Dr C. M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Celebrations (30-11-2021 to 30-11-2022) cum National Webinar Series on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during 75 Years of Indian Independence


Dr C. M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Celebrations (30-11-2021 to 30-11-2022) cum National Webinar Series on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during 75 Years of Indian Independence


                                      Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, UP (cmset.org)

Dated 30-9-2021

Dr C. M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Celebrations (30-11-2021 to 30-11-2022) cum National Webinar Series on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during 75 Years of Indian Independence


Subject: All India Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Birth Centenary Year Essay Writing Competitions in English and Hindi, 2021 reg.

Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India invites entries/ essays from Veterinary Science students (BVSc&AH, MVSc and PhD) for All India Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Birth Centenary Year Essay Writing Competitions in English and Hindi languages, 2021. Purpose of this essay writing competition is that young veterinary science students should know about inspiring life and scientific contributions of doyen of veterinary profession Dr C.M. Singh on occasion of his birth centenary year. Essay should be of around 3000-4000 words on topic “Dr C.M. Singh: Life and Scientific Contributions in Advancement Veterinary and Animal Sciences in India”. Essay should be unpublished, neatly hand written or typed in Times New Roman / Kruti Dev 010 fonts, respectively and plagiarism free. In the evaluation of essay, content of subject matter and correct grammar will be given more emphasis. The information on subject matter can be obtained from website of Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, UP (cmset.org) or PDF of book entitled Dr C.M. Singh: Life, Scientific Contributions and Memoirs (With Illustrations) and Dr Chinta Mani Singh: Jivan Katha Tatha Unki Pashu Chikitsha Vigyan ko Den. Book PDF may be seen / downloaded from publication menu of Trust website. Separate prizes will be given for English and Hindi language version of essays. Essays will be evaluated by three independent experts. Prizes include cash (as mentioned below), multi colour certificate and hard bound biography of Dr C.M. Singh as mentioned above. Detail information and cash prizes for essay writing competition are as follows:

READ MORE :  डा. सी.एम. सिंह जन्म शताब्दी वर्ष समारोह (30.09.2021 से 30.11.2022) एवं स्वतंत्रता के अमृत महोत्सव काल के दौरान भारत में पशु-चिकित्सा विज्ञान में प्रगति पर राष्ट्रीय वेबीनार श्रृंखला

First PrizeRs 2000/-

Second Prize-Rs 1500/-

Third Prize-1000/-

Each Entry should Contain- Name of Student, Email id, Mobile No, Veterinary Science   Programme (UG, PG or Doctoral) and Postal Address with Pin Code

     Last Date for Receipt of Essay- Dated 15-11-2021

Date of Results Declaration25-11-2021 on Trust website and results will be communicated to winners individually

Prize Distribution- Dr C.M. Singh Jayanti Day National Webinar Programme on 30-11-2021 at DUVASU, Mathura, UP or sent on line or by post as deemed fit. All participants will be given participation certificate which will be sent on line. Awarded essays will be intellectual property of Trust and its PDF will be uploaded on Trust website or published.

             Essays may be sent to Competition Coordinator Dr V.B. Chaturvedi, Principal Scientist, Division of Animal Nutrition, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly 243122 UP.  (Contact: Email id chaturvedivb@gmail.com Mobile 9456470477).

Sponsor: This competition is jointly organized by Trust and sponsored liberally by Dr Kuldeep Dhama, Principal Scientist, Division of Pathology, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP.

Media Partner: Pashudhan Praharee

     Circular Issued By-Dr R. Somvanshi, Hony. Secretary, Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, A-336, Rajendra Nagar, Bareilly, 2431 22 UP (email.id dr.rsomvanshi@gmail.com Mobile- 9837658052)



Dated 30-8-2021


Dr C. M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Celebrations (30-11-2021 to 30-11-2022) cum National Webinar on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during 75 Years of Indian Independence (1947-2022)

                                                         First Circular

Greetings from Dr C. M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, UP 

Dr C.M. Singh was visionary. He started his glorious career from Veterinary College, Mathura in 1960s and became doyen of Veterinary Profession of this country who shaped veterinary research and education of India. Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly (cmset.org)  was founded in year1999 with his blessings and vision. Since then, Trust is working on his principles for the cause of Veterinary Profession. Frequently, Trust organizes National Seminars, World Veterinary Day, Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Lectures, felicitates veterinarians etc., in different institutions of the country.  In 2020, Trust organized a National Webinar at Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna where Dr B.N. Tripathi, DDG (AS), ICAR delivered the 8th Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Lecture. Detailed Trust activities may be seen in Trust website (cmset.org).

