Diary of Dr.Gowri Mallapur: A Woman Wildlife Vet of India


Diary of Dr.Gowri Mallapur: A Woman Wildlife Vet of India

Meet another dynamic Woman Wildlife Vet of India…..Dr. Gowri Mallapur.……She works with reptiles by choice. Crocodiles and snakes and turtles and lizards make her heart sing with joy :). She had finished her Bachelors and Masters (Parasitology) from Bombay Veterinary College. She started her career in Mumbai, she practiced small animal medicine till 2008 while taking every opportunity to learn wildlife medicine in the Mumbai Zoo, Borivali National Park and other places. She worked with a rescue centre for reptiles in Mumbai, worked at the Pune snake park for a few years and she was the vet at the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust from 2008 to 2015.
Now she is based in Goa with her three cats and multiple turtles and tortoises. She freelances, teaches and tries and work with landscape and biodiversity conservation and sustainable living projects
She is a member of the IUCN-SSC crocodile specialist group and an honorary consultant with the Turtle Survival Alliance (India) Program.

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