Dog Bite and Zoonoses


Dog Bite and Zoonoses

Dr. Durga Prasad Das

(On 6th July 2021- World Zoonoses Day)

Diseases transmitted between vertebrate animals and humanbeings are known as zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. It is to be noted that 60% of infectious diseases and 75% of EID (emerging infectious diseases) of human beings are zoonoses. There are number of zoonotic diseases which are transmitted from pet animals like dogs and cats to humans. Some important zoonotic diseases, those are transmitted through dog bite to humanbeings may be enlisted as follows.
1. Capnocytophaga infection
The causative agent Capnocytophaga carnimorsus, a G-ve bacterium found in normal flora of oropharyngeal cavity of dogs & cats, is mostly transmitted through dog bites to humans. It causes mainly septicemia, particularly in elderly, immunocompromised or asplenic patients.
The infection may lead to other fatal consequences like arthritis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, empyesema and endocarditis. Moreover, Capnocytophaga septicemia may even attribute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and HUS (Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome). In septicemia cases of this infection, the case fatality rate (CFR) is estimated to be more than 33%.
Early therapy with 3rd generation cephalosporins is advocated in dog bite cases.
This disease has not yet been studied in India, though there are huge number of dog bite cases in our country, which is still in increasing trend. It needs to be investigated, particularly in septicemia cases of humabeings to establish its prevalence in our country.
The causative bacterium has been isolated in dog bite wounds in humans. The patients may be asymptomatic in early stage. When the pathogen invades mucosal surface of intestine, watery/bloody diarrhoea may be seen in patients. The pathogen can also involve payer’s patches & represents appendicitis like symptoms, also known as Pseudoapoendicitis.
Yerseniosis is usually self limiting. However, patients with severe infection, especially immunocompromised patients should be treated with a combination of aminoglycoside & doxycycline.
It is an well known disease which is most fatal, but also one of most preventable infectious disease. Etiological agent is a neurotropic virus and primarily transmitted through dog bite in developing countries. In India, dogs are the main resorvoir (more than 95% cases) for Rabies infection.
Through extensive vaccination in pet animals with pre-exoposure ARV and ensuring proper managemental practices & post exposure vaccination and use of rabies immunoglobulins (RIg) in post bite cases, Rabies can be well prevented.However, minor negligence may lead to establishment of the virus in CNS with fatal consequences in all most all cases.

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For prevention & control of zoonoses in human beings, proper care and mangement of pet animals with routine anti rabies vaccination in domestic dogs as well as implementing well planned programme like Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme followed by anti rabies vaccination is most crucial. We have to remember: Healthy Animals – Healthy Humans.
Awareness in pet owners as well as in young generation is need of the hour.On 6th July, 1885 Lous Pasteur successfully administered the 1st vaccine against Rabies virus.
To commemorate this, 6th July is observed as World Zoonoses Day.

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