Easy Fish Tank Care and Aquarium Maintenance Tips


Easy Fish Tank Care and Aquarium Maintenance Tips

Everything needs maintenance. Maintaining an aquarium becomes very easy once you are well acquainted with the guidelines to follow and if you do them regularly. Preparing a schedule for maintenance can help you avoid problems down the road.Freshwater aquarium tank enhances the beauty of the room and adds color to the room with its lively and colorful fish. People love to have freshwater aquarium in their homes but find it difficult to maintain. This articles deals with some important aspects on how to maintain the aquarium tanks.

General information on fish aquarium

Freshwater fish aquarium tanks are enjoyable and add to the beauty of the room. Having a aquarium tank in the living room / hall makes the room lively with the colorful fishes swimming in the freshwater tank. On watching these beautiful and colorful fish swimming in the aquarium provides much relaxation to the mind and helps in recharging the otherwise stressed mind after the hard day at work place. In addition to this there is a belief that these fish help in taking the negative energy from the house in the beginning and then help in emitting positive energy into the surroundings. As a result there would be a flow of positive energy into the house which is quite essential for a happy and healthy living.

Though freshwater fish aquarium tanks are enjoyable to keep at home, yet these are quite expensive to buy as well as to maintain. Several hours of time need to be devoted for its maintenance and this should never be ignored, lest it will result in the loss of fish life and number in the aquarium tanks. If an aquarium time is maintained well, then it takes less time for further maintenance and it also helps in providing longer life to the fish.

Hence, for enjoying the beauty of fish aquarium and thereby getting relaxation to the mind, it is essential to devout considerably enough time and cost for its maintenance at the start. Once it is well maintained at the start, it becomes easier to maintain future.

General tips for maintaining a fish aquarium

  • Usually aquarium comes with a base that holds the weight of the aquarium and it is better to get such an aquarium as it would be easier to maintenance
  • While placing the aquarium tank in a room, place it in an area where from it can be easily viewed and also ensure that there is enough room all around the aquarium tank.
  • Do not place the aquarium tank very close to the windows or near the doors as there are chances of damaging it while opening or closing the doors and windows.
  • Never place an aquarium tank near heat sources as this will fluctuate the temperature inside the aquarium tank and is not good for the fish.
  • Placing the aquarium near electric outlets would make it easier for connection for heater and filters that run on electric current.
  • The gravel for placing at the bottom of the aquarium tank are available in wide range of colors. Choose the color to match the background of the room in which the tank has to be placed.
  • Also place some natural or plastic plants in the aquarium to make a nice environment for the fishes and it also enhances the natural look of the room.
  • There is even a wide range of color choice for the lighting inside the aquarium tank. Select a soothing color that matches the room background.
  • A variety of enhancements can be made to the fish aquarium tank like placing statues of sunken pirate ships, driftwood, rocks as a hiding place for the fish and the like. This will add to the beauty of the aquarium tank with a natural look.
  • Select colorful fish of different sizes and variety to place in the tank like golden color fish, black fish etc.
  • Even the glass tanks vary in shape like flat rectangular ones or flat bottomed round tanks and the like. Select the one that suites the best to the room.

Specific tips for maintaining a fish aquarium

As a proud owner of a fish aquarium, the most important thing to keep in mind is to keep the fish in good health inside the tank and maintain the cleanliness of water environment in the tank.

A freshwater aquarium don’t need maintenance on a daily basis though it is a bit tough. It don’t require to clean the fishes’ mess every day unlike dog’s and cat’s which needs a regular cleaning. And that is why fish in an aquarium can be treated as the best pets. A well maintained freshwater aquarium promises good health of the fish and demands less maintenance.

  • Schedule a specific day for cleaning the tank, which could preferably a weekend either Saturday or Sunday.
  • Suck out all the toxins, waste, fish mess or unused food with the help of a gravel vaccum. A number aquarium vaccums of different shapes and sizes that fit in the tank are available in the market. One can select a vaccum that is suitable for the tank.
  • The most important thing that has to done every week is the replacement of water. For this the entire volume of water from the tank need not be drained off but nearly 30% of the total volume can be drained off and replaced with a cleaner one.
  • Additives like chlorine can be added to the water to remove all the harmful chemicals from the water. To avoid the harmful effect to the fish due to chemicals, allow the water to sit for a whole day before adding it to the aquarium tank.
  • Even the use of power filters which use chemicals for filtering the water in the aquarium tank is effective as these filters the dirt and discoloration inside the tank and even removes the rotten smell of the water in the aquarium tank.
  • Another important thing to be kept in mind is to remove the algae at least once a month. For doing so, scrappers or removing tools can be used to scrap the algae from the tanks. Or else even an algae eater which is a type of a fish that feeds on algae can be added in the fish aquarium tank.
  • A normal pH level of the water is extremely important for fish longevity. Hence checking the pH level of the water in the tank using a test kit is important to ensure the healthy growth of fish.
  • Fish feed is another important thing to be kept in mind. The fish should not be pampered with too much of food. As they can eat only to their capacity and the excess food will be accumulated as a pollutant in the water inside the tank. Feeding 2-3 times a day is recommended.
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Here are a few tips you should follow to have a hassle free maintenance –

  1. Do a partial water change

Water needs to be changed as, eventually, waste products and junk proliferates in your aquarium which can make them vulnerable to diseases or even death. Depending on the number of fishes in your tank you should aim to do at least one-third of the water per week.

