Different Types of Dog Collars and How to Use Them


Types of Dog Collars and How to Use Them


Collars are worn by dogs for training, walking, identification or even fashion. Every dog should have a collar that gets worn most of the time. They’re easy for dogs to wear and provide a good way to attach a dog leash, vaccine information, or dog ID tag. Fashionable or functional, collars are one of the main ways we show to the world that our canines have someone who loves them. Some collars are used for training, others for medical reasons, but the main use for a dog collar is so that we can take our pooches into the world — on a leash.

You can purchase a good dog collar that is both attractive and effective. Let your dog get used to it by letting them smell it, rub against it, and gradually start to wear it. The dog needs to associate their collar with something positive that they enjoy wearing. Dog collars and leads are items that get a work out every day of your dog’s life. While personal choice is a big factor in what you’ll choose, there are some factors that need consideration. Whether you’re after a new puppy collar, dog harness, or leash, here’s a rundown of what’s available, and how to choose the best one for your dog. Aside for the basic understanding of the importance of owning a collar, many might not fully understand how important it is, and not just any, rather one that serves a meaningful purpose. Dog Collars are the single most important safety device a pet owner can buy for both dogs and cats alike. Collars are often used to protect newborn pets such as puppies and kittens from wandering off especially when they’re unfamiliar with their new landscape and without one can cause your pet to go missing in crowded or highly populated areas.

When it comes to new born puppies, adopted or purchased pets many animals require acclimation to their new environment for several months to a year and its suggested to take them on walks in and around your neighborhood, as they’re smart animals and many over time have the ability to retrace their whereabouts back home as they familiarize themselves within your routine walking routes. This training period is essential and therefore it’s important to make sure your pet is wearing a collar and leash while exploring their neighborhoods. This doesn’t imply that it’s safe to eventually walk with your dog without wearing one rather if your pet is lost or goes off wandering around without a collar that they’ll know how to retrace their steps.

Tips for Choosing Dog Collars

Choose the right size collar for your dog. The flat collar should fit comfortably around your dog’s neck but not so tight that it chokes the dog. A good rule of thumb is to be able to fit two fingers underneath the collar when the dog is wearing it.

Avoid certain types of collars. Some vendors sell collars known as aversion collars that deliver your dog physical discomfort or pain to teach the dog what to do. Some examples of aversion collars include:

  • Choke chain collars that use metal links to control your dog.
  • Pinch collars that are made of fang shaped metal links that dig into your dog’s skin.
  • Shock collars use an electrical current that passes through metal contact points on the collar to give your dog an electric shock.

While these types of collars may temporarily stop unwanted behavior, they don’t teach your dog what you would like them to do. Instead, the aversion collars cause fear, anxiety, and sometimes aggression.

When in doubt, stay away from dog tools that may harm your pets. You’re better off investing time in their training and helping them learn how to behave well (without scary or painful strategies).

It’s always better to use humane collars that don’t harm your pet. Using positive reinforcement and patient training can help achieve good behavior in any dog.

The number and variety of dog collars and leashes on the market can be overwhelming, and each one can serve a different purpose or objective. Depending on the needs of you and your dog, you will want to use a specific type of collar. This can be based on a variety of considerations that you will need to take into account.

Dog collars play a versatile role, adding to the look and assisting in training of the pet. They have become a part of a dog’s overall appearance and are used more as a fashion accessory available in different shapes, colors and designs. However, dog collars have much more to provide than just a status and fashion symbol to a dog. They are very useful in monitoring the movement of your pet. Collars, such as a choke collar, can help you guide your untrained pet to obstacles which they need to master. They can also be used to enhance the attention span of your dog and make the pet more alert thus, responding well to your commands. A dog collar should be purchased considering your pet’s breed, size, weight and temperament. Read on further to know the importance of dog collars and also explore their different types.


