Effective Vaccination Protocols for Dairy Cattle Herds


Effective Vaccination Protocols for Dairy Cattle Herds

Priyanka Kumari1, Priyanka M. Kittur2* and Yallappa M. Somagond3

1M.V.Sc, 2Research Scholar,  Animal Physiology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001

3Scientist, Animal Physiology Division, ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland-797106

2* Corresponding author Email – mkpriyanka1246@gmail.com


Dairy cattle production is a critical component of the global agricultural industry, providing essential dairy products for human consumption. Ensuring the health and well-being of dairy cattle is paramount to maintaining the sustainability and profitability of dairy operations. Vaccination protocols play a pivotal role in safeguarding the health of dairy cattle herds, mitigating the impact of infectious diseases, and optimizing milk production. This abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the importance of vaccination in preventing and controlling common diseases in dairy cattle. The discussion delves into the selection of appropriate vaccines, vaccination timing, and administration techniques tailored to the specific needs of dairy cattle. Furthermore, this abstract emphasizes the significance of regular monitoring, record-keeping, and consultation with veterinarians to assess and adapt vaccination protocols as needed.


Infectious diseases threaten dairy cattle health and welfare and can decrease productivity and profitability. Vaccination programmes for cattle herds are intended to protect the animals from infectious organisms such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoans that cause disease. Vaccines stimulate the immune system of dairy cows, calves, and heifers causing them to produce a protective response against an organism. If the immune system is ever infected with that organism, it will “remember” how to respond to it.

Vaccines cannot prevent an animal from being exposed to infectious organisms, but they can improve an animal’s ability to fight off infection or lessen the severity of disease if it does occur.  They should be regarded as a form of protection against a potential disease threat.

Purpose of vaccination:

Vaccination is done to protect the herd from dangerous diseases for health, economic, and welfare reasons. To provide protection, the immune system must develop memory. The goal of each vaccination and booster is to provide the necessary protection by priming the immune system to recognise the disease. Hopefully, you will never need its defences, but they are there to help prevent potential health disasters if they are required.

Vaccines are designed primarily to prevent disease caused by infection. The decision to use a vaccine is typically based on a risk-cost analysis, which states that if the risk of infection in a herd is high and the expected economic loss associated with the disease is also high, then vaccination is recommended

Developing Immune Protection:

Vaccination and immunization are not the same thing. The act of administering the vaccine is referred to as vaccination. Immunization is the animal’s reaction to vaccination, and it is an immunization that provides disease protection. We must acknowledge that protective immunity necessitates not only the presence of circulating antibodies (humoral immunity) but also cell-mediated immunity (the actions of sensitized T lymphocytes) and mucosal immunity (the presence of antibodies on mucosal surfaces). A vaccination programme must therefore produce good humoral, cell-mediated, and mucosal immunity in order to provide optimal disease protection.


When given to young calves, vaccines are frequently ineffective in eliciting new antibody production. Young animals have a functional immune system that can respond to vaccines or antigens, but it is immature when compared to older animals and may not respond as effectively. Antibodies obtained from the dam via colostrum, which protect the calf from many infectious diseases, may also block and destroy the antigens in the vaccine. This condition is known as maternal antibody. This phenomenon is known as maternal antibody interference, and it is one of the reasons why very young calves are not vaccinated against certain infectious diseases. Vaccines, on the other hand, can elicit an effective immune response even in newborn animals. Consult your veterinarian before administering vaccines to animals younger than 4 to 6 months old.

Timing of Vaccination:

The interval between vaccination and infection challenge is an important factor in vaccine success. Ideally, animals should have enough time to develop peak antibodies before an anticipated challenge, such as shipping and group mixing. If a killed vaccine is used, the first dose should be given 6-8 weeks before shipping and the second dose should be given 2-4 weeks before shipping and mixing.

Types of Vaccines:

There are three main types of vaccines:

  1. Modified live vaccine (MLV),
  2. Killed vaccines and
  3. Chemically altered vaccine.

The “core” vaccinations are determined by the impact of the diseases, the likelihood of exposure, and the risk of unprotected exposure.

  1. Modified Live Vaccines:

Modified-live or attenuated (weakened) vaccines contain live antigens that can replicate in the animal and more closely mimic a true infection response. As a result, ML vaccines provide better immune response and protection. ML vaccines have the potential to cause a mild infection and may not be suitable for use in all animal classes, including pregnant or nursing cows.

Advantages Disadvantages
One initial dose may be sufficient, boosters are occasionally required. Risk of causing abortion or temporary infertility. MLV should be given 6 to 8 weeks before breeding season.
Modified live vaccines stimulate faster, stronger, and longer-lasting immunity than killed vaccines. It should be mixed on-farm and used within 30 minutes after mixing.
Less likely to cause allergic reactions and post-vaccination lumps than killed vaccines.  
Less expensive than killed vaccines.  
  1. Killed Vaccines or Toxoids:

Killed vaccines (KVs) and toxoids contain organisms or subunits of organisms that do not replicate or reproduce themselves in the animal following administration. Because they do not contain a live antigen capable of reproducing or causing disease in the animal, killed vaccines are generally considered to be safer than modified-live vaccines. However, because an adjuvant is added to a killed vaccine to stimulate the immune response, and because more antigen is used to make the vaccine, there are more adverse reactions. Killed vaccines are safe to use in any animal, including pregnant cows.