READ MORE :  Dr C.M. Singh: The Architect of Indian Veterinary Science & Doyen of Indian Veterinary Profession

The 30th November, 2022 is Birth Centenary Day of late Dr Singh. To mark this historic occasion, the Trust has decided to celebrate Dr C.M. Singh Birth Centenary Year from 30th November 2021 to 30th November, 2022.  Dr C.M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Programme will begin from DUVASU, Mathura from where he rose and gave good name and fame to veterinary profession. Throughout the year, Trust will organize 10 half-day webinars on specific  burning subjects on 30th Day of every month at different Veterinary Institutions in various regions of country. Final programme will be organized at ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP on dated 30-11-2022. Detailed programme planning is under way in consultations with eminent veterinarians of this country. Family members of late Dr C.M. Singh are also associated with this programme.

On 30th November, 2021 in collaboration with DUVASU, Mathura, UP; Trust is planning to organize One Day International Webinar on “Advances of Veterinary Sciences during Platinum Jubilee Years of Indian Independence (1947-2022)” in which Birth Centenary Year (9th) Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Lecture will be delivered and Birth Centenary Year Lecture Series will begin. Dr G.K. Singh, Vice Chancellor, DUVASU, Mathura has very kindly permitted the Trust to organize this programme at Mathura jointly.

                                                 Brief activities to be undertaken are as follows:

Preprogramme Planning and Preparations: Constitution of National Organization Committee and consultations and discussions with eminent veterinarians and professionals to formulate programme.

30-11-2021: One Day Webinar at DUVASU, Mathura; 9th Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Lecture and Birth Centenary Year’s Lectures Series will begin.

30th day of every month for Whole Year: Webinar on specific subjects and Birth Centenary Year’s Lectures Series will continue.

Expected topics/ Subjects of Monthly Webinars: Webinar on specific topics of various disciplines of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. (Expected topics Advances in ….One health, poultry health and production, livestock development, burning topics in animal reproduction, animal nutrition, veterinary microbiology, veterinary pathology, veterinary biotechnology, veterinary surgery, livestock products technology, animal disease control programme in India, women empowerment, student forum, veterinary education etc. ……during Platinum Jubilee Years of Indian Independence 1947-2022.


Field Activities: Vaccination camps, Interaction with farmers and related activities.

Essay Writing Competitions: Organization of All India Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Birth Centenary Essay Writing Competitions in Hindi and English for veterinary students.  

30-11-2022: One Day Webinar at ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP; 10th Dr C.M. Singh Memorial Lecture and Birth Centenary Years Celebrations will conclude.

Guide Lines for Monthly Birth Centenary Year Half Day Webinar:

  1. One Half Day Webinar on 30th of every month will be organized. (With exceptions of date on National Science Day (28th February), World Veterinary Day (27th April) and Punya Tithi of Dr C.M. Singh (27th July).
  2. Webinar will be organized in the afternoon from 3.00 to 5.15 pm at Veterinary Colleges, ICAR Institutes etc. in different parts of country.
  3. Concerned VC/Dean/Director will be requested to lead activity with assistance of a Nodal Officer and in consultation with Trust.
  4. Each Webinar will have 15 minutes Welcome and Inaugural Speeches, 3 expert lectures (30 minutes each) from Nationally/ Internationally renowned veterinarians/ academicians on specific subjects of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Few participants may be allowed to express their views in short (Total15 minutes) and Concluding Remarks (15 minutes).
  5. Felicitations of speaker’s and veterinarians/ academicians will be done by host organizers/ Trust.

Trust hereby appeals to all the central/state veterinary institutions, veterinarians and like-minded people of veterinary profession to join hands with Trust and organize activities in collaboration with Trust or independently during the whole year. Trust is also looking for sponsors and liberal donations from members and colleagues to organize different scientific activities. You are welcome to give suitable suggestion(s).


Place: Bareilly, UP

Date: 30-08-2021

Sd. Hony Secretary

(R. Somvanshi)

Hony. Secretary


  M 9837658053





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