Importance of Dog Collars

The basic importance of dog collars is that they assist in the safety and security of the dog. Dog collars are used as the pet’s identification tag, displaying the dog’s license. The identification tag can have the dog’s name and owner’s name along with other details, such as phone number and/or address, embedded to keep the dog safe. Apart from this, using dog collars make it convenient for the owners to monitor their pet during walks. Dog collars that have a leash attached help in preventing the dog from pouncing upon other people or things in public places, thus helping monitor the behavior and activity of your canine companion. Lastly, dog collars are highly beneficial in assisting the training sessions for the dogs.

Collar Materials

Cotton: Cotton web collars are the most inexpensive type of dog collar, and are very useful. They are, however, one of the least durable dog collars and leashes on the market and will wear out quickly. For this reason, they are recommended mostly for smaller dogs that aren’t strong enough to pull hard and wear out the leash.

Leather: Leather collars are strong, durable, and attractive, and are a good choice for most dogs, including stronger ones.

Nylon: Nylon is very strong, and is often used in retractable leashes. Sometimes collars and leashes will be a blend of materials with a center cord of nylon surrounded in leather or fabric.

Metal: Brass and nickel-plated steel collars are obviously very strong and relatively expensive. They are recommended for very large, strong dogs. Many metal collars also offer versatility with easy to use clips and buckles.

Types of Dog Collars

Basic Dog Collars
Head Collar

The head collar also familiar as “Head Halters” looks like muzzles consist of two straps where goes around your dog’s nose and the other goes around the neck just behind the ears. The leash fastens the collar below the dog’s chin to a ring which is attached to the nose strap.

These collars provide greater control and may cause your dog’s harm if you pull on them too hard. This type collar is more suitable for aggressive dogs to control in your own way. It may take some time to adjust the collar snugly but provide you with the highest output. At the beginning let your dog adjust with this collar and put it on them for short times. When the dog accustomed to wearing a head collar the risk of injury becomes decreases.
Flat Collar

It is the standard collar for your dog comes with a belt style buckle to attach on your dog’s neck. Usually, these are made of leather or nylon and arrived in a flat style. An identification tag is available in many collars which help to sort out your dog and control in your own way.

Flat collars should not so tighten like choke collars or nor so loose that they can slip out. It should fit snugly on the dog’s neck so that you can get two fingers underneath the collar. Sometimes these offer the cheapest option with some safety concerns.
Martingale Collar

Martingale is familiar as an effective training collar, which is designed for dogs with narrow heads like Greyhounds Saluki, Whippets and Sighthounds. They provide more control over any breed that is adept at slipping out of their collar. These contain a loop of the chain which is connected to the solid band and goes around your dog’s neck.

The main used material is strong nylon fabric and won’t cut the neck like a choke collar. These collars synch up a certain amount if the dog pulls and stop you from injuring your dog’s esophagus. They also consist of a length of material and metal ring with each end. There is not enough extra material may fall your dog in danger. The structure allows the collar to be fitted snugly to use in a similar manner like the choke chain.
Leather Collar

Leather collars are classic, comes in durable materials, different length, widths, colors and provide a great look with proper balance. Though leather collars can be plain in design and other decorations but have a smart and attractive appearance. They are cost-effective, durable and long-lasting can be expected to last for years.

Be sure while choosing the leather collar that is made from original leather. Some bonded leather looks and feel like genuine but won’t have a good quality and same durability like the real leather. These collars have a smaller variety of colors or patterns and can get stiff if get wet.
Nylon Collar

These collars are the multipurpose standard collar ideal for dogs to wear around the house, on walks, and for attaching ID tags. They are almost similar to the leather collar and available in several choices of length and width. The durable plastic closure clips together and makes stronger and longer lasting.

