Difference between Physiological Pregnancy & Pseudo-Pregnancy in Bitch & Queen


Difference between Physiological Pregnancy & Pseudo-Pregnancy in Bitch & Queen

Sl.No. Physiological Pregnancy Pseudo-Pregnancy Remarks
1 Bearing foetuses Bearing  no foetuses  
2 External Physiological sign of pregnancy exhibited External Physiological sign of pregnancy exhibited to some extent  
3 Nesting, stamping of soil, isolation, mothering of inanimate objects with >40% blood plasma i^ Nesting, stamping of soil, isolation( hiding in dark places) mothering of inanimate objects. No such blood volume increase  
4 Abundant Milk leakage on squeezing from pectoral, thoraces, abdominal, pelvic teats Few drops ( may be more in some cases)of Milk leakage on squeezing from last pair of  pelvic teats  
5 Colostrums Milk is rich in immunoglobulin( IgG, IgA, IgM) Milk contains no immunoglobulin as no colostrums is there.  
6 Milk can be consumed by Pups/kittens Milk can be consumed by Pups/kittens but slightly salty  
7 Enlargement of abdomen may extends up to thoracic cavity(diaphragm) Enlargement of abdomen limited to abdominal cavity  
8 Its time period initiates from start of Dioestrus (end of oestrous)- Its time period initiates towards end  of Dioestrus {>54 days{1-1/2 to 3 months) post oestrous}  
9 Foetal buldge can be felt through abdominal No foetal buldge  
10 In dog sitting position the abdominal buldging is more In dog sitting position the abdominal buldging is very less  
11 Appetite increases two fold Dyspepsia( Appetitive decreased)  
12 Normal parturition or assisted parturition with live or dead foetuses. No foetus exists so no parturition  
13 Termination or assisted deliver done by PgF2 alpha followed by oxytocin Treated by Anti-Prolactin drugs( Bromocriptine/Carbergolin/high Progestagens)  
14 May resolve within 63+-2 days post oestrus automatically May resolve within 21 days post symptomises  automatically  
15 Reddish-brown /greenish vulvar discharge at termination of pregnancy Mucoid Vulvar discharge  
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