Water changes should be part of regular aquarium maintenance but they can vary depending on a multitude of factors. Some fishes require weekly water changes. Make sure you don’t tear down the entire aquarium as they can kill all the beneficial bacteria and shock your fishes.

Changing the water will also ensure that the water parameters are stable and you won’t have to add unnecessary over-the-counter products to keep the water chemistry levels in order.

Remove the water with a gravel siphon, as it will also suck in debris and waste from the substrate, providing your fish with fresh water as well as make your fish are strong and healthy.

  1. Test your water regularly

Testing the water for the vital parameters such as pH, carbonate hardness, nitrite, ammonia and nitrate is a good practice. Make sure you maintain proper pH levels. You can use from a range of test kits every week while performing a water change.

Freshwater fish thrive when the pH level is between 6.6 and 7.8 depending on species and a few hardy fishes can go above that range. Although, as an aquarist it’s your your duty to keep a track of any fluctuations in the water parameters including the temperature by investing in a decent aquatic thermometer and heater.

Make sure to test for ammonia regularly if you have a new aquarium. If your pH falls below the desirable levels, ammonia tends to increase.

  1. Clean the filter regularly 

You should clean your filter at least once in a month. Albeit, if there are large fish or lots of fish in your tank, you might want to clean your filter more frequently.

One thing to keep in mind is that do not clean your filter on the same day you do a water change as you will kill a lot of beneficial bacteria and potentially endanger the lives of your fish as it can lead to an ammonia spike.

How can you tell if your filter needs to be cleaned? The answer is to check if the water flow has slowed down.

  1. Clean the sides of your tank to prevent algae build up

Algae buildup on your tank can be expected as algae will not grow in an unhealthy aquarium. Algae can give the water a greenish-cloudy look and it pares down the oxygen level in the aquarium which can pose a threat to your fishes.


You can control algae by having algae eating fishes and you can scrape off hard algae using a glass cleaner.

Do not use algaecides until and unless there’s been a serious algae breakout.

  1. Acclimate your fish with the water

It is very important that your fish are happy in their new environment. To do this,  float the sealed bag of fish in your aquarium for about an hour. After about 10 minutes of floating, you should start adding some of your aquarium water to the bag. Add a quarter of cup every five minutes in the bag till the bag is full. Ideally a quarantine should be done before entering any fish in to your community tank. This helps your fish to acclimate not only to the temperature of the water but also the chemistry. This helps prevent any shocks that the fish may face in its new aquatic home.

Never introduce any fish in the tank without acclimatization.

Apart from these things, you should also keep an eye out for –

  • the proper functioning of the equipments
  • check for any leakages
  • monitor the behavior and appearance of your fishes
  • discard any aquarium supplies that are nearing their expiration dates, and
  • feed your fishes in modicum.
  1. Prepare a maintenance schedule

Constructing a maintenance schedule can come in handy. Jot down the activities that need to be done

  • daily such as checking the temperature, making sure the filter is running properly and observing your fish for any change in behavior or appearance;
  • weekly such as doing water changes, vacuuming the gravel, cleaning the glass and
  • monthlysuch as testing water parameters, cleaning the filter and cleaning the cover of the tank.


Fish aquariums are in fact one of the best stress-relievers and these even enhance the decor of the home which is a haven. It is really soothing to the ears to hear the trickling sound of water and this gives a natural deep calming effect to the ears. Even staring at the fish aquariums help in improving the focusing power of the mind on the tasks. The melodious pitter-patter sound which is like a stream or quaint brook gives a the person the feeling of being in a deep lush green forest.

In fact fish are the constant companions of the aquariums owners. A watch at the fish that swim lackadaisically gives the most instant relaxation to a person. One can enjoy the fish’s shimmering body as it moves and glides gracefully through the water. And with a deep watch at these pets in deed makes the person to forget his / her own cares in life. Fish live in an own habitat of theirs which is very much different. A close watch at the aquarium gives a feeling of a discover of some secret and hidden world. And such an exploring and viewing the coloring fish that move in their own habitat gives immense satisfaction to the views.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


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