There are a huge variety of patterns, a wide range of colors, and qualities within this collar category. They are more adjustable than leather collars and can grow along with dogs. It is fairly inexpensive, lightweight and suitable for puppies. Nylon collars are machine washable and not easy to clean by free hand.
Aversive Dog Collars
Choke Collar


This collar is made of metal links in different thickness and that has two rings at both ends. It can be shaped into a loop slips over the dog’s head and rest around the high up on the dog’s neck just behind the ears. When the leash of the collar is connected to the “dead ring” the collar doesn’t become tightened on the dog’s neck but when it is connected to the “live ring” the collar adjusts tightly.

It is very low-priced and popular because after proper fit dogs can’t get out of them. It helps to correct a dog’s aggressive behavior but pulling harder the collar may press on the dog’s esophagus and cause of serious injury or even death to the dog. This collar should use when you are taking the dog on walks or simple outdoor activities.
Prong Collar

Also known as pinch collar, that has spikes and digs into the dog’s neck when pulled. Usually, it is recommended for large dogs that are stubborn pullers. This collar can be used for training dogs those are irresponsive to other collars.

It should properly adjust the size by adding or removing prong links and sit top of the dog’s neck, just behind ears. The collar also should be fitted snugly so the prong links do not pinch into your dog’s trachea.

You should use the prong collar especially when there is a need for a dog’s behavioral change. So, when you decide to use one, consult with a vet or an experienced trainer to get the proper knowledge on how to size, adjust and use it.
Shock Collar

Also called remote training collar designed to send a low intensive electric signal, tone, or vibration through the collar. Basically, shock collar used for remote communication and finally considered as a pet training tool to stop barking or control aggressive behavior. It is also used with pet containment system.

A radio receiver is attached with the collar and a trainer holds the transmitter and sends the signal by triggering. Various types of the signal emitted from the collar and alert Dog owners can transmit different types of the signal according to the dog’s nature but electrical stimulation is most widely used.

Sometimes the shock may painful for your pooch and compelled to abstain from aggressive behavior. Electronic dog fencing system also delivers a shock when the dog approaches to cross the designated boundary. So it should not use a shock collar without special purpose and some pet lovers hate to apply electric signals to their loving pets.
Training Collar

Using a training collar is the best way to train a dog. It transmits electronic signals that teach stubborn dogs not to exhibit offensive behavior. Most of this collar looks same and comes in a small LCD screen, and a remote. So before using this collar, you must know how to operate it properly so that your dog doesn’t feel extreme pain after receiving signals.

You should make sure the exact size of the collar? Which is the best suited on your dog’s neck. Along with dog’s neck size also ensure the weight and thickness of the collar which your dog can handle suitably. Always conduct a successful training session wherein your dog becomes more interested to attend the regular training session.
Electric Collar

When it comes to the electric dog collar, it implies a fantastic training tool which provides a lifetime solution to your pet to leave all ill-behaved manners. So, at first, choose the correct device which is best suited for your pet and then learn how to properly train with this collar. Consider about the durability of the device if you need for home, yard or park training.

If your dog likes swimming then prefer a water-resistant model. Similarly, you have to think about the distance or range you want to cover by this collar. If you want to control your dog from a far distance then choose a longer range model. So, with that, due to select any electronic collar, focus on its size and proper adjustment so that the dog feels comfortable to wear.
Special-Use Dog Collars
GPS Collar

It comes in Global Positioning Satellite Technology to identify your pet’s location if they get lost. It is generally the most practical to pet proprietor keeps their dog secure enough in any environment. The technology offers a variety of approaches and it is easy to attach a GPS tracker to a collar as well as remove after using.

When the pet leaves its safe zone, the GPS tracker sends a signal to your mobile app, which sends an alert to your phone. Via this mobile app, you can activate the live tracking and follow your pet’s location in real time. There are so many tracker brands available in the market and you can consult with your vet to choose the best one to get accurate tracking facilities.
Flea or Tick Collar

The dog flea collar is impregnated with either chemical pesticides or natural essential oils and helps your dog to protect against fleas and ticks. The used chemicals are organophosphates, amitraz or pyrethrins have the ability to kills fleas. Usually, the proper use of these chemicals couldn’t harm your dog but there are some inherent risks of them. So, if you have fear of toxic chemicals, you can pick various natural flea collars for your dog’s safety.