Advantages Disadvantages
There is no chance of the vaccine organism spreading between animals. Booster vaccination is necessary.
No on farm mixing required. More expensive than modified live vaccines.
Minimal risk of causing abortion. More likely to cause allergic reactions and post-vaccination lumps.
Many diseases are treated with it. Slower onset of immunity.


  1. Chemically Altered Vaccines:

Chemically altered vaccines (CAVs) are made up of modified live organisms that have been altered in such a way that the virus will replicate in the body, but replication stops once the virus reaches body temperature (temperature-sensitive virus) so it cannot cause disease. Produces similar immune response as modified live vaccines but the duration of immunity is not considered to be as long.

Advantages Disadvantages
Shares many advantages with modified live vaccines. Two initial dose is necessary.
Minimal risk of causing abortion. More expensive than modified live vaccines.
Safety is similar to killed vaccines. It should be mixed on-farm and used within 30 minutes after mixing
  Slower onset of immunity than modified live vaccine.

 Booster Vaccination:

When young animals are first vaccinated, a second, or booster, vaccination is frequently required a few weeks later. To provide optimal protection from killed vaccines, a booster vaccination is unquestionably required. When and if a booster vaccination is required, the label instructions will state. Failure to administer the booster at the appropriate time may result in an adult animal that is only partially protected, even if it is vaccinated every year thereafter.

The time interval between primary and booster vaccinations is important. Some producers may find it difficult to administer booster vaccinations within the time frame specified on the label, which is typically 3 to 6 weeks after primary vaccination which leads to failure of the vaccination program.

Vaccine Handling:

Inadequate nutritional status, poor animal health status at vaccination, and improper vaccine handling can all lead to vaccine failure. A failed vaccine costs more than the amount of product in the syringe; it can result in loss of gain or even death for an entire herd of calves. If the product is harmed due to improper handling, even the best vaccine programme will fail. For example, if the label directs that a vaccine be stored at temperatures ranging from 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit, the vaccine should be refrigerated. Vaccines should not be frozen or kept in direct sunlight.

Role of nutrition in Vaccination:

Meeting an animal’s nutritional needs is critical for its immune system’s proper development, maintenance, and function. Among other health benefits, good nutrition can improve the effectiveness of vaccines and provide cattle with longer-lasting protection. A cattle nutrition programme must include energy, protein, trace minerals, and vitamins to achieve a nutritional status that supports immune responses. Minerals like copper, selenium, and zinc are only needed in trace amounts in the diet; however, if the forage lacks some of these minerals and if they aren’t included in a diet or a free-choice mineral mix, the immune system may suffer.

Route of Injection:

The only acceptable injection site is in the neck, both for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections out of which the subcutaneous route is preferred. Some products can cause significant muscle damage when injected intramuscularly, so avoid injecting anything in the animal’s top buttock or rump. Although antibiotics are also often administered via injection, treating an animal with one of these drugs is not a vaccination but rather a treatment once an infection has occurred.

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Figure 1. Use neck for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Do not inject in rump or leg.

Vaccination Programs for Dairy Herds:

Sl. No         Disease Age at first dose Booster dose Subsequent dose
1. Foot and Mouth
Disease (FMD)
4 months and above After 1 month of the first dose Six monthly
2. Black Quarter (BQ) 6 months and above Annually in endemic areas.
3. Haemorrhagic
Septicaemia (HS)
6 months and above Annually in endemic areas.
4. Theileriosis 3 months and above Once in a lifetime. Only required for crossbred and exotic cattle.
5. Brucellosis 4-8 months
(Only female calves)
Once in a lifetime
6. Anthrax 4 months and above Annually in endemic areas.
7. IBR 3 months and above 1 month after first dose Six monthly (vaccine presently not produced in India)
8. Rabies (Post bite therapy only) Immediately after suspected bite. 4th day 7,14,28 and 90 (optional) days after first dose.


Important factors to consider when vaccinating cattle:

  • Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Vaccines should be stored and handled correctly to ensure their effectiveness.
  • Full immunity can take up to four weeks after the first doses of the vaccine.
  • Observe all safety precautions for workers handling vaccines and related equipment.
  • Safely dispose of used equipment to avoid environmental contamination.


In conclusion, effective vaccination protocols are indispensable for dairy cattle herds, offering a proactive and cost-effective means of disease prevention and overall herd well-being. This abstract serves as a foundation for dairy farmers, veterinarians, and industry stakeholders to understand the core principles of designing and implementing vaccination strategies that contribute to sustainable and profitable dairy production.


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