. It is characterized by high mortality in baby chicks within 1-2 weeks age. Affected chicks void chalky white excreta.
  • Gross post-mortem lesions usually involve liver enlargement/ congestion, haemorrhagic streaks in liver or lungs.
  • Serological tests include Rapid whole blood plate or serum agglutination test. Etiological diagnosis (antigen detection) via Culture (Mac Conkey agar, xylose lysine, brilliant green agar, Rappaport–Vassiliadis soya, etc.) and biochemical test (API system for Enterobacteriaceae), PCR-RFLP.

Homeopathic intervention: Chamomilla, Arsenicum album, Calcarea phos, Mercurius, China.

  1. Coccidiosis:
  • It is causedby the parasites belonging to the genus Eimeria such as brunetti, E. necatrix (highly pathogenic), E. tenella (highly pathogenic), E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. mitis, and E. precox.
  • The disease is characterised by presence of chocolate coloured/ blood-stained droppings, dehydration, drooping wings.
  • Detection of eggs from droppings can be done under microscope and examination of scrapings from intestinal mucosa, caecum etc. to find different parasitic stages.
  • Gross post-mortem lesions involve distended small intestine filled with fluids/ clotted blood.
  • Histopathological examination for identification of various stages of parasitic development in the intestinal/caecal mucosa.
READ MORE :  Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine in Livestock

Homeopathic intervention: Merc cor (indicated in bloody droppings in birds), Nux vomica (indicated in Lack of appetite, GI disturbances), Chelidonium (indicated in Pale comb, inflamed liver), Sulphur (indicated in pale comb, fortify the action of other remedy). Merc sol (indicated in Bloody, slimy diarrhoea, caecal cocci), Ipecacuanha (indicated in Haemorrhages, cocci in birds, vomiting, drooping).


The present article summarizes the various diagnostic methods used to diagnose all notifiable diseases of poultry and the homeopathic remedies for the same. Although veterinary homeopathy is in its infancy stage and there is lack of skilled veterinary homeopathic professionals, efforts should be taken for the growth and expansion of the promising field.  This information will be beneficial to the poultry farmers, field veterinarians and persons involved in poultry research as it provides valuable insights from ‘One Health’ point of view and encourages to take preventive measures for safeguarding poultry health as well as the health of humans and environment at large.


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