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There is a range of sizes and you should find out the correct size to fit properly. Be sure how adjustable the flea collar is, the slide buckle helps to adjust any size of the collar. Moreover, many flea collars offer protection from ticks also.
Vibrating Collar

The vibrating collar is the most effective tool of communication with your dog from far. At first, you need a high-quality collar to grow up necessary awareness about good manners and basic commands.

There are various types of vibrating collars but all of them do not work in the same manner. Basically, it attaches via a rubber or fabric collar and connects with a buckle. Many of them can be used to trigger an audible tone or a static shock. Some pet trainers contend this collar to get only your dog’s attention rather than corrections. However, this type of collar is useful to train a deaf dog that is unable to hear your voice or other sounds.
Lighted Safety Collar

This type of collar is ideal for keeping track of your dog at night. Usually, it lights up with LED so that you can see the dog easily from a good distance. This lighted collar helps to guide when you walk your dog in the evening or in the dark night. It can keep the dog visible and safe in the darkness and allow for romping as well as fun at the night camping trip.

The LED collar provides solid or flashing lights so that you can clearly observe your dog from far and other pedestrians can see when you are out for a walk. It also makes easy for drivers to see the dog and can go a long way to preventing dangers.
Elizabethan Collar

Elizabethan collar sometimes called E-collar is a cone-shaped, wide collar, plastic collar used to prevent dogs from scratching wounds while they heal. Dogs become tarnished for irritating at injured areas. It is normal for them to bite, scratch, and lick the injured area. So, pet proprietor finds Elizabethan collar as the best solution with this recovery collar.

The term recovery collar also comes from the standard term Elizabethan collar. It can be attached to your dog’s regular collar and keep them secure. There is a variety of sizes to ensure the snug fit regarding your dog’s size. Your dog can drink and eat regular food item with this collar and doesn’t injured for any reason.
Special use collars
Bark control collars

Though several types of collars are available to control excessive or unwanted barking, none of them address the root cause of the barking. Dogs bark for several reasons, such as fear or territorial behavior. Though some bark collars may reduce barking, they will not reduce the stress causing the dog to bark.

  • Spray: Barking causes these collars to emit a burst of citronella or air, which interrupts and deters your dog from barking. Spray collars will sometimes not react to high-pitched barks, making them ineffective. Tip: Don’t use a spray collar when your dog is with other dogs. Another dog’s bark may trigger your dog’s collar.
  • Ultrasonic: When your dog barks, the ultrasonic collar interrupts them by emitting a sound only your dog can hear.

Flea/tick collars

These collars are impregnated with chemicals and help protect your dog against fleas and ticks. They are worn in addition to a regular collar. Be sure to check how long the flea/tick collar is effective and be sure to replace it as recommended.
Vibrating collars

This type of collar uses vibration, not electric shock, to get your dog’s attention. Vibrating collars can be useful to train a deaf dog who can’t hear your voice or a clicker.
Elizabethan collars

The Elizabethan collar, or E-collar, is a wide, plastic, cone-shaped collar used to prevent your dog from licking or scratching wounds and/or after a veterinary procedure while they heal. Typically tabs or loops on the Elizabethan collar can be attached to your dog’s regular collar. Some models have hook and loop closures to secure them. These collars come in a variety of sizes to ensure proper fit for your dog. Your dog should be able to eat and drink with the collar in place, but not be able to reach the healing site. If your dog will not tolerate an Elizabethan collar, there are other options available including soft, round collars that don’t impact your dog’s ability to move around or see clearly.
GPS collars

This collar uses global positioning satellite technology to help locate your pet if they get lost. While these are a great option in recovering a lost pet, they often rely on the availability of satellites and battery life, making them less effective in remote areas.


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