Early Pregnancy Dyspepsia(EPD) in cows


Early Pregnancy Dyspepsia(EPD) in cows

Early Pregnancy Dyspepsia in the cows

Yet another way to interpret the pregnancy of cow between 35 to 60 days of pregnancy. As like in woman early pregnancy Heartburn and Indigestion syndrome which lead to frequent vomiting in pregnant woman,pregnant cows shows symptoms of indigestion and refuse to take concentrate feed and water during the early pregnancy period between 35 days of pregnancy to 60 days of pregnancy.Next time when you treat a cow with a problem of Indigestion or otherwise simple Indigestion case, just inquire about the Date of Artificial Insemination. If the cow inseminated one month back or two month back and body temperature at normal range with slow ruminal motility just treat the cow for early pregnancy dyspepsia.


etiology : Causes for early pregnancy dyspepsia includes 1.Sudden Hormonal changes take place at the time of early pregnancy in cows 2.change in the size in the uterus lead to some adjustment in the abdominal cavity of the cow. 3.cow in a position to support the fetus in busy growing stage,lead to some metabolic changes in the cow.

Treatment : Treatment for early pregnancy dyspepsia includes 1.Administration of drugs to stimulate the ruminal functions like Rumipro bolus,Bioboost bolus and Rumisacc bolus as per the recommendation of the pharmaceuticals. 2.Becomplex injections like Beekom L injection,Tribivet and,lipized inj for two days as per the recommendation of the pharmaceuticals is very effective. 3.Use of high dose of antibiotics may affect the pregnancy of the cow. 4.cow with early pregnancy Dyspepsia become normal in 3 days of on set of symptoms with simple medications.

Differential diagnosis: following differential diagnosis must be carried out before make a conformation diagnosis on early pregnancy

dyspepsia in cows. 1.Indigestion due to bacterial infections. 2.Indigestion due to feed changes. 3.Indigestion due to heat cycle in cow. 4.Sub clinical Acidosis 5.Subclinical mastitis.

Dr sarvanan

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